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     "Are you sure?" Stefan asked and I nodded with a soft smile as I looked off into the ocean, "Yes

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"Are you sure?" Stefan asked and I nodded with a soft smile as I looked off into the ocean, "Yes. I know you're having fun here with your friends. I'm a big girl, Stef, I can take care of myself."

Willow grinned at me with a knowing look and I cocked an eyebrow, "What?"

"Why don't we all go? I'm sure Gino can talk Matteo into it and I know for a fact that Benny will come if Stefan goes. I mean... it could be fun," she explained with a hopeful smile and I looked back at Stefan for his thoughts on the proposal. Of course, I'd want to take a trip with my friends, but I won't if Stefan isn't up for it. He grinned big and nodded, "Hell yes. I'm in."

I laughed as Willow squealed and threw her arms around me, "I'm so excited!"

My phone began ringing and the name Alfonzo Castillo spread across it. Why is dad calling me? I made sure Stef wasn't looking before I discreetly excused myself and walked away before I answered, "Yes?"

"Samantha, where are you?" He asked hurriedly and my eyebrows scrunched together in confusion, "I'm not in the southwest if that's what you mean. Other than that, it's none of your business-"

"Cut the shit, Samantha, are you in Los Angeles right now? Answer me honestly," he breathed, annoyed, and I felt as if something terrible was about to happen. My gut churned and I nodded, "Yes, why?"

"Someone killed your mother and her allies are looking towards you. You need to pack your things and leave right now. I mean in the next thirty minutes there will be an army of spiteful cartel members in Los Angeles looking for you and your brother for revenge so you need to be gone, Samantha, do you understand me?" He rushed out and my eyes widened as I looked towards Stefan with wide eyes, "I understand."

I hung up and rushed over to Stefan, not caring about interrupting his conversation with Willow, "We need to go. Dad just called me and said danger is coming towards us right now so we need to go."

His eyes clicked with realization and he nodded as Willow grabbed us and ran us towards the car quickly, "Come on, I know a shortcut!"

"What did he say exactly?" Gino asked carefully and I thought for a moment, trying to come up with a lie that didn't make us seem like drug dealers even though we aren't.

I mean I just found out my dad is tied in with cartel workers so what am I supposed to do with that information? Benny is the only one besides Stef and me that knows about our past with our sister. He knows how she died and everything. He helped Stefan and I get through it and he also helped us run.

"You don't have to lie. I know the cartel," Gino said sincerely and I looked to Stef who looked just as shocked as I was. Who are these people? I decided to ask questions after we've landed and are at safety, so, for now, I'll answer honestly, "Stefan and I used to have a sister."

"What?" Everyone besides the three people in the know asked.

I nodded in confirmation, "Her name was Savannah. She was four years older than me, two years older than Stefan. I was sixteen and one day, when we were at the house, dad came in and..." I began to tear up and Stefan cleared his throat, taking over for me, "Dad slit her throat. Right in front of Sammie. We don't know why he did it but he did and ever since he's been giving us money to stay out of southwest America. We don't know why-"

"Because your dad is one of the higher up men in the Mexican cartel. He sells his product in southwest America for a bigger profit. He's the KP there, he won't be messed with. He pays you to stay out so nothing will happen to you. People fight over territory so they would most definitely kill you and Sam to take over his territory," Matteo said nonchalantly from across the seat and I avoided eye contact as I stared out of the window, taking information in.

It's been three days since I basically told Matteo I couldn't be with him. We haven't talked, he doesn't even look at me. I barely pass him by in the hall and if he does pass me, he doesn't even acknowledge my existence.

We're currently in Matteo's private jet, I didn't even know he owned one. Apparently being a billionaire gives you all the perks, even being able to just pick up and leave to a different country. Which is what we're doing now, we're going to France... Paris to be specific.

"He basically just said that someone killed mom a couple of days ago and that angry cartel people were coming to kill me and Stef for revenge," I said after being tired of hearing people bicker about how we deal with the situation, "I don't know anything about this, I don't want to know anything about this. Mom left us, I don't care if she's dead because she never bothered to see us. I just want this all to be over with."

Willow looked at me with a soft smile, "I agree with Sammie. Let's talk about something else-"

"No, we need to talk about this. If cartel members are looking for Stefan and Sam then we need to be on the lookout-"

I cut Matteo off with a glare, "We literally left the country. What more safety measures do we need to take? This is ridiculous-"

"All of the safety measures. Just because you left the country doesn't mean shit. There are cartel members all over the world and just because you left America doesn't mean that nobody will find you and kill you the moment they lay eyes on you," Matteo fired back and I stood up, "Worry about yourself and leave me alone! We were perfectly fine without you and we will continue being perfectly fine without you!"

Everyone looked between us with wide eyes as he stood up and looked at me, "Sit your ass down. This isn't an ego game. I don't care about your feelings towards me and trust me, I don't care about you. I just don't want my business messed up with me being in the tabloids because you were too goddamed careless to not get killed. Now we will go through safety precautions when we get to the suite."

I felt my heart clench painfully as the words of him not caring about me fell from his mouth. I sat down and looked out of the window as Gino sighed, "Well, the suite has three bedrooms and the buddy system will be installed for the roommates. Me with Stefan, Willow with Benny, and... Matteo with Sammie."

I didn't even acknowledge the fact that I'll have to room with Matteo, I just continued watching the jet pass through the clouds, hoping that this cartel drama will all be over soon.

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