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"So how were your travels? Benny said something about the Philippines but he didn't go into the specifics," Willow trailed off, excitement dancing in her freakishly beautiful green irises

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"So how were your travels? Benny said something about the Philippines but he didn't go into the specifics," Willow trailed off, excitement dancing in her freakishly beautiful green irises.

I smiled at the thought of the trip, "It was so beautiful. Stef and I have been a lot of places but Coron was definitely in my top ten, though I can't speak for him."

After talking back and forth for a while, the sun began to set which cast an orange and pink tint across the sky. The boys were still playing basketball and after a while I noticed Benjamin. He caught eye with me once the ball was in his hand and he gasped, running over to me and hoisting me over his shoulder as his teammates grumbled at him.

"Sammie! I fucking- sorry, freaking missed you so much! Where's Stef?!" He exclaimed excitedly as he spun me around in circles over his shoulder and Willow laughed, "Benny, you're going to make her sick before she can even answer your questions!"

Thankfully he got the hint and placed me back on my feet where I breathed deeply a couple of times before I was able to answer, "It's nice to see you too, Benny. I'm... actually not sure where Stefan is but he should be here soon."

A man jogged up to us and scanned my body up and down before smiling at me adorably. His dark brown hair was tousled about with sweat from playing basketball so hard. His eyes were a dark light hazel and his cheeks held small indents of dimples, "Hi! I'm Gino, Benny talked about you and your brother a lot."

I nodded with a soft smile and shook his hand as the wind picked up, "Benjamin told me about the housing situation. I hope we aren't a bother? We can definitely find another place if it's not okay!"

"Don't be silly. I'm sure you're welcome but I'll have to ask Matteo- Aye, Matteo!" Benny yelled as a girl jogged over to us. She had dark skin, beautiful brown eyes, short and curly brown hair, and she was gorgeous. She stood just a little taller than me at probably around five-foot-six. She was skinny in all of the places that I was not which made me envy her a bit, but nonetheless she was beautiful. I want to be her.

"Hey Gino, have you seen your brother ?" She asked in a chipper voice whilst I saw my brother running up to us in the corner of my eye. He smiled at me and I smiled back, only for it to vanish as easily as it came once I saw the black eye forming on his face and his busted up knuckles.

Dad hit him.

"I'm gonna freaking kill him!" I yelled as I took off in the direction of his office, only to feel Stefan's arms swoop from behind me and grab me, lifting me off of the ground easily so I couldn't fulfill my anger, "Sammie, you need to calm down-"

"Let me go!" I yelled as I thrashed against his hold. There's no way in hell I am going to let our piece of crap dad put his hands on my brother because I made him angry with truthful words! Stefan's hold on me only grew stronger the more I resisted and Benjamin ran in front of me, "Sammie, Sammie, please! Please calm down and think about this." I glared at him and stopped moving reluctantly. Two can play at this game.

"He hit Stef, Benny..." I said grimly, looking at the ground and he sighed as Stefan slowly lowered me down and walked me back over to the bench as Benny followed closely behind, "I know, man, but did you see Stefan's knuckles? He held his own." Stefan nodded as they sat down on either side of me, talking me down from my anger, "I did. I'm okay, it's fine. Are you good now?"

I nodded with a soft smile as they began catching up with each other. While they were talking I slowly stood up and pretended to walk over to Willow where she was talking to Gino. Once I was out of their eyesight, I took off in the direction of my dad's office, ignoring the amount of sand filling my shoes. Just as I was about to pass a couple of trees, I felt a large hand grasp my forearm. A very large, very tattooed hand.

I gasped in pain from the strong grip and was whipped around to face the one and only Matteo Salvatore that Willow told me about. I scrunched my eyebrows together in confusion as he smirked down at me, letting my arm drop to my side, "And where exactly are you headed to? Surely not to pick a fight with whoever hit your brother... right?"

I felt my face heat up from the accurate accusation and shook my head slowly.


"Your first words to me are lies?" He clicked his tongue in an authoritative matter, causing my legs to become jelly within his dominance as he continued, "That's a real shame... Sammie? Is that your name?" I nodded slowly as I looked up at him and he took a step forward, shrugging his shirt over his head whilst I took a step back.

My back hit the back of the tree and I breathed heavily as he got close to my face, "Now... why would I want a liar living in my house?" Before I could reply he smirked at me and walked away, leaving me stunned against the tree.

Who is he and why exactly did he have such an effect on me? Why is my face as red as a tomato? Why did I oblige to his every command? Why am I so attracted to him and the dominance that his body screamed?

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