Playing In The Rain - Hidan - sasunaru_is_life

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Name: Kira Yuki

Hair: black hair with side fringe

Eyes: left eye blue, right eye purple

Other info: follows Jashin and has ten bladed scythe

sasunaru_is_life owns Kira

"We don't have any missions today Kira," Pein said to Kira after her tenth time of asking him for a mission.

She let out a whine and frowned. It didn't help when she went to go outside to find it raining today. Kira walked out of Leader's office and to the living room couch where she then unceremoniously dropped down onto it and smooshed her face into the cushions.

Hidan was sitting in a corner of the room bored when she came in the room. He could have laughed if he wasn't so bored to the point it was depressing. He got up and looked at her over the couch wondering why she wasn't acting like her normal emotionless yet grouchy self.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" He asked.

Kira picked her head up to see Hidan just staring at her over the back of the couch.

"I am bored!" She said as she drawled out bored as much as her breath could permit.

"So that is why you aren't acting like a damn bitch today," he muttered as he looked at the wall.

Kira sat up and slapped the back of his head making him fall down. Hidan did yet didn't expect that.

"Didn't expect that now did you dickhead?" Kira growled as she crossed her arms over her chest.

Hidan got up and glared at her but didn't say anything to fearing another slap to the head.

"If you are so fucking bored why don't you just go outside and fucking play in the rain?" He muttered.

Kira looked at him in surprise then smiled.

"I used to do that all the time actually, but I always got sick as a child because I would always do it with no boots or jacket on," Kira said in a soft voice.

Hidan watched as her eyes glazed over from the memory overtaking her. He then got an idea and he was pretty sure it would help them both get over their boredom.

Hidan smirked at her smiling face then picked her up and threw her over his shoulder. Kira squealed and hit his back but that didn't quite work since he was a masochist.

"What are you doing Hidan! Put me the fuck down damn it!" Kira yelled as she hit him and kicked her legs in the air.

"No can do bitch!" Hidan said with a laugh. "I am bored and you are bored and this will solve it all!"

Kira sighed and slumped down on him knowing once he had an idea she couldn't change his mind. When he got an idea he was even more stubborn than her at following it through.

Before she knew it Hidan put her down finally and she found they were at the entrance to the base. Hidan opened the door and they saw it wasn't just a fine drizzle like it used to be but it was now a cloth drenching pour down river of rain.

It surprised both of them and made Kira laugh. Hidan smiled at Kira and chuckled as he shook his head.

"Oh my Lord!" Kira said as she laughed. "It wasn't like this a bit ago!"

Hidan couldn't help but laugh a bit himself. 'She laughs at the stupidest things...' he thought to himself.

It was then they saw Kisame but he didn't notice Kira and Hidan. They looked at each other then Kira ran and jumped on Kisame's back making him freak out.

"Go fish boy, go!" Kira yelled as she laughed.

When Kisame realized it was Kira he laughed then put her on one of his shoulders. He then noticed Hidan walking towards them through the rain.

"What are you two doing out here?" He asked.

"The bitch and I were bored," Hidan spoke with a smile hiding the jealousy from seeing Kira smiling on his shoulder.

Kisame just laughed as Kira patted his head. His hair was starting to go flat from the drenching rain.

"I am going to go in," Kisame said as he sat Kira down making her pout. "Don't stay out too long and don't get sick."

Kira laughed and Kisame walked inside.

"What to do, what to do?" Kira asked with a laugh as she kicked the small puddles of water that was collecting.

When it rained the outside of the base became a giant puddle. Kira loved to play in it after a good storm. Kira ran around Hidan and he noticed she was very, very hyper.

"What the hell did you eat?! Damn! I want some of that!" Hidan exclaimed laughing along with Kira.

She just laughed and spun around in the water. She suddenly grabbed his hands and made him prance around in the puddles. They didn't even realize when they wandered away from the base.

They were having innocent fun. It was as if they weren't adults, like they weren't in an 'evil' organization, like there wasn't any evil in the world at all. Suddenly the sky lit up and a loud clap or thunder went off making Kira cling to Hidan.

"Jumpy much?" Hidan asked with a laugh.

It was then a bolt of lightning hit the ground not too far from them. Kira jumped and clung to Hidan even more as he looked around.

"We need to go," Hidan said turning serious fast.

Kira nodded with wide eyes. They couldn't remember which way the base was so they found a cave. Kira jumped with every clap of thunder and Hidan moved closer to her shivering form. He had started a fire but the small thing wasn't doing much to warm her.

He sighed and another especially loud clap of thunder erupted from the sky and Kira jumped into Hidan's lap. They looked at each other in surprise and Kira opened her mouth. She didn't even get a word out when another clap of thunder was heard and echoed off the walls.

Kira clutched herself to Hidan as she buried her head in his chest. He smiled gently down at her and wrapped his arms around her gently. She looked at him with a small smile from the comfort he provided. She put her head on his chest feeling safe in his warm embrace and drifted off into sleep.

Hidan looked at Kira finding her sleeping. He started at her face with a gentle smile and kissed her forehead. Hidan may be a ruthless killer but even he had to have a weakness.

Who could have known what would happen from playing in the rain?

Hey everyone! I hope you liked this one shot! I read a one shot yesterday by a really good writer and got this idea. I thought it was perfect. Hidan turned out a little OOC but I think it works. Everyone has that one thing after all right? Kitten out! Peace!! X3

~Those who want a one shot I still have two, TWO, places left so hurry up. I will not answer your comments so you HAVE TO PM me. If you put your request in the comments I will NOT respond to you. You have to PM me.




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