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    The breath in my throat caught as my eyes zeroed in on the tornado forming quickly in the near distance

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The breath in my throat caught as my eyes zeroed in on the tornado forming quickly in the near distance. Debris flew through the air and I placed Milo down on the ground to throw my shirt on since it stopped hailing. It was soaked and it was completely see-through by now, but I need to focus on getting us out of here.

I picked him up as he whined loudly out of distress and I took off running through the woods, not able to see where I was going. It rained harder than ever as I heard the sirens and the sound of the terrifying tornado.

I sobbed as I ran, completely horrified in this moment until I heard him. Matteo's voice echoed through the woods, "Sam!"

I tried to catch my breath as I screamed back, "Matteo?! I don't know where I am!"

"Follow my voice!" He yelled, his leathery voice bouncing off vaguely and it sounded like he was coming from my right. I ran as fast as I could as he continued yelling my name until I finally caught sight of him who was soaking wet in between trees. I cried in relief as he threw his arms around me and he looked behind me, "Fuck, come on!"

I made the mistake of looking back to see what he saw. A massive tornado that didn't look like it was moving at all.

"It's not moving, Matteo," I said in a hushed tone and he shook his head as he grabbed Milo from my arms and held him, "If a tornado doesn't look like it's moving, then it's coming right towards you. We need to move, now!"

My breath hitched as he grabbed my hand in his free one and yanked me with him. We zig-zagged through trees until we finally made it back towards the cabin. I sniffed as he kicked his shoes off and I did the same. He rushed the three of us downstairs into the basement and closed the door, making us hunker down where it's safe. His phone began ringing loudly and he sat Milo down to answer it on speaker phone.

"Matteo! Are you guys okay?!" Gino asked desperately through the phone and I coughed as I wrapped my arms around my body for warmth, "Yes, I found her. We're in the basement now."

"Thank God," I heard Stefan and Willow cry out in the background and I heard Benny sigh in relief as we lost reception and the call hung up. Matteo stood up and walked over to a cabinet where a couple of blankets lied along with pillows. He grabbed three blankets and a pillow before coming back over to us.

He lied the pillow on the ground and instructed Milo to lay on it for warmth as he draped a small blanket over his wet body. Milo was shivering and scared just like I was and I wanted nothing more than to cuddle him but it would be no use considering I'm soaked and scared too.

Matteo looked at me and his eyes scanned my body, "I mean this in the most respectable way possible, you need to take your clothes off." I nodded and did as told, trying to shield myself from his eyes since I don't want to be exposed. He handed me a blanket to cover up with as he did the same. The only thing I'm wearing is my underwear and the same goes for him.

He opened his blanket up and I cuddled into his side with the blanket wrapped around us.

I tried to focus on my breathing but the loud sirens, the sound of the tornado getting closer, and my fear for storms in general is making it difficult.

"I've got you, it's okay. Focus on my hand, alright? Focus on all of the details," he instructed me as his tattooed hand sat on my knee whilst the other one was draped around me to pull me close.

I nodded and did as he told me while tears fell from my eyes, "I-I'm scared..."

"It's okay to be scared. I'm a little scared too. But nothing will happen to you as long as I'm here," he said calmly as his thumb brushed over my knee in a soothing matter. I felt myself miraculously calm at his words and I nodded.

The sound of the tornado grew louder and louder and I brought my hands to my ears, trying to drown out the noise. He hummed the song he sang me to sleep with last night and I listened to the melodic sound as he allowed me to lean my head on him.

The noise grew softer so I let my hands fall into my lap as I listened to Matteo's voice. The roaring of the tornado began to fade away and I stood up with Matteo as the sirens stopped abruptly. I looked up at him and he smiled softly at me, "It's over now."

I sighed in relief and clicked my tongue at Milo so that we could go upstairs. I made my way into the bathroom with a clean change of clothes and stripped from my underwear. I turned the shower on at the same time that the door opened suddenly and Matteo walked in. His eyes widened and my mouth dropped as I stood naked as the day I was born in front of him.

I quickly jumped in the shower and closed the curtain, laughing nervously, "I thought I locked it."

"The lock doesn't work," he stated and I groaned as I realized he was still in here. I'm fighting so hard not to give into temptations around him and here he is, walking in on me trying to shower.

"I'm... trying to shower now, I'm freezing," I said as I stepped under the hot water and my mouth fell open as he stepped into the shower with me with a bemused look on his face, "Me too."

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