One Chance, My Only Chance - LittleDalecQueen - Itachi

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Name: Aiko Miyazaki

Age: 21

Looks: She has bright white hair and light silver/blue eyes. She wears a kimono with Sakura blossoms on it most of the time. She is average in height and weight.

Personality: She is a bit outspoken but is kind about it. She rarely uses any foul language unless she is in a situation with a very low chance of a good outcome. She loves to smile because she thinks if she smiles it might get better.

Crush: Itachi

Background: As part of the Miyazaki family her eyes look like mirrors when she activates her kekkei genkai called Mirame. It gives her and her family the ability to refract genjutsu back at the user of it. She lived with her family until she was 12. At that point she was orphaned and ended up bouncing between whoever was willing to take care of her week to week. Eventually, at about 15, she decided to leave her home, Hoshigakure.

Disclaimer: I don’t own Naruto and Aiko belongs to LittleDalecQueen

I smiled as I ran a hand through my hair. I had been walking through the woods by the Fire Country for a while happy as I could be with the scenery. It was then I felt a spike of chakra. I lowered mine and hid behind a tree.

Three shuriken embedded themselves in the tree right beside my head. I jumped from my place in the tree onto the ground and came face to face with two men. One was around 5’8 and the other was around 6’4.

The large one had a sword wrapped in bandages on his back and he had bluish-grey tinted skin and shark-like eyes and teeth to match the darker colored gill-like lines under his eyes on his cheeks. The smaller had raven black hair, a feminine appearance and his eyes were red.

I looked away in a hurry remembering who he was and how I heard of him. It was Uchiha Itachi. He was one of the last of his clan because he killed them all. I looked at his feet instead so I could still see them.

“What do you want...Akatsuki?” I asked recognizing the cloaks they had on.

There was a moment of silence.

“We want you to join us.” Itachi said.

I looked at him in shock. I looked into his eyes and activated my kekkei genkai as he tried to cast his genjutsu but he was surprised when I turned it on him.

“How did you...?” Itachi asked.

“My kekkei genkais power is this.” I said to him then bolted away.

I had no intention in joining. I knew they were coming after me so I cloaked my chakra completely and ran through the trees. When I thought I lost them I hid in a cave and slid down against the wall panting.

I closed my eyes and listened to the forest, making sure I listened for the soft pad of footsteps as well in the noise. When I didn’t I let out a sigh of relief.

“Thought you out ran us didn’t you?” a voice asked from beside me.

I slowly looked over and saw Itachi standing beside me.

“I-Itachi…” I breathed then something hit me making me black out.

When I woke I was in a raven blue room. I looked around at the bare walls then at the blanket that was over me finding it and the pillows to be the same color. I lifted the heavy blankets from me and sat on the edge.

It was then the door nob started jiggling. I looked at it in fright then stood to get ready for an attack. Itachi opened the door half way to see me standing and looked at me in indifference. He opened it the rest of the way then walked in like it was normal.

He took off his cloak and put it in his closet. He then removed his shoes putting them in there too. I looked to him in confusion and anger but was basically ignored. He went over to the other side of the bed and sat down then patted the spot next to him.

“Sit…” he said monotonously but it sounded like a demand.

I hesitantly got out of my stance to sit on the bed next to him.

“You have food.” he said pointing to the table and sure enough bread and soup was on a tray with a cup of water.

I looked to him and he nodded then I picked up the tray and put it on my lap. I was about to take a bite then I thought poison. It wouldn’t have been poisoned though because they want me right? That’s only what the rational part of my brain kept saying though.

My other side said they would have poisoned it to make me comply easier. I kept going over things in my mind to weigh the options. I hadn’t eaten for  awhile but then I don’t want to end up dead.

“Eat.” Itachi demanded.

I looked to him sceptically and he glared at me. I sighed and looked back to the food and began to eat. Once I was done I put the tray back on the stand. Itachi seemed satisfied and then told me to lay down. I looked at him like he was crazy.

“Why do I have to?” I asked him glaring heatedly.

He smirked at me.

“Getting brave are we?” he asked.

I scoffed and looked to the door. The next thing I knew I was lying down and Itachi was on top of me. I blushed cherry red as I looked at him. He smirked at me and it looked like he was leaning into me slightly.

“W-what are you d-doing I-Ita-Itachi?” I asked him as I looked to the door.

“Playing with my new toy…” he said softly then got off of me and walked out the door like nothing happened.

Things went on like that with him being like that and out of character then even more out of character by him yelling at me. Today was one of those times. I didn’t know what I did and he was just yelling at me. I liked him from the time I have been here and spent with him.

I didn’t know why I liked him though. He yelled at me and then was lovable, then yelled more. It was a never ending cycle. It sucked but I knew I loved him. It might be my only chance. This moment is my only chance.

I sucked in a breath then leaned up until my lips crashed into his. He stopped mid sentence and stared at my closed eyelids in shock. I stayed there for a little then pulled back.

“I’m sorry…” I whispered then went to turn to be stopped by him.

He put his hands on either side of my face and looked into my eyes in confusion. He then leaned down and gently kissed me, us both staring into each other’s eyes. He pulled back after a second then leaned back in kissing me fully and passionately.

I pushed my body into his as I wrapped my arms around his neck. He pushed back making my back hit the wall. He broke the kiss after a while the kiss leaving us both panting hard as we stared into each other’s eyes.

“That was a nice way to shut me up.” He said smiling at me, not a smirk, an actual smile.

“I love you Itachi.” I said to him as I smiled.

He smirked at me.

“I love you too Aiko...I just didn’t think you loved me back...” he whispered then kissed me again.

Hope you liked it everyone and sorry it was delayed so much. School’s been, and I haven’t had much time to get on except for a few times. Sorry LittleDalecQueen but I hope you liked it.




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