Don't Cry - Subaku no Gaara - ColoradoChic16

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Name: Angel Akishima

Looks: medium auburn hair w/ scarlet tips, hazel/gray eyes, black tank top w/ silver glittery angel wings, scarlet and black shorts, silver and black glittery vans, medium (tannish) skin

Personality: tomboyish, super smart, shy, cusses, sometimes hangs with Hidan and Kankurou

Crush: Subaku no Gaara

Back story: She has the 11 tailed wolf spirit Lupa inside her. She killed those in her old village and exiled herself.

Angel belongs to ColoradoChic16.

"Where is Angel?" Gaara asked Kankurou.

It was then Temari walked in. She sighed as she looked at her brothers.

"Can you two really not detect her?" Temari asked as she pointed to the ceiling above them.

I frowned then jumped down in front of Gaara still facing towards her.

"You are no fun," I hissed slightly as I crossed my arms over my chest and pouted.

Temari laughed.

"I know," she stated with a wink.

I pouted yet again then Gaara placed himself between she and I. He frowned and copied my stance. I fiddled with a thread on my shirt and looked down.

"Angel," Gaara said in a soft but serious voice.

I looked up at him as if I was a puppy being scolded. He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose between his fingers.

"You aren't in trouble but I will very much appreciate it if you wouldn't do this anymore," he spoke in an irritated but soft voice.

"Okay..." I said quietly.

He nodded and put his hand on my shoulder. He led me out of his office and down the corridors to the kitchen. He made me sit at the table and I watched as he went to the fridge.

"Let's get you something to eat..." Gaara said softly.

I sighed and ran my nail along the wood of the table as he searched through the fridge. I rested my head on the table and closed my eyes. I didn't even move when someone came in the room because their loud voice and heavy footsteps told me it was Kankurou.

"What is the matter with her?" I heard him quietly ask Gaara.

"Do you honestly not remember just a few moments ago Kankurou?" Gaara asked him in a slightly irritated voice.

"Oh!" Kankurou let out a laugh.

I heard Gaara sigh and heard things being put down on the counter.

"I couldn't find her..."Gaara the said softly. "I thought she had gotten hurt again..."

I remembered my past mission. I was hurt really bad.


"You have an A ranked mission Angel," Gaara stated with a hard voice. "This mission is to be completed and you should be back today, is that clear?"

"Hai!" I stated then headed out with my squad.

Akatsuki have been getting very close to the village. We can't have them here. My squad was made of the most elite Black Ops, ANBU, and Jounin. We were just hoping we would be enough. Little did we know that we wouldn't even stand a chance.

When we found the Akatsuki, we thought it would be so simple because there was only two of them. We headed into the clearing to find it wasn't just any Akatsuki; it was Hoshigaki Kisame, the Monster of the Mist, and Hidan, the immortal Jashinist. We never thought they would be that powerful and before my eyes, my whole squad was wiped out by the two bloodthirsty killers.

It was only me left. My side was cut along with every exposed part of my body, and I was starting to get dizzy. It was night time now and I knew I had failed the mission. Kisame was standing over me, ready to sap the rest of my chakra and to kill me for good.

He swung his sword and I thought that was it, that was until the sword was stopped by sand. I smiled. The last thing I remembered was seeing a cloud of sand around me then I passed out.


I woke up and was surprised to find myself in Gaara's bed. I looked around in confusion. I had my own place. Why was a taken here? It was then I saw Gaara out on the balcony.

"Gaara?" I asked softly.

He turned around seeing I was awake and I realized he had no shirt on. I blushed softly, but that went away quickly as I got out of the bed. I started to cry suddenly and I ran to him.

"I'm so sorry for scaring you that day," I sobbed into his chest. "I didn't mean to, I swear!"

Gaara sighed. Ever since that day I have cried when thinking back on it so he was already used to this. He picked me up and carried me to his bed. He laid me down then he laid down with me and held me.

"Don't cry Angel," he said softly to me. "We have gone over this before. It wasn't your fault. They were just...just...more skilled than you is all. They've had lot of practice."

I nodded still sobbing as I held onto him. He sighed seeing this time that wasn't going to calm me down.

"You know it hurts when you cry?" He asked.

I slowly looked up to him with tears still streaming down my face. I couldn't believe he just said that.

"I-it hurts?" I asked.

He put a hand over his heart and said, "It hurts here Angel. Please don't cry anymore."

I just started crying more and he looked at me in panic to try and see what to do. I then leaned up and kissed him. When I realized what I just did I pulled back quickly and hid under the covers. I so didn't mean to do that!

What I didn't know was he was looking at where I was in astonishment. He couldn't believe I had done that either. He threw the blankets off of me and hugged me to him. He kissed me gently as he held me in his arms.

I was still crying because I thought he didn't like me, but I guess this proved otherwise. He broke the kiss and wiped the remaining tears away. He smiled at me softly and said, "Now please don't cry anymore."

All I did was smile, and there was never a time I cried when I was with him.


I hope you all liked it. I am slowly getting these done little by little. Have fun reading because I have fun writing. Kitten out! Peace!! X3

♪ Koneko



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