Adorable - DilaraAskari - Sakon and Ukon

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Name: Fay (Fayumi) Hotegie

Age: 17

Looks: Her hair looks like Asuna's from SAO but more of a brown color and she has amber colored eyes. She dresses completely in black white and grey.

Personality: Despite her comical awkwardness about generally everything she's pretty optimistic. She uses quite a bit of sarcasm and her  dominant attitude to be the rather great leader in the future that she wants to be.

Crush: Sakon and Ukon

Background: Fay has two older brothers, Gamden and Denaki with Denaki as the eldest. Being the leader of the Black ops at the time Denaki Was always gone and hadn't been there the day their parents left. Because of this rather distressing outcome, Fay and Gamden had been sent to live with their abusive Aunt in the sand village. During this time Fay and Gamden trained for hours on end after their classes to delay going home as much as they could. If they hadn't they wouldn't have earned their place(Master swordsman) protecting the Kazekage. After years of sending secret letters and gifts to one another Denaki decided to free his siblings and did so by killing their Aunt and fleeing before capture. Now at seventeen years old Fay lives with Gamden (Nineteen) as they plan to somehow find their loving big brother.

This is for DilaraAskari. If you get confused about where they live now I decided to have them live by a forest so they didn't have to be reminded of their aunt.

"Training sucks..." I mumbled to myself.

It was raining. It was days like this that I just want to sit out in the rain and just stay there soaking it in. Most people would like to sit out in the sun but I like the rain. I never really knew why though. I stopped training and snuck off to a little, but deep river hidden in the woods.

I sat on the stump I usually did. I was happy it was a warm day. With the rain running down my skin it was perfect. I heard a twig snap but paid no mind to it. I was in the wild after all. I heard it again but louder this time, closer. I got a bit worried and stood up with a kunai in my hand. I just hope it isn't a wolf like last time.

I looked around then went to take a step towards the noise when a hand went over my mouth from behind and I was pulled against someone.

"Don't make a sound..." he whispered.

I nodded and he slowly took his hand away from my mouth. He took a step back and I jumped forward away from him and turned. I tilted my head at the boy, well, boys. He stood sideways staring at the woods as if looking for something. He had sliverish-white hair and interesting eyes. There was a head coming out from the back of his neck. This one was also focused on the woods and looked the same as the boy he was attached to but his hair was parted on the left instead of the right.

I looked around and listened like the boys were doing. It was then I heard the soft pad of footsteps then a wolf howl. After the sounds disappeared into silence we still waited a few minutes then the boys relaxed and turned to me, looking me over.

"Why do you have two heads and what are you running from?" I demanded.

The boys smirked and before my eyes they splitted into 2 boys. My eyes widened.

"I'm Sakon and this is my brother Ukon. We are twins and the reason that happens is because of our blood line. We were running from...well...that doesn't need to be known to you..." the first said.

I glared lightly at the two boys.

"So...what's your name?" Ukon asked.

I debated whether or not to tell them. I finally sighed.

"It's Fay..." I said trailing off as I listened to make sure my brother wasn't calling for me.

I sighed hearing his voice though.

"I've got to go. You can meet me back here tomorrow if you'd like though," I said with an awkward smile.

They didn't seem to be that bad to me. The boys both smirked identical smirks and nodded.

"You've got it," they said in unison.

I smirked back a bit and nodded then jumped off to my brother hoping I wasn't in trouble.


The next day was relatively sunny. It was warm but not too bad. I went to the river and dipped my feet in the water then screamed when something pulled me under. I came up coughing looking for the culprit.

"Always stay on your toes and never give your enemies the upper hand," Sakon said as he stared down at me with a smirk.

"Yeah Fay, don't let your gaurd down," Ukon said from beside me in the water.

I growled and grabbed Sakon's ankle and quickly pulled him in and under then dunked Ukon. What a beginning right? I giggled and started to get out of the water.

"You are going to regret that..." two voice said in unison from behind me.

I froze and stopped giggling. I looked behind myself slowly to see the boys fuming. I gulped and ran using chakra to run up a tree. I laughed and stuck my tongue out at them. They smirked and Sakon started climbing the tree. Ukon stayed down knowing that it was either get caught up in the tree by Sakon or jump down and be caught by Ukon.

Soon I was sitting on a stump with the boys in front of me. I had my arms crossed over my chest and stuck my tongue out a them again. I then turned away from them and stuck my nose up.

Arms wrapped around me from behind and the boys' heads popped up on either side of mine with identical smiles. I started blushing.

"Oh, don't be a sour sport Fay~..." Sakon said.

"Yeah Fay. Have a little fun~..." Ukon finished.

"I-I can have fun!" I exclaimed in a squeaky voice.

The boys looked to each other with identical smirks on their faces which grew to large and mischievious grins. I didn't like that at all. I tried to get out of their grips but they tightened their arms around me.

"Y-you can let go now guys..." I said to them my blush darkening even further.

"Awe~..." Sakon cooed.

"She's getting flustered~!" Ukon cooed.

I blushed even more and they leaned into me a bit. I struggled a bit more but my strength couldn't match theirs. They finally let me go and as they did they kissed my cheeks. I blushed even more and put my hands over where they kissed.

"W-what was that for?" I asked.

"For being so adorable," the boys chirped together smiling making my blush darker.

I looked away from them.

"W-whatever..." I mumbled.

I smiled softly to myself still blushing. I turned around and both the boys were gone. I sighed softly to myself content as I sat on the stump. I got up and headed home with a smile on my face waiting on the next time we meet.

I admit I had really limited ideas for this considering it was for both brothers and they only appeared in a few episodes but I thought it turned out fairly well. I hope you guys liked it. Thanks for reading my kits. Love ya! X3




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