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   I sat up and straddled his waist, wearing nothing but my lacy purple panties and a black long-sleeved shirt

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I sat up and straddled his waist, wearing nothing but my lacy purple panties and a black long-sleeved shirt. He was wearing nothing but black sweatpants. He looked up at me confused, "What are you doing?"

"You don't get to run," my voice shook and his eyes widened when he realized I knew, "Sam, I-"

"No, you listen to me! Do you remember when I tried to run? And you told me that running is for cowards? This applies here. You aren't allowed to run if I'm not. Like you told me, you stick around surrounded by people who love you and they'll help you. Love isn't safe, and it's terrifying but it's worth it. Those are your words! You don't get to run," my voice cracked as a tear fell down my cheek and he reached up, wiping it away.

"I have to. They're going to pin it on you and I can't have that. So when they come here in the morning, I won't be here. Do you understand me? I will not be here. But you will be because you're innocent, remember? So don't you dare confess," he warned me with a serious look and by now I'm a sobbing mess, sitting on his lap.

He sat up against the headboard with me still straddling him and he placed his hands on my cheeks, "Sam, look at me."

I looked at him whilst tears religiously poured from my eyes and paraded down my face.

"I won't be gone forever, love. I'll only be gone for a couple of years and then-"

"Years?! No! You can't run! Or at least let me come with you!" I cried and he frowned, his own eyes filling with tears whilst he wiped mine away, "You know I want you to, but y-you... you can't. I have to be on the move all the time. I can never slow down. Moving with my organization will be easy and I don't want you caught up in it. It's way more than just the cartel."

"What are you talking about?" I breathed out once I calmed myself down and he sighed.

"I'm the head of a secret organization that's one hundred percent responsible for the cartel. That's what I meant when I said I was your father's boss. I can't tell you anything else for your safety, but just know that I'm going to be okay. And you're going to be okay, too. While I may not be here physically with you, I'll always have someone protecting you," he whispered as his hands found my hips.

"L-Like the... the mafia?" I choked out from behind my tears and he tensed below me, letting me know I'm right. I nodded my head in understanding but then what he said next made me want to throw up.

"I want you to... I need you to not dwell on me, okay? You need to... find somebody who loves you at least half as much as I love you. Can you do that for me? Be happy?" His voice shook and I busted out in tears again, holding my face in my hands as I leaned on his shoulder. His large hand rubbed my back in comforting circles as he cooed softly in my ear.

"Please, Sammie... promise me you'll be happy," he choked out and I pulled away to see him crying.

I nodded through my own tears before leaning down and kissing him passionately. Our tears mixed as he pulled my body to his and kissed me back with an equal amount of passion. I rested my palms on his cheeks, feeling the slight stubble of a beard growing since he hasn't shaved in two days.

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