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  "You are one hundred percent cleared

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"You are one hundred percent cleared. All of the scans have come back to show you're perfectly healthy. You are discharged indefinitely, Ms. Castillo. Congratulations," doctor Romani said and I stood up to shake his hand, "Thank you, doctor Romani. I can't thank you enough."

"My pleasure. You girls get home safe now," he smiled and Willow grabbed my hands and squealed from excitement once he left the room, "Oh my God! You did it!"

I smiled from ear to ear and laughed with her, "We did it! Come on, let's go tell everyone. We can finally travel again!"

"Yes, let's go home. We can order in. Pizza, Chinese, or Thai?" She asked as we began walking out. She started scrolling through her phone for choices. I thought for a moment, "Matteo and Stef's favorite is Thai. Let's order that." She nodded in agreement and began calling the local Thai bar as we walked out of the doctor's office and into Matteo's personal car.

I greeted the driver and he shut the door behind us as he took us home. "Gino's home!" Willow announced and I looked out of her window to notice him talking to the gardener out front. The driver parked and we thanked him as we got out and walked over to Gino.

"Hi, ladies," he said with a grin, pulling us both into his sides for a hug, "Are you cleared yet?"

I nodded as I readjusted the bag on my shoulder, "Yes. The doctor said all of my scans show I'm one hundred percent healthy again!" He grinned and kissed the top of my head, "Good. Benny and Stef will be home soon, they went to go get Benny's car detailed."

I nodded, "I'm gonna go see Matteo. Save your appetite, G, we have Thai comin'." He sighed in happiness and I chuckled as I made my way up the stairs and into the large house. I was greeted with Matteo's back to me, his voice yelling angrily into the phone in a different language. His body language screamed that he was stressed. I placed my bag on the hook next to the door and walked over to him.

He cocked his head to the side to look at me and he smiled, kissing my cheek as he continued to speak angrily and quickly into the phone. After a few minutes, he pinched the bridge of his nose and moved the phone away from his ear as he looked at me, "I'm sorry, sweetheart, I'm almost done."

I gave him a small, reassuring smile as I leaned my back against the large pillar. He clicked his tongue and nodded with a roll of his eyes, "Berlin, Germany. Wednesday, seven o'clock. I will take care of this."

He clicked off of the call and slid his phone in his pocket, turning towards me, "Did doctor Romani clear you?" I nodded with a grin, "Yep! Thai will be here soon to celebrate!" He smiled happily and bent down slightly to kiss me.

He pulled away too soon though and I frowned at the serious look on his face, "What is it?"

"I have to leave on a flight to Berlin, Germany tonight to take care of some business that I'd rather not involve you in, so I won't speak about it. Do you want to come with me? Gino is coming and I figure he's going to want Benjamin to come as well. Since you're cleared, I figured it'd be a nice opportunity for all of us," he explained and I nodded.

I've always had Berlin on my list, this is so exciting!

"Yes! Should I go pack now?"


"Three rooms under Salvatore," Matteo spoke calmly to the front-desk man. His eyes widened slightly at the realization that Matteo owned the hotel. The meek man nodded with a smile and handed Matteo three keys, "Very top floor, rooms six-hundred and thirteen, six-hundred and fourteen, and six-hundred and fifteen. I hope you have a good stay, sir."

Matteo nodded his head at him and rested his hand on the small of my back as he led me and everyone else to the elevator. Matteo clicked the top floor button and the doors closed immediately, beginning to go upwards.

"I fucking hate elevators," Benny mumbled as he held onto the railing for dear life. I giggled and nodded, "Sometimes they make me a little queasy."

The elevator dinged loudly and the doors opened so that we were now on the top floor. I walked out and turned to Matteo, "Which room is ours?"

He handed Gino and Stefan their keys and nodded his head, "We're six-fifteen. Gino, you're six-thirteen, Stefan, you're six-fourteen. Get settled in and we'll go do the thing the girls wanted to do in about an hour."

I looked at Willow and she grinned, "Yay! Nightclub!"

Gino chuckled, "Yes and then the bar. Germany has awesome bars." I giggled in response, "The nightclub has a huge bar, G. You'll be taken care of, I promise."

Matteo opened the door and motioned for me to walk in first. I placed my bags down against the wall and gawked at the gorgeous room, "Woah, you own this place?"

"Mhm, now what makes this nightclub so special?" He cocked an eyebrow and I smirked, "Uh-oh, I've been caught."

I walked over to the bed and kicked my shoes off whilst he did the same, "You girls are way too excited about this place for it to be just some regular club. Care to fill me in?" I bit my lip, pondering if I wanted to spill the beans or just surprise him.

No, I better tell him so he doesn't think I'm crazy about Willow and I dressing the way we will.

"It's basically a rave. Crazy music, crazy lights, crazy fashion, crazy dancing. It's fun as hell. Stefan and I used to go to one every time we traveled and when we were talking about it, Willow overheard us and she's never been. Neither have you or Gino either. Benny went to a few with us so he knows what to expect," I explained as I stood up and walked over to one of my suitcases.

"So you're gonna teach me how to rave, huh?" He asked and I looked back at him with a smirk, "Hell yeah, I am."

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