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   My worst fear used to be losing my organization

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   My worst fear used to be losing my organization. Losing my title to the throne.

It used to be my rivals fucking everything up, coming in between me and my love, the mafia.

My pops worked so hard to get this business to where it is today. He conditioned my brother and I to work out very hardest to take his spot once we reached the ripe age of eighteen. By twenty-one, I had everything wrapped around my pinky finger.

Everyone bowed down to me, showing respect in every aspect of life. If I was walking down the road and someone saw me, they stopped and nodded at me, not making it obvious, but clear enough to me that they respected me.

I was barking our orders, having my expectations met in twelve hours or less each time.

Like I said, used to be my biggest fear.

Now my biggest fear is letting my baby girl grow up finding out what a monster I was. Killing people who didn't meet my expectations, killing people who looked at her mother the wrong way.

I don't want her to grow up in this life, and she won't. I vowed to her mother and to myself on multiple occasions that I will raise her in the dark, she will never know that side of life.

My baby will never have to worry about surprise attacks, money stolen, fake news in tabloids. Never.

Three years ago, Sam gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.

Our beautiful baby girl. And she was and is the most precious thing to ever exist in this cruel world. Upon meeting me, she held my pinky finger in her tiny, chubby hand.

She looked up at me with big hazel eyes, much like her mother's. Her brunette hair covered her head in waves, she gets that from her mother.

Sam gifted me the most beautiful thing ever. She gifted me life. She gifted me a child, and I will owe her until the day I die.

Viola Savannah Salvatore. My three year old daughter.

She's currently playing with Stefan and Willow's two year old son, Milo.

We're all back in the states for a special occasion. Back in Los Angeles, back home after three long years.

"Color, mama?" Milo asked Willow since Viola was currently scribbling in her Lisa Frank coloring book that Gino gifted her on her third birthday.

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