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   It's been a month since we've been in Paris

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It's been a month since we've been in Paris. A lot has happened on one hand and in the other... not so much.

I visited the Eiffel Tower by myself and then Willow and Gino joined me to scold me for leaving without my buddy: Matteo. So I've learned my lesson there.

Ever since Gino walked in on us, Matteo and I haven't really even spoken. I'm not sure what that's about but it seems as if every time I go to talk to him he has an important business call waiting. Insert eye roll here.

Stefan and I went to this club thing here and it was really awkward. People were basically having sex in front of us so we left within fifteen minutes of doing shots. I found a beautiful field in Paris and spread Milo's ashes there. The reason I chose to do it here is because I've always wanted to visit Paris so Savannah and I made a vow to visit here with each other. And upon buying Milo because of Savannah, it just felt right. I'll forever love him and I'll forever hold him in my heart, but I needed peace.

Willow, Gino, Benny, and I have become closer friends. I've also learned that I have the same love for hot chocolate and chocolate milk as Gino does so he thinks we were destined to become best friends for that very reason. I also have been picking up on Stefan throwing subtle flirtatious hints at Willow but either she's not realizing it or she's not into him. Either way, I'm bound to find out right now.

She's currently looking through a French fashion catalog and critiquing everything to her standards with a sharpie. We just smoked a joint out on the balcony off of my room and now we're on the bed. It's night time and the boys are out at a bar so we decided to stay in.

"Willow," I said as I finished braiding my hair and she nodded her head at me, her eyes still focused on the catalog, "Yes?"

"I wanna get drunk," I said bluntly and her eyes widened as she sat the catalog down, "Me too! I need liquid courage for tea I need to spill, girl." I laughed as she bounced off the bed and into the kitchen.

We were lounging around in underwear and over-sized shirts with the television playing in the background as she came back in with two glasses and a bottle of vodka, "Tonight we get hammered!"

I laughed as she poured each of us a glass that would surely get me drunk easily and handed one to me, "Want to be a cliche and play truth or dare or never have I ever?"

I nodded, "Never have I ever because once I get comfortable on this bed I'm not getting up to do a dare." She laughed as we both sat cross-cross on the bed. I took a drink and cringed as it burned all the way down my belly, "This is so bad!"

"Yeah... it is. But it'll do the trick. Okay, fingers up!" She said and we both lifted five fingers as she continued, "Never have I ever... smoke a cigarette."

I kept my fingers up because I've never done that and I figured now was the best time as any, "Never have I ever had feelings for my best friend's brother." She looked at me shocked as I playfully grinned at her and she slowly put her finger down as I laughed excitedly, "I knew it! I mean, I wasn't sure, but I knew something!"

"You mean to tell me I've been ignoring him for no reason? The only reason I didn't pursue anything is because I didn't want to make you uncomfortable!" She exasperated and I laughed as I took a big gulp, cringing again, "Dude, everyone here is grown. If you like my brother then go for it. Honestly, good for you."

She smiled nervously, "And this is why I love you. Okay. Never have I ever... been in a weird sexual tense moment with a billionaire who's also my roommate." I pursed my lips as I placed a finger down, "Touché, Willow, touché."

"Care to explain how this happened?" She asked with a playful smile and I shrugged as I finished off my glass, I'm so going to regret that later...

"I don't know... maybe after the tornado? But there was always this weird feeling between us... even when we met. I don't know, it's odd," I sighed and she nodded as she got up and refilled our glasses since she finished hers off too, "What happened after the tornado?"

I blushed as I thought about it and her lips formed an O shape, "Ooo, give me the juicy details!"

I chuckled as I took a drink once she handed it back to me, "Uhm... I was cold and wet so I went to go take a shower and he kind of... joined me?"

"Oh my God!" She squealed and I shook my head, "But nothing happened! He just... watched me, I guess? And then I went into the room and that was it, until last month. Our first night here."

She groaned, throwing her head back dramatically, "Don't leave me hanging!"

"We almost, you know..." I trailed off and her eyes nearly popped out of her skull, "You almost had sex?!"

I shushed her in case the boys came home and she lowered her voice into a near whisper-yell, "You almost had sex with Matteo?!"

I nodded and she jumped off of the bed, doing a dance that made me laugh really hard. I chugged my glass and began to feel fuzzy as I got up and put my hands on her shoulders drunkenly, "Plus I'm a virgin... so like... maybe that's why he's refusing to speak with me now? It's kind of embarrassing and now I wish I could take everything back because I'm basically in love with this guy and he won't even look in my direction! It's so unfair and I feel like a loser while he's being all serious businessman person and- ugh! I think I love a man who hates me-"

Before I could finish my speech her facial expression turned surprised as she looked behind me and I nearly cringed as I knew exactly what's going on. Matteo heard every word I just said. I just know it. Then his deep voice spoke out into the bedroom and I cringed harder.

"You what?"

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