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    "Here he is," Ezra said with an underlying irritated voice to his tone

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"Here he is," Ezra said with an underlying irritated voice to his tone.

He's obviously trying hard to not be hostile, but I saw right through his facade. He stood up and I stood up with him, sliding out so he could greet the man. The man was not much older than me or Ezra. His brown eyes were dark and the whites of his eyes were bloodshot. He had a lazy grin on his face once he approached Ezra, he's drunk.

"Look who it is! My ole roomie, Ezra Fortgang!" The man slightly slurred as he hugged Ezra tightly, patting him on the back roughly. He was only a couple of inches taller than me, making him shorter than Ezra.

"Hello, Mason. Mason, this is my date, Samantha Castillo. Samantha, this is Mason Wyatt- and you've brought a plus one I see?" Ezra said, his fake smile faltering before he reached his hand out to the mysterious woman behind Mason.

"Yeah, this is my girlfriend, Anna. Hope you don't mind, she comes with me everywhere," Mason winked before reaching out to shake my hand, "It's nice to see Ezra has a gorgeous woman on his arm for the night. Or are you more than just a night?"

"She's more than just a night," Ezra cut in with a venomous tone behind his words as if he were daring Mason to make a move on me. I bit my lip and then I saw her.

Anna Genzlinger.

So this is the Mason she broke up with over Matteo that night at the beach bonfire party.

Small world.

She looked at me and smirked before covering it with an innocent smile, sticking her hand out to shake it, "Anna Genzlinger, it's nice to meet you!" I looked at her hand as if it were the vilest and inhumane thing I've ever seen in my life before ignoring it and sliding in the booth before Ezra. A shocked look took over her features at my obvious distaste for her before she covered it with a smile, hugging up on Mason, trying to make me envy her.

Why would I envy a woman who has to make false claims of domestic abuse just to get a couple of bucks? That's pathetic.

"You haven't aged a day, friend," Mason said as the waiter began pouring him a glass of wine whilst pouring Ezra a glass of scotch that I've come to realize is his favorite, especially at public outings. I grabbed my glass of wine and took a fairly large drink before we all ordered our food and Ezra nodded, "So I assume you have another business idea?"

Cut to the chase, why don't we?

Mason nodded as his eyes lit up, taking a large drink of the wine in front of him.

"Yes, in fact, I do! And this time it's going to be awesome! Okay, so, I was thinking somewhere by a beach. So, we set up a club, hot hostesses, hot bartenders, hot music, hot DJ, hot everything. Ooh, your girl could be a bartender or a hostess since she's sexy-"

"That's enough of that," Ezra said calmly yet angrily as his hand went under the table and rested on the skin above my knee in a protective matter. I smirked at his obvious protectiveness despite hardly knowing me, but I decided to speak up and save his ass from an argument.

"I'm not interested," I said smoothly and Anna scoffed, "Why not? You don't seem to have trouble weaseling your way into everything else."

I felt my skin begin to crawl with anger as Ezra looked at her with an eyebrow cocked, but I spoke before he could.

"Did you come up with that assumption before or after you had your tongue down Matteo's throat? Or... was it after you accused him of domestic violence for the money? Or was it after you dug through my personal medical files and exploited them across National Television for your amusement?" I cocked an eyebrow with a smile and Ezra's lips slightly tugged upwards at my boldness as if he were silently applauding me.

Anna's eyebrows raised in bewilderment as if she didn't expect me to call her out on her crap, "I-"

"I think it's best you both leave. I'm not interested in investing any more time or money into your... extracurricular activities, nor am I interested in your date harassing mine. You're excused now," Ezra said with a straight posture, his hand leaving my thigh.

And what's weird was... I missed his touch.

Mason scoffed with an offended chuckle in response, "We're excused? What are you, the owner?" Anna nodded at his offended state, "You can't just throw us out. That's ridiculous."

"Yes, I am. Leave discreetly or I will personally have you thrown out. Pick wisely, Mr. Wyatt," he responded and I felt butterflies form in my belly at how calmly he's handling the situation.

"Fine. We're going," Mason said as he began to stand up and Ezra's hand placed on my thigh again in a protective manner. I smiled behind my hair before looking up at Anna who was fixing her jacket.

"Samantha, if you get bored with this imbecile, give me a call because I'd be glad to-"

He was cut off by Ezra trying to stand up, but I placed my hand on his that was on my thigh, squeezing it so he would keep his composure, "Mason, your girlfriend is in love with her high-school sweetheart whilst you're flirting with other women in front of her. I think you need to focus on your relationship rather than someone else's, yes?"

Ezra chuckled at my words as Anna huffed and dragged Mason out of the restaurant.

"You're kind of actually perfect, you know that?" Ezra whispered in my ear and I smiled, "Yeah, I know."

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