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  "Alright, well if we're going to hit the road sometime soon we better get going," Gino announced to everyone and my eyebrows scrunched together whilst I glanced at my brother who nodded in agreement

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"Alright, well if we're going to hit the road sometime soon we better get going," Gino announced to everyone and my eyebrows scrunched together whilst I glanced at my brother who nodded in agreement.

"Hit the road? It's eight at night," I whispered to Stefan as everyone grabbed their things and he pursed his lips, "I guess I forgot to tell you that Benny stays in California now. He knew we had to come home to see dad first so he decided to meet up with us and somehow convinced everyone to do the same so we could meet our official roommates." I cocked an eyebrow at the end of his explanation, "Official roommates?"

He nodded with a soft smile as he threw his arm around my shoulder, walking us to our luggage, "Yeah... I was thinking maybe we could stay home for a month this time? I know dad's conditions were to stay out of the southwest but technically we aren't in it once we get to the house."

That sounds amazing to me. I get some playtime with my puppy, hopefully I can become good friends with my roommates, and I finally get to sleep off jetlag.

"That sounds like a good idea, just don't tell him," I said, my blood still boiling over the bruise on my brother's face. I picked up my bags and we walked over to Willow who was assigning us rides. "Two cars, two drivers. Benjamin and Matteo. Gino and Diamond will be with Matteo, obviously. Stefan, Sammie, and I will be with Benjamin-"

"Why not let Sammie and Stef go with Matteo instead? I can take Diamond and Gino because Matteo will need to get to know his new roommates," Benny announced and I instantly felt my heart begin palpitating. I don't want to be in the same vicinity as Matteo after I blatantly lied to him and he caught me. I especially don't want to be in the same area as him after he made me feel things I've never felt before.

"Okay," Stefan agreed and I felt like my heart was a balloon and it was just popped. I sighed and then that girl who I remembered as Diamond spoke up, "I can't ride with my own boyfriend?"

Yes! Throw a fit so I can go with Benny! Wait- boyfriend? Matteo is her boyfriend? Oh, crap! Now I definitely am not allowed to feel these things.

Benny rolled his eyes as Gino spoke up, "I'd hardly call him your boyfriend considering he's barely around anyone of us, much less you." She glared at him, "Yes. Boyfriend. I'm riding with him. Stefan and Samantha can ride in the back."

I really hate being called Samantha...

"Her name is Sammie and you can ride in the back with me. Sammie gets carsick in the backseat," Stefan announced sternly and I saw Matteo bite the inside of his cheek so he couldn't smile once his girlfriend glared at my brother, "Samantha can just get over it."

"Sammie will not puke in his car because of your insecurities, whoever you are," Stefan said and if looks could kill, Stefan would be dead. This whole situation is going south so quickly; this is ridiculous.

"How about I just take a taxi? Sounds great," I smiled falsely, obviously tired of the situation as I began walking away from everyone and grabbed my phone out. Before I could dial a number, my phone was snatched and Diamond was sitting there with a reluctant face, "You can sit in the front. I'm sorry for being rude I just don't know you."

It seemed as if every word from her mouth was forced, but I decided to be nice anyway. I smiled softly, "It's okay. I don't want to be a bother, but I really do get sick in the back and the last thing I want to do is hurl in the back of your boyfriend's vehicle." She nodded with pursed lips and I moved my hand out towards her, "Uhm... can I have my phone back now?" She cocked an eyebrow at me but sat the phone in my hand nonetheless.

The tension between us was almost suffocating. I don't like this vibe at all and I'm trying to give her the benefit of the doubt considering I'm a girl's girl, but this is weird territory.

"Let's go!" I heard Benny yell and I internally sighed in relief as I grabbed my bags and jogged around Diamond towards the group of people. Willow smiled at me, "Safe travels, okay? When we get to LA I'll show you a room I think you'll love!" I smiled at her and nodded, "Sounds good! Tell Benny to be careful, okay?" She nodded as Stefan through our bags in the trunk and I climbed in the front seat, buckling myself in as Diamond marched up to the car and slid in the backseat. I saw her in my peripheral vision give me mean glares but I shook it off.

"Nice ride," Stefan said to Matteo and his lips tugged up slightly, "Thanks. She's my favorite." Diamond clicked her tongue in annoyance, "I thought I was your favorite-"

Just before she could finish her sentence, Matteo sped out of the lot so loudly that it drowned out the sound of her voice and it took everything in me not to laugh from the shocked expression on her face.

Stefan always purposefully burns out in vehicles. It must be a guy thing. Stefan tapped on my shoulder from behind me and I looked to my side just in time to see him handing me the blanket I can't sleep without. It was Savannah's blanket. She loved this blanket so much and told me jokingly all the time that if she died one day then she wanted me to have it. And now I can't sleep without it.

I thanked him silently and sprawled it across my legs as the air conditioner in the car blew lowly on me. The soft tunes of the radio played as Matteo's hardened glance on the road made me feel safer. He's a good driver, a careful driver. He glanced over at me and we locked eye contact for a few seconds before I began to feel awkward.

After situating comfortably, I finally dozed off into a peaceful slumber, finally free of that recurring nightmare that's haunted me for the past five years.

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