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I groaned as I opened my eyes and seen a dark silhouette hovering over me. I was in a bed and they reached for me, but I screamed. I tried to move, but my wrists were cuffed to the bedpost, making me freak out even more.

The lamp clicked on and I saw Matteo sitting in front of me, "Stop screaming or I'll shove my fist down your mouth." I tried desperately to release my wrists from the restraints, only for them to dig into my wrist viciously rough. He looked at me, I was dressed in a pajama shirt and panties. I don't remember getting off of the plane.

"Please don't hurt me, Matteo, please," I whispered, screwing my eyes shut so I wouldn't be able to cry in front of him.

I felt his hands on my body and I cringed, trying to breathe calmly despite my heart pounding inside of my chest. I felt his hands pull up my shirt just below my breasts before feeling his hot breath against my skin, kissing my belly, "Remember how you loved me kissing you here? Making my way to your panties that were already wet?"

He grabbed the shirt, ripping it off of me so that the only thing I was wearing was my blue panties.

I whimpered in fear as his finger trailed down there and I jerked, trying not to allow him to touch me whilst still being quiet, afraid he'd hurt me if I yelled.

"Matteo, please... go home," I whispered and he growled lowly, grabbing my face in his hands roughly so that I would look at him, "I'll go home when I please. Why are you acting like this? Why are you acting like you no longer love me? I've only been gone for almost nine months, Samantha-"

"Don't call me Samantha," I hissed and the angry look on his face didn't go unnoticed, "But yet De Luca can call you Samantha?! You hated when people call you Samantha!"

"No, I hate when people I hate call me Samantha," I spat and he growled, slapping me across the face, "Take it back! You love me!"

"No, I don't! You left me, Matteo. Not the other way around. You told me things were bad and then you left. Then come to find out, everything was actually okay, but you left anyways! You never texted me back, you never called me or wrote me back. You paraded your way all across Europe and Asia with other women, having the time of your life whilst I healed the parts of me that you broke!" I snapped with tears racing down my face and he growled, but I continued.

"I fixed myself all up. I almost died and it was all over the news, but you didn't come see me. Ezra saved me! He saved me from drowning literally and metaphorically. He healed my broken pieces and I began to fall in love with someone else, and that eats at you. That is the only goddamned reason why you give a shit. Because I'm no longer in love with you. I am in love with Ezra De Luca. Get the hell over it."

He growled as he began undoing his pants, "I'll make you love me again."

"Somebody, help! Help me!" I screamed at the top of my lungs before his fist came flying across the side of my head. It stung like a bitch and tears welled up in my eyes. I wish I could kick him, but my legs are restrained as well. The door burst open and Gino stood in my room with a gun pointed at his brother, "Get the fuck off of her."

Matteo scoffed and stood up, walking over to his brother, "Or what? You're the weaker brother. You always have been. Why do you think I had to take over the legacy? Because you were too weak to do it. Too feminine."

"Willow!" Gino yelled and kept the pistol pointed at his brother's head, "Put the keys to the cuffs on the table and leave. This is your final warning."

Willow came in and took in everything before reacting quickly. She grabbed her phone out and began dialing a number as I began to cry, stress eating at my nerves from being restrained and everything that's happened since the masquerade ball.

"He's here," she spoke quickly before hanging up and Matteo sneered at his brother, "Put down the gun and fight like a fucking man."

"That's what uncle told father right before father murdered him. I'd be wise," Gino threatened venomously. I've never seen this side of him and honestly, it's terrifying.

Stefan walked in just as Willow had placed my shirt over me so that I wouldn't be totally exposed. He looked at me before hardening his glance at Matteo, "I told you not to fucking hurt her."

Matteo laughed dryly and Stefan pushed him down to his knees. He kicked him across the face and continued beating the living shit out of Matteo despite his protests. Matteo grabbed Stefan's foot and knocked him over, climbing on top of him and pounding my brother in the face.

"Stop!" Willow screamed and after myself and everyone in the room was screaming hysterically, Ezra barged in and tried to break them up. Only for Ezra to somehow get caught up in the brawl.

"Please, stop!" Willow screamed and Benny came in. Benny glanced at everything before he grabbed the men, breaking them apart. Then Matteo grabbed a knife out from his pocket and lunged towards my brother. I screamed bloody murder but it was drowned out by the sound of Gino shooting his gun. It all happened in slow motion as I stopped screaming and that familiar white-static noise filled my ears.

And Matteo dropped dead on the floor, a bullet piercing between his eyes and the blood soaking my cherry-wood floors.

Matteo Salvatore is dead by the hands of Gino Salvatore.

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