Blond Love - Deidara

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Name: Ammi

Age: 18 (a year younger than Deidara)

Looks: blonde hair, violet eyes, pale

Personality: swears when mad, sweet but has her sadistic moments, loves art, likes blowing sh*t up

Crush: Deidara

I was in my room searching through my closet for paint. I was really bored and Pein-sama didn't have any missions for me.

I searched my whole room but couldn't find any paint, so I went to find Konan. Of course I found her in Pein-sama's office/room whatever near his files.

"Hey Konan-san. Will you go to the village with me? I need to buy more paint." I asked her.

Konan sighed.

"Sorry Ammi but I can't. I'm busy. Why don't you ask Itachi?" She asked as she went through the files.

"Alright. Thanks anyways Konan." I said with a sigh.

I went to search for Itachi but I bumped into something hard. I waited for the pain that never came. When I opened my eyes I was staring into Deidara's crystalline blue eyes.

I blushed furiously at our close contact and how we were. I looked down at the floor. Deidara righted us and had a questioning look in his visible blue eye.

Before he could ask anything I mumbled a quick "Thank you Deidara." then I bolted down one of the many side hallways. I his around the corner hoping he wouldn't follow and waited for my racing heart and breath to slow.

"I saw that." A voice said from behind myself making me jump.

"F*ck sh*t! Itachi! What the hell?! Don't scare me like that!" I yelled at him.

"Sorry." He said as he smirked. "I didn't mean it."

You could hear the amusement in his voice.

"Sure you didn't you raven haired f*ck tard. That reminds me. Will you come with me to the village? I need more paint." I said.

"Didn't you get new paint just a week ago?"

"Yes but Tobi got on my nerves and I dumped it on him."

"Hn. So that's why his mask and hair was green."

"Yep!" I said popping the 'p'.

"Sorry though Ammi. Leader-sama gave Kisame and I a mission."

I huffed. I saw Itachi smirk.

"Ask Deidara." He said.

I flushed a deep red. Itachi's smirk widened.

"Fine Itachi. I will." I said as my blush calmed to a mild pink.

Itachi smirked again and walked off to find Kisame. I made my way through the maze of hallways to find Deidara. The next thing I knew I was being pulled into a side hallway and someone's lips crashed into mine.

I froze when I saw it was Deidara. My knees buckled underneath me but he held me strong. My arms slowly made their way around Deidara's neck and I kissed him back. We pulled away for a much needed breath and stared into each other's eyes.

"Ammi...I love you. I have since the day I met you." He said.

"I love you too Deidara." I said with a blush as we kissed again.

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