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  "I'll be back in a little while, I have some business to attend to in town

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"I'll be back in a little while, I have some business to attend to in town. Will you be okay here by yourself?" He asked as he fumbled with his tie in the mirror in the living room. I nodded as I patted Milo's head and stood up, walking over to him to help him fix his tie.

"What're you- oh..." he trailed off as I began fixing it. I looked up at him and for some reason, my belly started churning nervously at the way he was studying my face, but I decided to tear my eyes from his and focus on finishing the tie.

"Thank you," he said softly and I hummed in response as I walked over to the couch and sat down, playing with Milo again. The sky was turning dark from the storms brewing up and I began to feel nervous. No one except Stefan knows about my hatred for thunderstorms. The loud sounds give me really bad anxiety to the point I just want to rock myself in a corner until it's over.

After Matteo left for his business in town, I sighed. The service wherever we were was too bad to get a connection for cable on the television but only good enough for phone calls. So after about two hours of playing around with Milo, I decided to FaceTime Willow.

Her face popped up after a minute and she smiled at me, "Hey, babe! How are things looking over there?" I flipped the camera so that she could see out of the window and she smiled, "I love storms." I flipped the camera back on me and shook my head, "I could do without them. What are you up to?"

She held up a bong that she was currently smoking from, "Dabbing! Do you smoke?" I grinned and hopped off of the couch, to the bedroom where my bags lay. I grabbed a joint from the side pocket in my purse and the rainbow lighter that went with it. I showed it to her as I walked outside and let Milo come with me, "Of course. I prefer a bong but I broke it a couple of weeks ago."

"I'll totally buy you a new one now that I have another Mary-Jane friend!" She said and I saw Benny poke his head through the door behind her, "Come on, boys! Doobie time!" Gino and Stefan came into clear with their joints and I laughed as I made sure Milo wasn't going to close to me before I lit the joint.

Everyone on the call did the same as me and we all took a hit at the same time. Willow coughed a little bit, "Woah that was a little too... big."

I laughed after I exhaled and shook my head, "Man... it's getting worse out here." I flipped the camera so they could see the tops of the trees begin to sway from the harsh wind.

"I'm going to probably lose service here in a minute because of the storm so I'll get off of here. Love you guys!" I smiled and everyone grinned back at me, "We love you!"

After I hung up, I placed my phone inside and I took another hit as my hair began to blow in the direction of the wind. Leaves blew everywhere as lightning cracked in the distance and I cringed from the loud noise. The sky was so dark and the clouds were moving quickly. I opened the door for Milo so the poor thing wouldn't get blown away and closed the door behind him. He hates storms as well so by now he's probably hiding under the bed.

After I finished the joint, the loudest crack of thunder I've ever heard popped across the sky and the wind swung the door open and Milo ran out. No!

"Milo!" I yelled after him, running behind him quickly, "Milo, come here, baby!" Rain began to pour down on me and it was so cold that my teeth began chattering. I wasn't wearing a bra and I'm wearing a white shirt! I can't do this! My bare legs from only wearing black pajama shorts are freezing from the rain as I ran through the trees to find my puppy.

"Milo!" I yelled, my voice sounded lost within the loud sounds of the storm before I heard him whining a little ways away. My soaked hair stuck to me as I laid eyes on him. His tail was tucked between his legs and he was shivering from the cold... but thank God he's okay.

"Come here, sweetheart," I said softly and he ran over to me, his tail wagging in relief as I picked up his heavy body and tried to find my way back to the house.

All I see around me are trees and I have no idea if I'm going in the right direction seeing as I was zig-zagging through trees. Maybe that wasn't the smartest idea but I'd risk getting lost in the woods during a storm any day if it meant Milo was safe.

My teeth were chattering from the freezing cold rain and then I felt something hard hit my head. I looked up and realized it was beginning to hail. Then larger chunks began to fall around me and so I did the only thing I knew how to do... I took my shirt off and covered Milo's head, holding his body close to mine so I wouldn't be as exposed and so I could warm him up a bit.

Now I wish I would've worn a bra because the last thing I need is for someone to see me panicking in the middle of the woods holding my dog to me to cover my big, pale-white boobs because I decided to take my shirt off to cushion his head from the harmful hail! I kept getting hit by the hail and it's beginning to really hurt my head.

Then I started to panic.

I began to cry, scared because I can't find my way home. Scared because I wish Milo and I were in safety. Scared because the wind is getting worse and it the clouds are beginning to eerily rotate and I'm praying so hard right now that there won't be a tornado.

My breathing worsened as I tried to calm myself and I felt Milo whine and lick at me, he's trying to calm me down but I can't.

"What the heck am I supposed to do?" I asked myself as I held him close to me and kept walking in what I hope was a safe direction. I coughed through my crying and could barely see two feet in front of me because of how hard it was raining now.

Then that's when I heard it.

The deafening sound of tornado sirens. And then the deafening sound of a train-like roar coming from a forming tornado.

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