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    I covered my privates immediately out of shock and bent over slightly for more coverage, "Matteo!"

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I covered my privates immediately out of shock and bent over slightly for more coverage, "Matteo!"

"Sam," he mocked and I struggled to find words as he walked closer to me and grabbed his shampoo, brushing his hand purposefully against me whilst doing so. He started massaging it into his hair and I forced my eyes on his face or anything else, just nowhere lower than his face.

"Matteo, I need to shower, will you please get out until I'm done?" I asked quietly, too nervous in his presence to talk louder and he smirked at me, "I'm cold and wet because someone decided to leave the house during a storm and I had to go look for them. I think I deserve a shower."

"Privacy!" I said loudly and he looked at me with a bored expression, "Is very boring. Like I said this morning, we're adults and in the last hour, we have been through more things together than most people have. It's a shower. Shower sex isn't really my thing anyway."

Mine either...

I sighed. Since he was going to play that game then I guess I'll feed into it for a while. I stood up and grabbed the shampoo that I needed as I massaged the substance through my hair. I watched as his eyes scanned every inch of me and he bit the inside of his cheek. I switched spots with him so he could wash while I continued scrubbing my scalp.

After a while of just showering together, he switched spots with me but made sure to accidentally put his hands on my hips to move by me. I felt the heat between my thighs grow but I didn't act on it and I won't.

I got out before he did, ringing my hair out as I threw the towel around me and walked into the hallway and then the bedroom with my clothes.

I dried my hair and then my body with the same towel before I heard Matteo walk in behind me, "Sam."

I turned around to see a towel around his waist as I covered myself up. He handed me the bra that I had obviously dropped on the way in here and I watched as he swallowed harshly before slowly and reluctantly turning on his heel to get dressed in the living room.

I blew out a breath I didn't know I was holding before hurrying to get dressed in my over-sized blue t-shirt and a pair of my white pajama shorts that clung closely to my skin. The shirt almost fell to my knees and I smiled to myself, over-sized shirts are the best way to sleep. I discarded the bra after realizing I was so tired I would go to sleep after I ate dinner. I slipped my fuzzy blue socks on and felt immediate happiness when I realized the floor allowed me to slide with my socks on.

I walked into the living room after I slipped my shoes on, ignoring Matteo as I grabbed my phone and walked outside. It was dark and wet, a little bit of debris was laying in the yard but overall it wasn't too bad. I called Stefan and he answered, "Thank God, I've been calling for so long!"

"The basement sucks with the reception and I had to take a shower since I was freezing... I'm really sorry," I said with a frown, I don't like making him worry. He inhaled sharply on his end, "Are you okay? Do you want me to come and get you?" I smiled softly, "No, I'm okay. I'm just a little shaken up, but food and sleep will help. Milo's okay too, I'll give him a bath tomorrow."

"Okay... I'm glad you're okay, Sammie. Everyone sends their love," he said and I smiled as I looked up into the cloudy night sky, "I love you guys too. Goodnight, Stef." He hung up shortly after and I walked back inside to smell something good being cooked. I sat on the couch where Milo laid at my feet to warm up with the ongoing fire.

After a while of sitting on the couch in the silence, slowly calming from the adrenaline from earlier, Matteo walked in with two plates of pasta. He handed me a plate and I scooted over so there would be more room for him, but he set his plate on the table and walked over to a bag on the hard chair that I hadn't noticed until now.

He pulled out a stack of movies and looked at me, "I bought some before I came home so you wouldn't be bored when I kept leaving... I also bought some books, I don't know if you like to read..." I tried to hide my smile as I nodded and he looked at the movies, "These are only a few... Would you like to watch one now?"

"That'd be cool," I said quietly and he nodded, "I don't know what... females like to watch. I have... Freaky Friday? Uhm..." he shuffled through the movies with an awkward face, "Fifty First Dates? The Dark Knight, Grease, The Breakfast Club, Central Intelligence, Ten Things-"

I gasped loudly with wide eyes, "Ten Things I Hate About You?!" He nodded slowly, "Is that bad?"

"That's my favorite movie! Put it on!" I said with a grin as I ate the pasta on my plate and it was so good. Homemade Chicken Alfredo! He pursed his lips and put the movie on, "Is this a weird chick flick?"

"It's considered a chick flick, but Heath Ledger was amazing in anything so I think you'll like it," I said and his eyebrows scrunched together, "Okay. I'll take your word for it." I laughed as the beginning started and he turned it up a little bit as we sat in silence. This is my favorite movie in the world and I've watched it more than a dozen times in my lifetime, it's amazing.

What turned out as a terrible day is actually looking up now.

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