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The best thing about having a non-traditional life is that you don't have to stick to the traditional standards of weddings

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The best thing about having a non-traditional life is that you don't have to stick to the traditional standards of weddings.

 That being said, Gino is trying desperately hard to get Matteo to agree to wear a white suit instead of his usual black one.

 "Gino, this is my wedding. Not yours. If you want to dictate a wedding from start to finish, propose to Benny," Matteo grumbled as he pinched the bridge of his nose. Gino rolled his eyes and huffed as he walked away, "Fine."

 I chuckled as Matteo fixed his tie and turned around, looking at me with a grin on his face, "Have I told you that you look beautiful today?"

 "Matteo, I'm literally wearing pajamas," I whined and threw the blankets over my face.

 I get married in twelve hours when the sun sets and apparently, Matteo has to make a couple of appearances at his local hotels to do some mysterious paperwork.

 "I have eyes, I can see what you're wearing, Sam," he responded with a chuckle and I threw the covers off of my head, raising my arms and making grabby hands in the air.

 "I'll give you a hug but so help me god if you wrinkle this suit after Benny ironed it, you will face his wrath, not me."

 I pouted but continued making grabby hands and he rolled his eyes playfully as he walked over to me, bending down and giving me a kiss on my forehead. I smiled up at him and watched as he turned away to leave.

He is so beautiful. And I marry him today.

 I sat alone in the bathroom. I have only an hour until I'm supposed to be ready for the wedding. Yet here I am, crying my eyes out silently so no one can hear me having a mental breakdown.

 Milo was supposed to run down the aisle with the flower bucket in his mouth.

 Savannah was supposed to be my maid of honor.

  Dad was supposed to walk me down the aisle and give me away.

 But none of that is going to happen because they're all dead.

When I was younger I had so many plans for my future wedding. Everything was going to be pink and white. It would be a beach wedding. I would have all of my childhood friends there along with my family. It was supposed to be perfect. But everything is so fucked up.

 A knock sounded on the door slightly and I sniffed slightly, wiping my eyes quickly as I pretended to do my hair, "Come in!"

 The door opened and Stefan stood in the doorway with a frown on his face, "You don't have to pretend in front of me, Sammie."

 That's all it took for me to break down. I sobbed loudly and before I could fall to my knees, Stefan grabbed me and sat me in his lap against the bathroom wall.

 I clutched his shirt tightly in my palms as my body shook violently, crying all the pain away that I've been bottling up regardless of the therapist.

 "Sammie, I know you've been dreaming of your wedding since we were kids. I know things aren't going the way you always hoped. Especially with Savvie, Milo, and father gone. I know it seems like it's all gone to shit, but it hasn't if you think about it. You still have me. You still have Benny. You still have Willow, Gino, and Matteo. We've built a family here. We all love you and support you through anything and everything."

 I calmed myself with a few deep breaths, in through my nose and out through my mouth as I've always done.

 I blew out a shaky breath as the door to the bathroom opened and Matteo walked through. His eyes landed on us and he furrowed his brows before he took in my physical state and worry spread across his rugged features.

 "Sam?" He asked softly and Stefan spoke for me since he knew I couldn't currently, "She's sad because nothing has gone the way she thought it would with family and everything."

 He nodded and crouched down to my level before he tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear, "I love you. I can't wait to marry you. I know you wish certain people were there and I desperately wish I could change that for you, but I can't. The only thing I can do for you is give you this."

 He held out my big sister's necklace in front of me. One that I haven't seen since I saw her last.

 My eyes filled with tears as I stared at it in his hands, stunned.

 The delicate, small silver chain with the small sunflower charm that I always loved on her.

"I-..." I choked out and I heard Stefan sniffle from behind me as he took it from Matteo's hands and wrapped it around my neck, "Savvie would've loved it on you."

 Silent tears cascaded down my face and dripped onto my chest as he secured it around my neck. It dangled in between my prominent collarbones and I touched it, trying to imagine my sister's warm smile once I closed my eyes.

"Thank you, Matteo," I whispered whilst clutching the charm in my hands.

 "Where did you find it?" Stefan asked from behind me after we both stood up and Matteo shrugged, "Went into your dad's house a couple of months ago to grab some things before putting the house up for sale. I found that on the counter and I remembered seeing it on Savannah when Sam showed me pictures."

 "Grab some things?" I asked and he nodded, "Your father had a safe full of the organization's secrets. I grabbed them."

 I nodded and Stefan cleared his throat, "Well, Sammie, hurry up. We have a wedding to attend to."

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