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   "Sam, wake up," I heard Matteo's deep voice demand as he slightly shook my shoulders awake

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"Sam, wake up," I heard Matteo's deep voice demand as he slightly shook my shoulders awake.

My eyes snapped open and I felt a lot of wetness on my cheeks. I was crying. I must've dreamt of what happened to Savannah again. I looked up at a shirtless Matteo and his eyebrows were scrunched together in concern for me. I wiped my face and giggled embarrassingly as my face heated up, "I'm sorry, you can go back to sleep now, I'm okay-"

"Don't lie to me again, Sam," he said lowly with serious eyes and I sighed, sitting up as the coldness of the early morning bit at my skin. It warmer than when we got in but since it had only been thirty minutes since I went to bed, it was still dark and chilly inside. I shook my head, "I'm seriously okay, it only happens sometimes but it won't happen again tonight, promise." He sat up straight in the bed, his hands falling in his lap, "It happens sometimes or a lot?"

I pursed my lips, cursing myself internally that he can see right through my big girl facade, "A lot... I'm sorry-"

"Stop apologizing, Sam, it's okay. What usually stops it from happening?" He asked softly and I shrugged, "Most of the time it's inevitable, really. But sometimes Stefan will play a song on his guitar and it will help me..."

"What would he play?" He asked as he tucked a piece of hair behind my ear and I smiled softly, looking at my hands, "His favorite songs... anything that just felt right at the time, honestly." He nodded and got up, walking out for a second before he returned with a tanned acoustic guitar. My eyebrows shot up softly, "You play guitar?"

He nodded as I scooted over in the bed to allow him to sit next to me comfortably, "Yeah, I learned when I was seven." I nodded as he finally situated beside me and began strumming. I immediately recognized the song with the first few chords; Come a Little Closer by Cage the Elephant. He looked down at me and I saw the happiness shining in his eyes as he strummed a bit longer, "This is my favorite song." I smiled up at him before he began singing and it soon became my favorite version of the song.

"Time shakes, found you at the water... At first, you were my father, now I love you like a brother. Earthquakes shake the dust behind you... This world at times will blind you; Still, I know I'll see you there," he sang softly, the raspiness of his deep voice sending goosebumps across my skin as I rested my head on his shoulder.

His strumming was perfect and I closed my eyes to the sound of his voice singing the chorus, "Come a little closer, then you'll see... come on, come on, come on. Things aren't always what they seem to be... come on, come on, come on."

Then before he could finish the chorus, sleep welcomed me into its arms...

I felt a movement against me and my eyes fluttered open to see Matteo, sleeping and stirring quietly. Our legs were entwined, my arms were wrapped around his torso as my cheek rested against his toned chest. His arm was wrapped around me, pulling me close to him in a protective matter.

Why do I feel so good right now? I feel happy and better than I've felt in so long... how does he have this much of an effect on me when I hardly know him? He's the handsome, mysterious rich man that never smiles and I'm the girl with a bad past who travels with her brother all over the world to escape from my nightmare; dad.

Before I could pretend to be asleep, Matteo's eyes opened and he blinked a bit, adjusting to the harsh light pouring in from the windows. He looked down at me and smiled before noticing how we were laying and he sat up gently, careful not to hurt me, "Sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep... you fell asleep sometime through the song so I stayed for a bit so I wouldn't wake you and I guess I fell asleep."

I hummed in response, laying my head on the pillow as I stretched my legs. Then I realized something. I don't sleep with pants. I have no pants on and he's under the covers with me! My eyes widened and he cocked a brow as I tried to discreetly pull the blanket closer to me. I guess I wasn't as discreet as I thought I was...

"I know you have no pants on," he smirked and my heart started palpitating as my face heated up in embarrassment, "I'm so sorry, I didn't realize..."

"It's okay. We're adults, Sam," he said as he climbed out of bed and purposefully made sure to throw the blanket off of me in the process. I rushed to get it before he yanked the blanket smooth off of the bed and I pulled my legs to my chest, pulling my shirt down over the tops of my knees in the process, "Yeah, Matteo, adults! You're so childish-"

"Nice blue lace," he smirked as he pointed to my underwear and I covered my face as I groaned in embarrassment and he laughed as he left the room.

Is he laughing at my embarrassment or is he... laughing at how unattractive I am? I shook my head at my inner thoughts, it shouldn't matter! You don't have time for a relationship, Sam. Plus, he's off-limits- no he's not... not anymore...

I rolled my eyes at myself before I grabbed my phone off of the nightstand and opened it to see a couple of missed calls from Stefan from nine o'clock in the morning. I checked the time and it was now eleven o'clock in the morning. I called back immediately and he picked up on the third ring, "Sammie! How'd you sleep?"

My face heated up from remembering my waking up position with Matteo, "U-Uhm... I slept well..."

Then I heard Benny's voice in the background, "She totally slept in the same bed as Matteo." My eyes widened as I heard Willow in the background telling him to shut up and Stefan sighed at his best friend, "Sammie doesn't sleep with strangers and even if she did, it's none of anyone's business."

I sighed in relief before talking, "You called? I'm sorry I guess I had my ringer off last night."

"It's cool, I was just calling to remind you that today is your posting day on Instagram. I logged in and posted for you since you needed to catch up on sleep. Also, I was watching the weather earlier and you guys are supposed to get some bad storms later in the afternoon so be careful and make sure Milo is inside the house."

I looked out of the bedroom where Matteo was rubbing Milo's belly and playing tug-a-war with him. I smiled at the wholesome sight, "Thanks, Stef. How are things there?"

Then I heard Gino's voice in the background, "Dude, you missed it! Diamond tried to break in the gates last night to get to you over Matteo again but Willow called the police and now she's in jail! Shit was- I mean crap was crazy!" I laughed at his realization of his cussing and shook my head, "She seems a little..."

"Crazy?" Gino asked at the same time as Stef and Benny said, "Psychotic!"

I laughed at their bluntness and shook my head as I slipped my sweatpants on and climbed out of bed, "I mean, I was going to say persistent but I guess that works too."

"You're too nice. Persistent is a word I would use if Milo kept barking to be taken out on a walk. Diamond is just batshit crazy! Oops, I mean batcrap," Benny cursed and we all chuckled before getting lost in a conversation whilst Matteo cooked breakfast for the two of us.

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