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  "Oh, fuck!" I cried out in painful pleasure as the small paddle came across my ass for the third time in a swift, short motion

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"Oh, fuck!" I cried out in painful pleasure as the small paddle came across my ass for the third time in a swift, short motion.

The sound echoed along with the soft music playing from the speakers in the room. My cheek stung from the repeated abuse against it, but every time he nurtured it by massaging it softly after every blow. My fingers were gripping the blanket under me tightly, my face still shoved into the cover to muffle my loud moans.

His hand softly massaged the cheek per usual before he felt along the slit of my sex, gathering the dripping moisture on his index finger. I turned my head slightly to look at him before his eyes watched me, darkened from the lust and desire he felt currently, "Spanking turns you on."

He spoke aloud, telling himself more than he was informing me. I didn't know that I liked this kind of stuff before now. He's the only man I've ever been with and this is all new to me... but it's so good. So, so good.

"Let's see what else turns you on," he smirked to himself as he flipped me over onto my back and spread my legs as far as they would go. His eyes met my sex and he bent down, kissing its lips as he continued to make eye contact with me, "Pretty."

My fingers fondled with my breasts as he backed away and took the same small paddle, coming down with it on my inner thigh. I jumped slightly with a whimper at the slight stinging sensation, but nonetheless, butterflies of excitement filled my belly. The way he's watching how my body reacts to him, the way the corners of his lips slightly tug upwards whenever I sigh in pleasure, the way he handles me roughly but yet simultaneously with care. It's perfect. He's perfect.

He climbed in between my legs, hovering over me. His large hands grabbed my wrists and pinned them to the bed above my head as he looked at me, the chain hanging from his neck dangling down against my chin. I looked into his eyes as I pondered what his next move would be.

His eyes closed slowly as he placed his lips upon mine. My eyes fluttered close shortly after and his grip on my wrists loosened. My fingers immediately wrapped in his hair and tugged once his hand found my throat. His fingers gripped the side of my neck roughly, squeezing just enough that made me want him to take me right now.

We moaned in unison once both of our grips tightened and he took my bottom lip gently between his teeth. He pulled away from the kiss and I quietly whined in protest. He smirked and shook his head, kissing the valley between my breasts before I got an idea. He's always pleasuring me, why not pleasure him back? I've never done it before, but he can teach me... right?

I want him to feel as good as he makes me feel. He deserves it.

"Stop," I whispered as he kissed down my belly and he immediately stopped, looking up at me, "Are you okay?" I nodded as I propped myself up on my elbows, looking at him from between my legs, "Teach me how to make you feel good."

His lips slightly parted before he nodded and he climbed off of me, standing up and directing me to my knees in front of his erection in which glistened at the tip with moisture. I gulped nervously as I looked up at him and he grabbed my hands, showing me to place them against the base of his member. He showed me how to stroke him with his hands as his jaw ticked in pleasure.

"Open your mouth, sweetheart," he instructed softly and I did so as he showed me how to suck on him gently yet effectively. I moved my hair from my face and began doing what he taught me, sucking gently and slowly, teasing him as I watched his every move. His eyebrows were met in pleasure, his lips parted slightly, and his thighs and abdomen tensed in pleasure.

I moaned softly as I took him in as far as I could and he inhaled sharply, shivering. Did that turn him on? I did it again and he groaned, his head throwing back. I can't lie, this is filling my ego more than it probably should. Now I know how he feels when he goes down on me.

Then I remembered something. I popped my lips off of his long, thick length and he looked at me, waiting for me to speak.

"Can you do it now?" I asked confidently. I don't know where this new, profound sense of confidence came from, but I wasn't going to question it. It's nice for a change. His eyes watched me curiously as I stood up, looking up at him.

"Do what now?"

"The last time we were together... You told me you were going to make love to me but you promised that one day you would fuck me. Fuck me now, Matteo," I said boldly and the look of shock on his face didn't go unnoticed. He smirked and his eyes darkened.

Without a warning, he picked me up and kissed me as my legs wrapped around his torso. He grabbed a condom and rolled it on his length while kissing me desperately. His fingers dug into my skin painfully, but I love it. I moaned loudly as he walked us over to the dresser where he knocked everything off quickly with his arm. Glass broke as it hit the floor but neither of us acknowledged it as my ass hit the dresser and my back slammed against the wall.

His hand wrapped in my hair to the very base of my head, yanking my head back and kissing the sweet spots on my neck. He bit the spots and sucked roughly, pinching my nipple harshly with his free hand. My nails dug into his back as I moaned loudly, crying out his name.

Again, without warning, he shoved himself inside of me, filling me up completely. I gasped at the amazing feeling and he thrust out of me, only to shove himself back in roughly. The loud sounds of skin slapping against skin, music, our moans, heavy breathing, and the loud sound of the dresser smacking against the wall with every stroke filled the room. His grip with my hair at the base of my head tightened and I grinned as his pace became rougher and faster.

I felt my belly tighten and my toes began to curl as he hit that spot inside of me at a feverish, unrelenting pace. I barely had time to catch my breath before my orgasm started to explode within me.

"Matteo, I'm gonna come!" I cried out as my nails pierced his back and he hissed in pain whilst moaning, "Come, love. Don't hold back."

My back arched from the wall just as he picked me up and laid down on the bed with me on top. I began to bounce up and down, shaking violently from my orgasm and I watched as his eyes screwed shut, his breathing shaky, "I love how you take it so well..."

I felt my belly flip from his words, how does he have that effect on me? After a couple of minutes of me on top passed, he flipped us over so that I was on all fours and he was behind me on the bed. He pressed the back of my head down so that my cheek rested against the comforter and my back was arched in the air. He gripped my hips and shoved himself inside of me, thrusting fast once again. I moaned loudly, "Fuck!"

He's much deeper this time. Much deeper than ever before and he moaned loudly and spanked me, "That's it, love, come for me again." I heard a knock on the door but we both ignored it as we came to a euphoric finish. His grip on both hips tightened as we both moaned loudly, my last orgasm bursting through me and his doing the same. He never slowed down as the door opened. His head threw back in a climax as he spanked me once again, and the door slammed shut immediately.

"I don't know who... that was..." he breathed out heavily as he pulled away from me and flopped down beside me, "But they got one hell of a show."

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