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Picture of Sammie and Savannah

Picture of Sammie and Savannah

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  After settling down, I found myself sitting on the couch in my bedroom with the curtains closed in the dark

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After settling down, I found myself sitting on the couch in my bedroom with the curtains closed in the dark. One candle is lighting up my portion of the room and the aroma of apple spice filled the room because of it. I have a bottle of wine that I found on my dresser and I have poured an entire wine glass full of the red concoction.

The taste is better yet sweet at the same time and absolutely delectable. It's probably the best wine I've ever tasted. My long blonde hair was tied up in a messy bun on the top of my head with a few strands around my face so I don't look like a complete potato. I was dressed in nothing but a small and satin purple robe that reached the tops of my thighs.

I sighed, bored of scrolling through Netflix for a movie before I grabbed my phone and started scrolling through everything.

I scrolled through my pictures on Facebook before I came across one of my old profile pictures. It was a picture of me and my sister when I was sixteen and she was twenty. It was taken a couple of weeks before she was killed; we had decided to take a trip to see one of her old high school buddies that was getting married up in Michigan in the winter. It was super snowy outside and Stefan thought it would make the perfect Christmas card for the winter.

She had jumped on my back since she had a backache that day due to sleeping in a car in a bad position so long. I smiled softly upon seeing her smile in the old photo. Her smile could brighten up your darkest days. And now she's gone...

Tears slipped out my eyes as I went through our photo album from that trip and I drank the rest of the wine in the glass before setting the glass aside and just drinking the wine from the bottle. I must look like such a hot mess right now, sitting in a robe, wine drunk, snotting and crying over old memories that I can never get back. Old memories from me being happy with my older sister. The older sister I can never see again due to the fact of my father's selfish ways. I can't even visit her grave because dad won't tell me where he buried her!

Before I knew what I was doing, I was calling dad's number at eight in the afternoon. I told everyone I was too jetlagged to go to the beach so everyone is gone whilst I wallow in hatred and anger for the man who created me. He answered on the third ring with a confused expression lacing his voice, "Samantha? How is everything? I suspect you're a world away by now?"

"Where is she?" I whispered, tears falling freely from my eyes as I wiped the snot on the back of my hand and took another swig from the wine bottle although my head is already spinning.

Dad's voice sounded confused as ever, "Who?" I chuckled, bemused, "Savvie. Savannah? Remember her? The daughter you killed?"

"That's enough, Samantha," dad's voice sighed through the phone, and anger rose up inside of me, only to come out in a sob, "W-Why did you ki-kill her, daddy...? Why did she deserve that?" He cleared his throat to become void of emotion, "She didn't. It was my biggest mistake, Sammie, you have to believe me... I didn't mean to!"

"You slit her throat! I was th-there! You took a box cutter to her throat and sliced from behind her!" I choked out as I finished off the wine in the bottle and dropped it to the floor as I sobbed in my knees that were brought to my chest and I heard him choke up in the background, "I thought she was your mother..."

I breathed in deeply, trying to register exactly what he was trying to say. So... Savannah was murdered because dad thought she was our mom... The mother that I never met. I tried to stop crying but I just couldn't help it, "What?"

"I thought she was your mother. There are... there are things that you kids don't know and hopefully never know for your own safety, but your mother was not a good person, S-Samantha," he choked out from behind his own tears and I wiped my snot and tears once again as he continued, "She did things to endanger you kids and that's exactly why you never met her..."

I chuckled dryly through my tears, clearly drunkenly speaking, "She endangered us? You killed one of us!"

"Samantha, please-"

I hung up the phone and threw it across the room as I slid off of the couch and buried my face in my hands as I cried so hard it made my head hurt. Then the door to my bathroom opened and Matteo walked through with a towel wrapped around his waist. He walked over to me with wet hair, tousled in front of his face, and picked me up bridal style, sitting me on the bed.

"Sam, you need to breathe," he said sternly and after a while of focusing on my breathing and not worrying about anything, I finally calmed down to a soft sniffle. He wiped my tears and sat on the edge of the bed beside me, "Are you okay now?" I nodded and looked at him, the candle in the room only barely allowed me to take in his features, "I'm sorry, I honestly d-"

I hiccupped before I could finish and he pursed his lips, "Everyone else is still gone. I think Benjamin talked everyone into going out to eat before they come home so it will be a few hours." I nodded and stood up off of the bed to grab the empty wine bottle that had rolled halfway across the room, "Oh... okay."

"I'm leaving soon and I don't know when I will be back so I was going to leave this in your room but seeing as you didn't leave for the beach either," he stopped his sentence and handed me a key that I hadn't seem him holding this whole time. A key to the house, that makes sense.

"I already told your brother that you and he don't have to do anything around the house, money-wise, cooking wise or cleaning wise. The house is paid off, I pay for utilities, and we have a maid and chef for everything else. So, make yourselves at home for however long you desire," he said, standing up as I grabbed my phone. The phone displayed the same picture of my sister and me that I was looking at earlier so I immediately teared up again.

"O-Okay... thank you," I choked out hoarsely, trying to cover up the fact that I was about to cry again. He sighed as he scanned me up and down, running his fingers through his soaking wet hair, "Come on, go get in my car."

My eyebrows met in confusion as I stumbled forward and held onto the wall for support, "What?"

"Go down to the garage and get in my car. The black one. I'll be down in a minute."

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