The First of Many - Naruto - HeavensMaiden

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Name: Nagisa Kawa

Age: 16

Fighting: water jutsus, summons wolves (water wolves/elemental wolves)

Beast: giant elemental dragon that comes out in dire situations

Crush: Naruto

Nagisa is owned by HeavensMaiden.

"Nagisa! Nagisa! Wait up!"

She turned around, her light blonde hair flying around her as she turned her head. Her blue eyes met the cerulean eyes of her best friend. She smiled.

"Hey Naruto," she stated in a soft voice.

He smiled brightly at her and it was then he saw her backpack.

"You're leaving?" He asked.

She smiled sadly and nodded to him seeing his bag.

"You are too," Nagisa said softly.

He looked at his bag and nodded with a sigh.

"It's time to go Naruto!"

They turned to see Jiraiya waving at us. They looked back at each other and the next thing she knew Naruto was hugging her. She smiled. There wasn't anything better than having your best friend and crush hug you.


Naruto walked around town. It had been years since he had been back and still nothing had changed. He wondered if a certain blue eyed blonde girl was back as well. He smiled at the thought. He had gotten back just a few days ago and he couldn't help but think about her.


He spun around and standing in front of him was a beautiful blue eyed girl. Her hair shone golden blonde in the sun and her eyes were a startlingly beautiful blue. Her blue jacket had black on the sides kind of like Naruto's own orange and black jacket and was open showing a black top underneath it. Her skirt had the same design as her jacket and she wore mesh tights underneath it.

Her face was lit up with a bright smile that made her blue eyes twinkle as she looked at him. Nothing could stop her from running to him when he opened his arms for her. She jumped into his arms and he spun her around.

"You look amazing Nagisa!" Naruto complimented with that smile that she had missed so much.

She smiled even brighter. He missed her smile just as much. Hearing that bubbly laugh leave her lips made him feel as if nothing could ever go wrong. It just made him so happy. He hugged her close to him, knowing it had to end at some point. He couldn't tell if she felt that same way so he chose to say nothing of the warm feelings bubbling up in his chest.

Finally they pulled away happy as could be. Their smiles were still bright even as they let go of each other. They couldn't believe how much each other had grown. Naruto couldn't help but stare at her curves and she couldn't help but notice how tall he was now.

Nagisa could remember when they were the same height and now she only reached his nose. She puffed up her cheeks making Naruto laugh. He knew what she was mad about and he decided to make it worse by leaning on her as he put his arm around her shoulder.

"Why are you so tall now?" She asked grumpily.

He just shrugged and laughed. She let the air out of her cheeks with a sigh and laughed along with him.

"Want to spare? Whoever looses treats the other to Ichiraku Ramen!"

This got Nagisa's attention. She and Naruto had always strove to beat each other. She wondered who got stronger, her or him. Without a second thought she agreed and they raced to the training ground.

Nagisa started it off by summoning her special water wolves. Naruto created clones for each of the wolves as he went straight after her. Before they knew it it was only them fighting using taijutsu. Nagisa smirked as they broke away form each other for a breath. She couldn't deny he had gotten a lot better than he used to be. 

"Still want to continue?" She asked him.

Naruto smiled in a challenging way at her and with a nod of his head he attacked again. Nagisa kept up for a while but she put her foot out too far. He swept his leg under hers and before she knew it she was on her back with him pinning her down to the ground.

Nagisa laughed realizing she lost and Naruto got up. He pulled her up and they headed off to Ichiraku Ramen, their favorite open air ramen stand. Nagisa had to hand it to him, he had gotten not only smarter, but also stronger.

"You've gotten better Naruto," Nagisa said with a soft sigh after they finished their ramen.

"You did too," Naruto complimented back. He placed money down on the counter and took her hand in his making her look at him in confusion.

"I thought I was supposed to pay for it Naruto?" She asked as they stopped outside her place.

Naruto kissed her cheek making her blush a bright red.

"Think of it as me paying for our first date Nagisa-chan," he said softly then jumped away.

Nagisa stood at her door for a moment trying to make sense of what he said. She smiled softly. She hoped he really meant it because if he did, she knew she'd love the next one.

I hope you all liked it. I am sorry it is taking so long for me to get these out, but senior year is taking a while and I can't be on here like I used to. I can handle it though and I will get these last few done. Love all you guys. 




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