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   "How are you feeling, sweetheart?" Matteo asked lowly as I wrapped my arms around his chest from behind him

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"How are you feeling, sweetheart?" Matteo asked lowly as I wrapped my arms around his chest from behind him.

It's one o'clock in the morning and I woke up in Matteo's bed only to find him not there beside me. I walked downstairs and found him sitting in his office at his desk working on paperwork. He looks so handsome with his hair all tousled, wearing sweatpants and no shirt as he bites the end of his own in frustration.

"Better if you'd come back to bed," I pouted as I rested my chin on his shoulder and he chuckled as he slowly spun his chair around and grabbed my hips, pulling me onto his lap sideways.

He leaned in and kissed my lips gently, "I'm sorry if I woke you. I have to get this work done immediately."

I turned around on his lap so that I was facing him, my knees on either side of him. I wrapped my arms around his torso and laid my head on his shoulder so that I literally looked like a sloth clinging to him like he was a tree branch. He spun the chair back towards his desk so he could continue working with me exactly how I was.

He rubbed my back in small circles as he began writing on his paperwork, "Your hair smells like my shampoo."

I snorted quietly at his randomness as I nodded in agreement.

"I was too lazy to restock my shampoo and conditioner so I just used yours," I whispered since I was right upon him. He nodded, "Smells better on you anyway." I giggled quietly as my grip around his torso tightened slightly, "You're cheesy."

He chuckled deeply as he began typing on his laptop. After a few minutes of simultaneously typing and writing, I heard him shuffle a few papers and it sounded like he was finishing final touches.

I looked back and eyed his signature, my mouth falling in shock, "No way that's your signature."

I looked back at him just as his eyebrows met in confusion, "What are talking about? Of course, it is." I looked back and forth between him and the fancy doctor style signature before I stood up from the chair and grabbed a blank piece of paper, putting it in front of him, "Prove it."

He was still majorly confused but did what was requested of him nonetheless. He wrote out his signature and I gasped, "That's so not fair. Your signature is so much prettier than mine!" I began writing my signature underneath his

"What? I'm sure that's not true- Yes, it's definitely true."

I scoffed playfully as I slapped his shoulder and he chuckled as he stood up with me and placed me against the wall roughly; his large, tattooed hands pinning my wrists to the wall. I swallowed what excess saliva was in my mouth due to being nervous.

Not a bad nervous, but a good nervous because his dominating aura is suffocating and it's turning me on so much right now. I looked up at him as he studied my face before leaning down and kissing me slowly. His hands removed from my wrists as his hands cupped my small face.

I placed my palms on his warm chest, kissing him back with as much passion as he was kissing me. I moaned quietly as he softly bit my bottom lip and tugged slightly. His lips pulled away from mine and he slowly made his way down to my jawline. I bit my lip in pleasure as he nibbled softly on my sweet spot. When my hands found his hair and tugged, he let out a breathy moan which made my legs feel like jello.

"How are you so perfect, even this early in the morning?" He whispered as he kissed the spot of my neck that he harassed with his lips and tongue. I smiled softly as he pulled away and looked down at me, "Thank you for taking care of me while I'm sick. I know it's gross."

"You're not gross, but that's my job," he said with a playful wink as he pulled away and began typing away on his computer before soft, slow music began playing from its speakers. I recognized the song as something I overheard him playing on his guitar a couple of days ago. It's truly a beautiful song.

He turned around and looked at me with his infamous crooked grin, "Will you dance with me, Ms. Castillo?"

"Matteo, it's one-thirty in the morning," I giggled and he shrugged his shoulders as he grabbed my hands and placed them around his neck, his hands resting on my hips as we swayed back and forth.

"You're an awful dancer," he whispered and I threw my head back, laughing, "And you're an awful person for saying that!"

He chuckled as he twirled me around, "It's okay because I love you."

I grinned but before I could respond, I heard a quiet popping sound over the music and then an excruciating pain spread across my abdomen. My eyebrows met in pain as the fiery pain exploded from within and he looked down at me confused as I opened my mouth to speak, "M-Matteo..."

I felt a warmth underneath all of the pain and I looked down to see Matteo's black shirt soaking as dark red blood trickled from my abdomen to my legs. It all happened in slow motion as I looked back up at him and his eyes were fixated on my stomach with wide eyes, fear swimming in his green irises.

White static noise filled my ears as he began screaming and then fell to the floor with me, cradling me in his arms. But I can't feel anything. I can't hear anything.

And now black dots are dancing in my vision as the last moments of me being lucid are compromised by Matteo soaked with my blood as he grabbed a gun from his desk and pointed at the door, pulling the trigger multiple times...

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