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  "Hey, I heard yelling, are you okay?" Willow asked as she walked in the room and I nodded with a false smile as I swallowed back my tears, "Yes

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"Hey, I heard yelling, are you okay?" Willow asked as she walked in the room and I nodded with a false smile as I swallowed back my tears, "Yes. I'm okay."

She studied my face for a bit and clicked her tongue once she saw then suitcases beside me, "You're leaving and he got angry?" I bit the inner part of my cheek to keep from crying as I nodded and hugged my waist as a sense of security. She frowned slightly and walked over to me, hugging me tightly, "You know I'm here for you, right?"

I nodded into the crook of her neck as I hugged her back tightly, "I know, thank you..."

She stepped away from the hug and smiled slightly, "I imagine Stefan is going with you?" I shook my head softly, "The only people that know I'm leaving is you and Matteo... I didn't even plan on telling anyone. I thought it would save an argument."

"So you're going by yourself?" She asked confusedly and I nodded as I grabbed my black leggings and oversized burnt orange long-sleeved t-shirt. She shook her head, "I don't know if that's a great idea. People know your face as someone close to Matteo and a lot of people hate him. I don't think traveling alone is your best bet. What if I came with you? At least for a while?"

I thought about it for a moment. What would it hurt? I'd have someone familiar by my side to travel with. We would protect each other, she can help me find myself. We'd become closer friends, too. Why not?

"I think that'd be great... but my flight leaves in an hour," I said and she nodded, "I'll go tell Stef and get packed."

I smiled slightly as she left and I changed clothes, gathering my suitcases and heading out of the room. I walked out into the hallway and heard glass shattering coming from Matteo's room? I let go of the handles of my luggage and walked towards his room. The door was slightly cracked so I peered in just as he leaned against the wall and slid down it. His face was in his hands as he silently cried and blood trickled down his arm from the palm of his hand. I felt a pang in my chest and guilt bubble in my belly from seeing him like that. I noticed the liquid and glass across the room was from a liquor bottle so I can only imagine what happened.

I inhaled sharply and walked in his room, closing the door behind me. I walked over to him quietly and crouched down just as he looked up at me. His hand was busted up from the glass and I frowned as he looked at me like a lost puppy, "Y-you're still here?"

His breath smelt of whiskey and tears pooled in his eyes as I nodded, "Let's get you cleaned up, Matteo." He nodded as I grabbed his elbow and shoulder, standing him up and walking him to the bathroom carefully. His white button-up shirt was stained with blood so I unbuttoned him and threw it in the hamper, leaving him only in his black dress pants. I sat him on the toilet lid as I wet a washcloth with warm water, washing the blood from his arms and hand.

"Why are y-you doing this?" He slurred and I pursed my lips, "Because you're hurt and I love you." He groaned slightly in pain once I grabbed a small shard of glass from his skin. I apologized quietly before pouring a bit of hydrogen peroxide in his palm.

The substance bubbled as it cleaned his wound and then I rubbed ointment slightly over top before wrapping it perfectly. He watched my face as I worked on him and then I cleaned the bits of blood off of his face where he touched it.

"I-If you love me then... why are you le-leaving me?" He asked and I chose not to answer him. As I brushed his tousled hair from his face, "Why don't you go to sleep, yeah?" A lone tear slipped from the corner of his right eye as he grabbed my hips and pulled me to him, hugging my abdomen to his head, "I'm sorry... for being cruel earlier."

I smiled slightly down at him, "The truth hurts. Come on." I pulled up on him as his weight on my frail body was rather much. I struggled to help him to his room.

His tall frame flopped on his bed and groaned upon impact. I cleaned the glass pieces and whiskey across his room, washing my hands immediately afterward. I walked to his relaxed body and pulled his shoes off, socks too. I covered him up and moved his hair out of his way as I kissed his forehead, "Please understand..."

Then I walked out of his room where Stefan was waiting for me with a look of anger on his face. I shut Matteo's door and looked up at my brother where he looked like he was itching to scream at me, "Are you kidding me?"

"What?" I asked and he scoffed, "You're leaving? And I had to hear it from my girlfriend? Do you understand how shitty that is, Sammie?"

I nodded, "I'm sorry, Stef-"

"Don't go. Please. Or at least let everyone come with you. Reinvent yourself with all of us with you. We don't ever have to come back here. Please? Benny and Gino are downstairs devastated that you weren't going to tell anyone. Willow cried as she packed her bags because she was afraid to tell me. I heard everything Matteo told you from downstairs and you know what? I agree with him. Love isn't safe. So will you let us come with you if you aren't going to stay?" He asked and by now we're both crying.

"Please, Sammie."

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