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 "There is no cab in their right mind that will pick up people carrying guns and showered in blood

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"There is no cab in their right mind that will pick up people carrying guns and showered in blood. We're gonna have to run without getting shot," I said with a gulp once I heard the sirens gathering closer and closer with each passing second.

Benny and Stefan nodded in agreement as Willow placed her gun strap around her head, "Let's run. The cops are about to show up now so let's go!" I nodded and we all hunkered down and started zigzagging between cars as we ran. Bullets started shooting past our heads and I watched as my brother fell from a bullet wound in his back. I screamed as tears fell down my face and I fell to my knees beside his body, pulling his body onto me.

"Stefan," I cried and Willow fell beside me, completely shocked as he kept bleeding. I coughed out my sobs behind her choked ones and he looked up at me, "Keep moving... Sammie..."

"We're all moving, let's go," Benny said as he hoisted Stefan's body over his shoulder and we kept running, regardless of the bullets continuing to fire our way.

After a while of running, we finally saw the jet and I looked behind me, noticing cars trailing us. My eyes widened and I turned back around, "Run faster!" We all ran faster and soon I was helping everyone into the jet as it was lifting. Benny almost dropped my brother and I gasped, but before he hit the ground, Willow caught the other end of his body.

"Stop lifting the jet!" Willow screamed as I tried to jump on and barely made it. But then I felt an excruciating pain in my shoulder as a gunshot sound filled my ears and I lost my balance, falling off of the steps as it lifted all the way in. I heard everyone's screams from the jet as I fell to the ground and I yelled in pain, my shoulder feels like fire is spreading through it.

"Hmm, almost got away," a man's voice grumbled from behind me and I groaned, screwing my eyes shut as his hands grabbed my body and hoisted me over his shoulder roughly. I gasped in pain, not even having the energy to fight for my life at the moment.

I groaned in pain once I was shoved into a car and then I felt a sharp prick in the side of my neck. I hissed in pain with that collaborating with the pain of my shoulder, involuntary tears falling freely from my eyes. I glared at the man who's face was blurry.

What's happening to my vision?

Soon black dots started fading in and out of my vision as my stomach began churning nervously. I tried to open the door of the car but my arm wouldn't lift even an inch.

What's happening to me?

I tried to open my mouth and yell, but my mouth wouldn't open. It feels like my mouth is sewn shut and my body is hitting the off switch, oh God. What's happening to me?! I felt myself crying and I screamed, but I couldn't hear myself scream. Am I dying? What's happening to me?!

Then everything went dark.


"Open your fucking eyes, Castillo," A feminine voice spat as a stinging sensation came across my cheek in a swift force. I groaned and opened my eyes, adjusting to the harsh light in the room.

"Wh-Where am I...?" I croaked out as I squinted through my eyelids. Why is that light so freaking bright? Why is my throat so dry? Where am I? Is Matteo okay? Is Stefan okay? I heard that same feminine voice chuckle as they grabbed my chin and forced me to look their direction. With them shielding the light, I could open my eyes properly.

What the hell?

"A-Anna?" I asked as if I were seeing things. But of all things I had to imagine, why would I imagine my fiance's ex-girlfriend and not a unicorn or something?

"You're in my headquarters. What? Did Matteo fail to mention I work with the German's?" She giggled and my eyebrows met in confusion as I tried to move but I was restrained and I heard a chain rattle.

What the hell?

I looked behind me and realized my hands were chained above my head and I was sitting on an old mattress and in a disgusting cement room. There was only one door and one window and the place smelled disgusting. I tried yanking on the chains but gritted my teeth in pain because of my shoulder.

"Shame, but then again he always did like the element of surprise," she winked as she got in a comfortable crouching position in front of me.

"What the hell do you want from me?" I barked hoarsely and she laughed menacingly, "You should've known from the first time we met what I wanted. But you're obviously fucking dense."

"What the hell are you talking about, Anna? It was a beach party, I came for a good time not for-"

"I mean the real first time we met, dumbass," she rolled her eyes and I furrowed my eyebrows even further. Is she stupid? I scoffed, "Well now you've lost me."

She clicked her tongue and stood up, "Figures. Maybe if I would've introduced myself as Meredith it would click better?"

"Meredith?" I repeated, still completely lost and she threw her head back, groaning dramatically per usual. I cocked an eyebrow, waiting for her to explain herself since I obviously have no idea what she's talking about.

"Anna Meredith Genzlinger. I was in your little friend group back in the day. You, Stefan, Savannah, me, and Matteo. Matteo was my boyfriend and you stole him just like you stole him again from me," she spat and I laughed. I mean, I really laughed this time.

She stopped pacing and looked at me as if I just said I was going to kill her puppy, "Is something fucking funny?"

"You called me a," I laughed so hard I could barely finish my sentence, "You called me a boyfriend s-stealer! That's gold!"

She growled and grabbed my hair in her fist, yanking my head to meet her eyes. I laughed through the pain as she glared at me, "Do you think this is a fucking joke? That I should be Matteo's girlfriend and not you? That me and him should be running our empires instead of you just looking pretty by his side?"

I nodded with a grin, "Yeah, I'd say that's pretty funny."

"How so?" She smirked and I smirked right back.

"Because you want to be a girlfriend while I'm about to be a wife."

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