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    I walked inside the enormous house in California with my head hung as Matteo held the small box of Milo's ashes

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I walked inside the enormous house in California with my head hung as Matteo held the small box of Milo's ashes.

He fought so hard... he made it through surgery, he made it through the night, cuddled to my side and he licked my face as I cried whilst he died in my arms the following morning. Stefan ran down the stairs and he looked at me with a grim expression. His eyes landed on the box sitting in Matteo's hands and then he looked back at me as realization flooded his eyes.

I ran to him and he wrapped his arms around me as I cried into his chest. He knew that Milo was more than a puppy to me. He was like my own kid. And he was the last living thing that was Savannah to me. She wanted a puppy just like him and so I bought him to stay connected to her, but now he's gone and he took my heart with him.

"H-He's gone," I sobbed violently into Stefan's chest and he rubbed my back, soothing me as he walked me up the stairs and into my bedroom. I sat on my bed and wiped my tears, looking up at him, "I'm gonna go to sleep... if that's okay..." Stefan nodded and stood up, kissing my forehead, "I'll be here if you need me, okay? Love you, Sammie..." I nodded and he shut the door behind him whilst I took my pants off and climbed into the bed to sleep.

I grabbed my blanket and then realized quickly I didn't have Savannah's blanket with me. I sighed and grabbed my pillow, crying into it because these past couple of days have been so awful I just want the floor to open up and swallow me whole.

My bathroom door opened and Matteo walked in with a guitar and Savannah's blanket. I wiped my tears and looked away so that he couldn't see my pathetic state.

"You don't have to hide the fact you're crying, Sam. You're validated," he said gruffly and I nodded as I sat up a little bit.

He kicked his shoes off and climbed into the bed beside me, draping the cover over me and sitting the guitar beside him as he wrapped an arm around me and I lied my head on his chest.

"I feel so fucking guilty," he said quietly and I looked up at him with scrunched eyebrows as he looked at the wall, avoiding eye contact with me, "Why?"

He shook his head before pinching the bridge of his nose, "If only I had gotten there sooner. If only I had taken you with me so you and Milo wouldn't have been there, none of this would be happening-"

"It's not your fault, Matteo..." I said in a hushed tone as I watched his jaw tick but I continued, "But eventually you're going to have to give me answers. Who were they and why were they looking for you? And why did they call you KP?"

His jaw ticked harder as he looked down at me, rubbing my shoulder softly, "Soon... What do you want me to sing?"

"Your favorite song," I whispered and he nodded as he grabbed the guitar and began strumming softly. I looked up at him, watching him concentrate before he looked at me and winked. I felt heat rush to my face before I asked him my question.

"Will you stay with me? Tonight? You don't have to, but I-I... I don't know," I trailed off embarrassingly and he continued strumming his fingers as he nodded, "Of course. Now sing with me."


I woke up just before my nightmare of Milo and Savannah got too bad. I took in my surroundings; I'm home in California. Trying to move as no use since Matteo was holding my close to him, the soft purrs of him sleeping soundly were enough for me to smile slightly.

I feel gross, I need to shower. I checked the time and it read two in the morning, good, no one is awake.

I untangled myself from Matteo carefully so that I wouldn't wake him, and then I sped walked into the bathroom with no pants. I turned the shower on and took a look at myself in the mirror. Wow, Matteo saw me like this? I pity his eyes...

My eyes were red and puffy from crying so much, my nose was was red from wiping it so many times, my cheeks were tear-stained, my hair was a mess, and overall, you can see the dullness in my eyes. I sighed and stripped from my clothes before stepping into the hot shower and doing my business.

After I finished, I grabbed the towel, wrapping it around me, and popped my head in the room. Matteo wasn't there anymore so I figured he must have gone in his bedroom to sleep. I won't lie, I'm a little upset but I can't blame him. I walked into my closet and turned the light on, only to see a silhouette of a figure in the corner.

I screamed and fell on my butt, only to find out it was Matteo. I grabbed my chest, trying to breathe properly as he cocked an eyebrow, "Well, that was a bit dramatic." I glared at him, slapping at his hand that he held out for me to help myself up. I climbed to my feet, making sure my towel was secure around me as I glared at him, "I just lost my dog because two intruders killed him, excuse me if I don't like creepy strangers hiding from me."

His face softened at the realization and he walked closer to me, so close I could feel his breath hitting me. He woke up and brushed his teeth after he saw I was gone.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it," he said sincerely. Matteo Salvatore is apologizing to me... is the world ending?

I nodded as he trailed his fingers down my bare arms and it left goosebumps in their wake. He trailed his fingers down to my hands before grabbing them gently and lifting them to his lips where his eyes never left mine. He kissed each knuckly gently and intimately, causing my mouth to slightly part and my heart to palpitate.

"Matteo..." I whispered and he walked closer to me, bending his head down so that I didn't have to look up to see him, "I'd really like to kiss you now, Sam..."

My breath caught in my throat as I looked into his green eyes and he leaned in, our lips barely touching. He's waiting for my consent. But I can't give it to him... I can't be in a relationship and I'm already catching feelings for him. I can't do this to myself.

"Matteo, I-I can't..." I whispered as a tear fell and I grabbed my clothes to change in the bathroom. After I quickly changed, I ran downstairs and outside so that I could breathe properly. I did the right thing, right? When people get too close to me they get hurt, so I don't allow romantic partners in my life. I won't allow Matteo to get hurt because I'm too selfish and want him for myself.

But if I did the right thing... then why does it feel so wrong?

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