Thinking Of You - Deidara - Lesleythethugpug

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Name: Seikatsu

Looks: long black hair, ice blue eyes, thin but curvy

Background: She is a very skilled and strong shinobi. She was five when her parents were killed and she has been on her own since then.

Seikatsu belongs to Lesleythethugpug.

Seikatsu walked through the forest quietly, listening to the birds and the animals as they moved through the thick forest of trees with a quiet grace. She sighed.

"It's been a year to the day since he left," she whispered to herself. "He said he'd come back for today, my birthday. I guess not."

She was talking about her best friend and secret love Deidara. The day he left to join the Akatsuki was the same day as her birth. She was nineteen now and that was three years ago. They were both only sixteen that day.

Seikatsu shook her head in disappointment.

"And I thought we were friends..." she muttered.

Tears came to her eyes, but she didn't dare let one seep through and down her face. She just kept walking. She soon came out of the forest showing the middle of the large training ground. Thee was the wooded area of the training ground where she had been walking, the rocky area on the left, and bordering both was a sandy area. They all met in the middle to form a circular training area for two people to spar. Around the circle was a moat of water with bridges leading to the other areas. It was amazing how big the entire training ground was.

Seikatsu looked around and remembered when she and Deidara used to always train in the middle. She would use any weapon she could get her hands on and he would use his special clay jutsu. It was nice to look back on the happy memories. She sat down and leaned against a tree, gently running her fingers along the bark. It was then she felt something on the tree.

She stood up and looked at it seeing someone had carved something into the bark. It was familiar writing and Seikatsu gasped as she read it. It read, I had always liked you, have always loved you. I hope you can forgive me for ever leaving you. I promise on this day, your birthday, it won't happen again. Now turn around to see your birthday surprise.

Seikatsu turned around fast, the tears in her eyes leaking down her cheeks now. Standing in front of her was Deidara. Her best friend, her crush, her everything. She gasped and let out a sob as she hugged him.

"I'm here now Seikatsu, un," he said softly as he stroked her hair. "Don't cry please."

Seikatsu leaned back to take in his look. He wore his hair in a half ponytail and his clothes changed drastically, but he was still the same Deidara that left. A little more muscular and toned, but still he was the same Deidara, her Deidara.

Deidara took in Seikatsu's appearance. Her hair had grown longer, her eyes brighter, and her curves were luscious. He never thought she could look more beautiful, but he was wrong. He was wrong on a lot of things that included her.

"You look beautiful, un," Deidara said as he hugged her to him once more.

Seikatsu blushed and hugged him tightly.

"You look good too Deidara," she said softly back to him.

He smiled and pulled back yet again. He linked his arm with hers and made a clay bird. Once it became large he jumped onto it with her and flew over the training ground. Seikatsu looked down in amazement and fear seeing how high up they were. She clutched Deidara's cloak tightly and he let out a soft chuckle. He wrapped his arms around her waist to show she was safe. She sighed and leaned into him as she looked out at the beautiful view.

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