Heal My Heart - Rana_Luna - Iruka

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Name: Rana Luna

Age: 21

Looks: bright blue eyes and dark brown hair, has one of her eyes covered with her hair, she wears long clothing and tries to cover up as much skin as she can, has scar under right eye

Personality: is really shy, gets mad kind of easy, falls in love easily and when she does she falls hard, she doesn't like the scar under her right eye so she covers it with her hair, she is very insecure because of her father, she does not like to show cleavage, when she gets mad she really gets mad, likes to be called Luna

Background: she has not been on a date since she was 12, her eye is covered because when she was 12 her father got mad and he slashed her with his sword below her right eye

Disclaimer: I do not own Rana Luna. She belongs to Rana_Luna. She is a friend of mine that is still one of my close friends. You should follower her because she is really nice and is a good friend. We used to go to school together so I should know.

Then of course I don’t own Naruto but that was included in the intro to my story of one shots so buzz the f*ck off about that. Sorry.

“It’ll be alright Luna.” Kurenai said to my sobbing form.

“But…I-I don’t know w-what I did w-wrong Kurenai.” I said through my sobs.

I was currently going through a bad time. I told Kakashi how I felt and was totally rejected. I felt so helpless.

“Well apparently Kakashi doesn’t know a good girl when he sees one. Come on hunny, I’ll treat you to some Ramen.” She said.

I feebly nodded my head and let her help me off the park bench. We walked through the village and she managed to cheer me up a bit. I was still frowning and my eyes were still a bit red. We finally made it to the Ramen stand and right as we were about to walk in Kakashi walked out with another girl.

I took one look at him then ran the other way to my house. I flung open my door, slammed it shut, then I bawled my eyes out as I laid on my bed. I cried for the next hour and didn’t let anyone in, not even Kurenai. I was still crying when I heard a knock from my window.

It was Iruka. He was my best friend so I let him in. He opened his arms and I flung into them crying harder than I had in the past few hours. He just held me in his arms and whispered sweet nothings into my ear. My knees gave out and he carried me to my bed and sat down dragging me into his lap. I cried until I felt I did enough crying for a hundred years. Iruka then made me look him in his eyes.

“Now what made you so upset Luna?” He asked in a quiet and calming voice that only he could do.

I started to sob again while I told him what happened with Kakashi.

“Stop crying Luna, please?” Iruka asked.

He made me look at him and his face held an emotion of such agony that made me feel something, something I didn’t feel when I was with Kakashi.

“Please stop. It is torture for me to see you like this. Please stop crying.” He begged.

‘It tortured him to see me like this?’ I had those words run through my head over and over again.

I stared at him with wide eyes. Tears were still flowing freely from them. He put his head in the crook of my neck and mumbled some incoherent words. I felt his lips brush against my neck and I froze.

“I-Iruka…” I whispered.

He sat back up and stared at me with glassy eyes. It looked like he was about ready to cry. I stopped crying and stroked the side of his face. He looked into my eyes with a mixture of shock, sorrow, and heartbreak. He started to move closer to me and I found me doing the same as well as our eyes closing.

His hand moved up to caress my cheek as our lips touched. My lips moved hesitantly against his. He seemed experienced, or at least better than me. His hand moved down and his arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me into him.

My arms circled around his neck as his arms tightened around me and he pulled my closer till there was no space left between us. It seemed as if nothing mattered anymore and it was just me and Iruka in the world. He finally pulled away when breathing was needed. We were both panting hard and a light blush was on both of our cheeks.

“How did I not see it?” I asked him.

“What?” Iruka asked.

“That the person I really loved had loved me back.”

He looked at me in shock and I smiled. He smiled back at me then pulled me back in for another kiss. This one was longer and more passionate. We broke and he lied on my bed pulling me with him since I was on his lap. I blushed a small blush as we lied together and fell asleep.

Here you go girl. This is what I have for you. I really hope you like it. Miss you guys down there too, remember that okay? X3



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