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   "Where is everybody?" Matteo asked as he walked into my room with a bowl of popcorn

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"Where is everybody?" Matteo asked as he walked into my room with a bowl of popcorn.

We're back in California, finally. I couldn't be happier. I hung some pictures of Milo around my room and it makes me feel closer to him. I wish he was still here...

"Everyone went to that party thing at the park. I'm not really in the drinking mood and a new season of Grey's Anatomy came out so I'm going to watch that," I said and he nodded as he slid into the bed beside me.

"Your popcorn, your highness," he said with a playful grin and I rolled my eyes, "What is it with you and Benny calling me your highness? That makes no sense." He laughed as he played the episode, "It makes perfect sense. You're my queen. This is my house. They've called me king for so long so it makes sense. Understand now?"

I laughed as I grabbed two pieces of popcorn and stuffed his mouth with it, "Shush and let me watch this."


"Matteooo," I sang dramatically and he cocked an eyebrow at me, "Yes?"

"Since I'm the queen you should carry me downstairs because I left my phone down there and I need to check up on Willow. She seemed upset before she left."

He laughed as he picked me up bridal style and I stayed in the same position until we reached the living room. I kissed his cheek as I jumped from his arms and then I busted my butt on the tile, "Ouch!"

He snorted but covered it up with a cough when I glared at him. My fuzzy socks have no traction with the floor at all. I grabbed my phone from the couch and clicked Willow's phone number. She answered on the fourth ring, "Hey! Did you change your mind about coming?"

"No ma'am, I was just seeing if you were okay. You seemed upset earlier," I said as I played with the leather on the chair and she sighed, "My cousin left back for the marines without coming to say goodbye. It's a six-month leave and I'm going to miss him. I'm okay now, I've had four beers!"

I laughed and shook my head as I gave a thumbs up to Matteo, indicating that she was okay, "I'm glad you're okay. I'll probably be asleep before you guys get home. Love y'all."

She hung up in the middle of telling me she loved me back and Matteo scooped me up in his arms as he ran up the stairs, throwing me on the bed, "Guess what I'm going to do since you made me carry you down the stairs, your royal highness?"

"What's that?" I asked playfully, smiling as he hovered over me.


He began tickling me and I shrieked as he got me in my worst tickle spots, flipping us over so that I was sitting on top of him. He smiled up at me and held my hands, "You look stunning sitting on top of me." I groaned, throwing my head back, "You have a talent of making everything seem sexual, congratulations."

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