Understand - Suigetsu - ChangingFateNinja_

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Name: Kai Uzumaki

Age: 16

Looks: spiky waist length red hair with black lowlights, rosey pale skin, crystal blue eyes, black rounded glasses, black belly shirt (like Karin), white shorts, black boots

Fighting Style: She uses Uzumaki Sealing jutsus and she uses Fire Style. She is great at ninjutsu and genjutsu and her taijutsu can rival Gia sensei's and Lee's. Her summon is a giant red snake with black scales. It has the Uzumaki symbol on its head and is named Yami.

Past: She is a former Rain Village ANBU. After overhearing that the village was going to kill her because she was an Uzumaki she left. She was captured by Orochimaru's men as she was walking in a forest and was given the Heaven Curse Mark. She escaped a year later (she was 15) and Team Hebi wanted her to join. She declined but when she saw Karin she joined. She wears her ANBU mask sometimes but not always.

Likes: quiet, black, blood, roses, crows, doves, reading, rain, Juugo, Suigetsu, Sasuke, Karin

Dislikes: Karin's whining, when Juugo is in his curse mark mode, sake, the color pink, jerks

Crush: Suigetsu Hoozuki

I sighed as the rain hit my skin.

"Don't you love the rain?" I asked to no one.

"I don't!" Karin yelled from under a tree.

I laughed and sat down on a stump.

"Why do you like the rain so much?" a voice asked.

I looked to see Suigetsu sitting beside me with his sword stuck in the ground beside him. I looked up at the sky, my, smile deminishing slightly.

"The rain hides what you can't in the sun..." I said softly.

He looked at me in question and I looked him in his violet eyes. His eyes widened slightly and I smiled at him. I may be smiling but no one except him could tell I was also crying.

He frowned at me but my smile just got bigger. I lied down and closed my eyes letting all the sadness of my clan out. I had never got over it that I was to be killed just because of my clan. I may look happy but some things you can never change.

The rain suddenly stopped and I looked up to see Suigetsu. A look of understanding it seemed was on his face as he smiled down at me softly. His sword was over us at just the right angle to where I was covered fully. He reached out his hand to me and I getnly put my hand in his.

"I understand," he said with a brighter smile then pulled me up.

My eyes widened then I looked at him with a light smile. I nodded and he walked off to Juugo and Sasuke. They started talking and Suigetsu started yelling at them. I laughed softly and went over to Karin and sat down.

"So when are you going to tell pirahnna face?" she asked.

I laughed softly.

"How did I know this was going to come up?" I asked her as I looked up to her.

She smirked down at me and crouched down.

"You know, the reason he is yelling at them is probably because they're asking him when he is going to tell you. You realize that right?" she asked truely curious.

I smiled at her.

"Of course I do. I know he likes me. I just want him to make the first move."

She looked at me with wide eyes.

"Wow, you are the first girl he is actually knowing about something like this. Even I deny when I like someone even though even I know it is obivious..." she muttered.

I smiled at her and lied down. Today wasn't exactly tiring but I was tired and that couldn't be helped.

"Hey Kai," a voice said softly.

I looked over and saw Suigetsu sitting beside me. I smiled and sat up next to him as we leaned against the tree. Karin was bothering Sasuke and Juugo was sitting on the stump I was but the rain had stopped.

"What ya doing?" he asked.

I laughed softly.

"Nothing much, I'm just tired is all..." I mumbled as I leaned my head back against the tree.

A silence issued for a bit then Suigetsu clear his throat.

"Um...if-if you want you could um...lean on me...?" he asked.

I laughed softly and looked at him. He was blushing softly and I smiled. I leaned my head on his shoulder.

"I understand Suigetsu.." I said softly as I drifted off. "I understand..."

~Suigetsu's POV

I blushed as she drifted off. I leaned my head back against the tree with a slight smile. I glanced down at her. She shivered and I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her against me more as I frowned.

"She understands?" I asked myself. "What does she mean?"

I sighed and smiled down at her again. I lied my head on hers.

"I don't think I'll ever get you Kai, but that's what I love about you..." I whispered.

I looked up to see Juugo and Sasuke looking at me. Sauske smirked and Juugo smiled letting me know they heard. I looked down at Kai with a light blush and smiled again slowly falling asleep to her breathing.

~Back to Kai's POV

"Poke poke," someone said and I felt someone poke my nose.

I groaned and snuggled my face into the warm thing I was leaning on. I opened my eyes as I was poked another time and was staring straight into Suigetsu's eyes. I smiled and stayed where I was obviously unlike what he thought was going to happen by the confused expression on his face.

"Hi Suigetsu," I said softly.

His face started to grow a light blush and I looked at him innocently. I put my hand on his head.

"Are you alright Suigetsu?" I asked innocently grinning from ear to ear on the inside and giggling like mad. "You looked red."

He stuttered over his words and I started giggling. He stopped and looked at me in question. I decided to end the little game and pushed my lips onto his. He didn't know what to do but soon his eyes closed as his arms wrapped around my waist. My eyes closed as well as he kissed back and I wrapped my arms around his neck. We broke the kiss for air and he grinned.

"You were taking too long Sui-kun," I said with a smile.

He looked at me in confusion and was about to speak again but I kissed him again. Someone cleared their throat. I broke the kiss with a small whine and looked up to see Karin and Sasuke smirking at us then Juugo just smiling softly while shaking his head.

"It's time to go you two," Sauske said with amusement.

"Yeah so stop eating each other's faces off!" Karin said with a large smile and laugh.

I pecked Suigetsu's nose.

"I have to kill my cousin now so yeah," I said and stood up.

Karin squealed and ran with me close behind.

"Girls..." I heard Suigetsu mutter with a chuckle.

I just smiled and kept running after Karin. Where were just going to have a talk of understanding. Do you understand?

Well I hope you like it. I had no idea what her personality was like so I kind of just used a bit of mine for it.




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