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    I took no time at all to slide out of the booth and run, but before I could go anywhere, someone from behind me grabbed my arms harshly and swung me around

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I took no time at all to slide out of the booth and run, but before I could go anywhere, someone from behind me grabbed my arms harshly and swung me around. They threw me back into my previous seat and my head hit the wall viscously. I wined in pain once the side of my head made contact with the wall and I felt blood trickle down the side of my face and Matteo growled.

"Let her go," Matteo growled at the man that threw me. Elias chuckled, "He only does what I say and I say she isn't going anywhere tonight."

"Yeah, that's bullshit," I heard Gino's voice say before the deafening sound of a gunshot blasted through the man that man-handled me.

His blood squirted all over me and pieces of skin and hair went everywhere from where his face once sat. White static filled my ears from fear as I held pieces of his skin in my lap. Blood covered me and the table as people screamed, gunshots going off from everywhere.

But the noise was so drowned out by my silent panicking that I didn't even notice my brother's hand wrapped around my wrist and yanking me to him as he ran with my frail, bloody covered body. Then I caught a glimpse of Elias grabbing Matteo's gun and throwing it across the room as Matteo's men and Elias's men shot at each other.

Then Matteo grabbed a knife and stuck it in the side of Elias's neck at the same time that someone shot Matteo in the leg.

I screamed as Matteo fell to the ground and I fought against my brother as hard as I could, but he wouldn't let go.

"Let me go! He's hurt, let me go!" I screamed to the top of my lungs but Stefan's grip just became tighter around me so that I couldn't lunge from his arms. So I did the only thing I knew how to do. I slammed my heel into my brother's foot and made sure to penetrate his skin.

He yelled in pain and anger as I lifted my foot out of his shoe and kicked my shoes off, running to Matteo as Elias fell to the ground, bleeding out the same way Savannah did in front of me.

"What are you doing, Samantha?! Go!" Matteo yelled at me over the screams of people and gunshots; and I shook my head, "Not without you, come on!"

"Fuck!" He screamed as he moved so that we were out of the way. His leg was bleeding profusely and I cringed at the sight.

"You have to get the bullet out so we can run, I can't do it," he breathed heavily as he held his thigh tightly, blood seeping through the cracks of his fingers. He ripped the fabric on his leg and I gagged at the sight of so much blood.

"Please, sweetheart, it hurts and we have to go," he panted as sweat beaded against his forehead and I nodded, choking back vomit.

I gave him an apologetic look as I shoved my fingers into the bullet hole and grabbed it, despite his screams against his tie that he shoved in his mouth. Blood covered my hand but it was nothing new since I'm showered in Elias's bodyguard's blood.

"Come on," I said as I spotted a man walking towards us. Matteo followed my glance and then he reached under the table, grabbing a gun that I hadn't noticed he stashed, "Look away."

I looked away immediately, plugging my ears as Matteo shot the man. He grabbed my arm and I helped him run outside. I saw Gino, Benny, and Stefan following closely behind as we continued running to the car.

"How the fuck did you get my sister in that situation?!" Stefan yelled from behind and Matteo stumbled with his arm around me, but I helped him stand up again.

"We were followed. I didn't want her to see any of that," Matteo panted and Stefan nodded as he glanced at his leg, "Oh, shit. Gino, call your doctor."

Gino nodded and immediately did so as I helped Matteo in the car and told the driver to take us to the hotel.

Matteo looked at me and smiled weakly as he panted heavily from the loss of blood, "You're... a stubborn... woman."

I nodded as I placed pressure on his thigh with my hand but it wasn't doing enough. I need to sit on the wound and it's going to hurt him like crazy.

"I'm so sorry, please don't scream," I said as tears spiked my eyes and I shoved his tie in his mouth as I simultaneously sat on his wound, putting enough pressure to stop the bleeding. He groaned and screwed his eyes shut and I apologized quietly, over and over again.

"Holy shit," he laughed weakly and I wiped the sweat off of his forehead, brushing his soaked hair off of his forehead as well.

I leaned against him and grabbed his cheeks softly, planting a soft and sensual kiss on his lips. His hands found my hips and his tongue slipped in my mouth as if we hadn't just survived a blood bath.

He moaned deeply as I bit his bottom lip and then I felt something wet against my abdomen. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion as I broke the kiss and looked down, watching blood soak my dress from him.

"What the fuck?" I whispered and he looked down with me as I ripped his shirt open. Another gunshot wound near his belly button glistened as blood went everywhere and my eyes widened, "Oh God!"

"It's okay, it's okay. I'll be okay," he smiled weakly as I placed pressure on the sound and blood covered my hands. He groaned and smiled at me, "Will you do me a favor, sweetheart?"

I panicked as blood spilled everywhere from his wound. I didn't know the human body carried this much blood, oh my God! He's bleeding out! What do I do? What do I do? I can't lose him, I won't lose him!

"Sammie," he whispered and I looked up at him with tear-soaked cheeks, silently asking what as I continued to freak out.

"Marry me."

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