Opposite's Attract - Music_and_Books101 - Hidan

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Name: Akari

Age 19

Looks: waist length black hair, green eyes, blue ninja shirt, white pants, and black ninja shoes, wears a dove necklace from her older brother, usually wears some type of flower crown

History: her clan was killed by a large band of powerful rogue ninjas her older brother was killed in front of her.

Crush: Hidan

Disclaimer: Music_and_Books_01 owns Akira and the Naruto people...you should know who owns then ‘cause it sure as hell isn’t me. X3

“She devil…” Hidan mumbled.

“Pansy…” I countered.

“B*tch!” He said louder glaring at me.

“F*cktard!” I said louder glaring back.


“Man whore!”



“Both of you shut up!” Leader yelled at us. “You two have a mission and need to work together to get a scroll. Don’t kill each other.”

I looked at Leader in horror.

“With all due respect Leader-sama, I am not going with that demented idiot. He could rape me in my sleep!” I said half-jokingly half-seriously.

“Like I’d touch you slut!” Hidan growled.

“Please…” I said back.

“Shut up! you are going now dismissed!” Leader said rubbing his temples.

“Leader-sama!” I argued.

“I said dismissed!” He yelled back angrily.

“Hai…” I said defeated as I bowed respectfully to him.

“We’ll meet in five minutes…” I said passing Hidan. “F*cking bastard…”

I ducked to avoid Hidan’s grip.

“Shut up b*tch!” He yelled trying to pin me.

“I’m proud of it!” I shouted over my shoulder laughing at the crazed look in his eyes.

I heard him growl and I continued to my room. I thought about how I acted. I never acted that way unless Hidan was around. I was the sweetest person you could meet unless it’s on the battlefield but for some reason, there’s just this thing with Hidan that makes me want to rip his head off in /an instant as soon as I see him. I walked around the corner and walked into something. Before I fell I was caught around my waist.

“Thanks Kakuzu-san…” I mumbled with a goofy grin embarrassed that I ran into him.

He nodded and set us right.

“Where are you off to in such a hurry?” He asked.

“I have to go on a mission with Hidan…” I said in a depressing tone.

“Oh, good luck with that…” he said then walked off.

“Yeah…” I mumbled continuing to my room.

I packed everything I would need then met Hidan at the door.

“Let’s go…” I said then we started walking.

“So where are we going b*tch?” He asked me.

I felt the vein throb on my forehead as I held in my anger.

“Kirigakure, we need to get the stupid scroll then get out…” I said to him through gritted teeth.

He didn’t say anything and I saw a field of flowers ahead. I smiled as we approached it. We stopped for a break there and I made a flower crown out of poppies. I smiled and set it in my hair.

“Why do you do that?” Hidan asked out of nowhere.

I looked to him then looked to the ground.

“My brother and I used to play in the meadows and he used to make me these crowns when I was sad. He’s dead now so I make them to remind myself of him…” I said quietly.

“Oh…” he said back.

I looked at the sun and stood.

“We should get going…” I said softly.

Hidan got off the rock he was sitting on and stood as well then we headed to Kiri again.


We just stole the thing and were just coming out of Kiri when we got surrounded right outside the entrance.

“You ready girly?” Hidan asked me with his sadistic smile.

“Always am…” I said with my own mischievous smile.

We launched ourselves into the crowd of ninja cutting throats and killing as we went. As the last of the men were killed I got stabbed in my back. The last thing I heard was my name being shouted before the world went black.

I woke in a red hotel room with only bandages covering my top from prying eyes. I tried to get up but someone forced me back down. I realized it was Hidan. He was lying down on the bed beside me without his cloak on allowing me to see his top completely. I blushed as his eyes stared at me and my topless form.

“H-Hidan you bastard!” I yelled at him as I struggled against his strong grip. “L-let me up!”

“No Akari…” he said staring at me with worry and determination. “You need to stay down to heal.”

I growled and struggled more. For one, I didn’t like being held down. For two, I really didn’t like him so close especially with me having the crush I had on him. It made me blush horribly.

“D*mn it! Calm the hell down Akari!” Hidan demanded as he straddled me to hold me down.

I struggled even harder against him ignoring his demand. He growled at me as he struggled to hold me down. He held my wrists above my head and actually lied on my to make my legs immobile.

I fought him harder then, he did the one thing I didn’t ever expect from him. Hidan’s lips crashed into mine in a passionate and rough kiss. I froze completely and felt him nibble my lip. I started to kiss back and let him in. After a bit he broke the kiss in favor of the air we needed so much.

“Please rest and stay still. You’re hurt and that hurts me… please just stay down…” he said pleadingly.

I looked deep into his eyes and found worry, care, passion, and  the most surprising was love. My eyes widened then I smiled softly at him. I nodded not needing to say anything. He pecked my lips then lied down beside me.. He gently wrapped his arms around my waist and we fell asleep there together holding each other tight as if the other would disappear.

Well, I’m sorry for the wait but I finally finished the one shot. If anything needs changed tell me alright? Thanks for reading everyone. Love all my kits out there. X3




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