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Below, I will list a series of my completed stories for you to checkout as well as a message to all of my readers. I encourage you to read, if you will. 🖤

Dynamite Touch(18+) Book 1-

Viperous Touch(18+) Book 2-

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Viperous Touch(18+) Book 2-

Viperous Touch(18+) Book 2-

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Primed for Sin(18+)-

Forbidden Sheets(18+)-

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Forbidden Sheets(18+)-

I just wanted to give a huge shoutout to everyone who stuck to the very end and supported me on this writing journey

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I just wanted to give a huge shoutout to everyone who stuck to the very end and supported me on this writing journey. You all mean the world to me.🖤

This book went THROUGH it. I started writing this book at the end of 2019 whilst I was in the middle of a very abusive relationship. I was so depressed that I just lost interest in writing, though writing means everything to me. I kept this book up with 20 chapters, never planning on writing in it again, honestly.

I never thought this book would ever be finished. That part of my life was something serious; and it genuinely terrified me that it could take so much out of me, even my passion for creating books for my readers and for myself.

I finally drafted this book in the beginning of 2020. I planned on just keeping it there and maybe scrapping characters and scenes for different future books, if I decided to start writing again.

In March of 2020, I left that relationship. I was in it for two and a half years. I left, my mental health being completely broken. I started taking my medicine again for my depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder. I started going back to therapy and even met someone that truly cherishes me and loves me. He began supporting me through everything and even encouraged me to start writing again.

So I fucking did.

And damn did it feel goddamn good.

I finished this book in August of 2021, right as my one year anniversary with him passed. It was the best present I could've given him. He encouraged me so much and supported me through fucking everything. So I have him to thank. If it wasn't for him and my little siblings, I never would've written again.

You guys supporting my other books also made me want to write again. Seeing just how well you reacted to my stories made my heart swell. It made me proud. Proud of my work and proud that I continued living. Writing is a coping mechanism for me, as mentioned in the very first part of my books. Writing keeps me sane and allows me to keep going.

  I genuinely believe I wouldn't be here today if it weren't for my stories. After my second suicide attempt, I started writing heavily and it helped me so much.

So thank you, from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for loving my stories as much as I do. 🖤

Wanderlust Heart (18+)Where stories live. Discover now