Parties Are a Drag...But Then Again - UchihaRonnieUzumaki -ShikaTem

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Well this is dedicated to UchihaRonnieUzumaki. She wanted a Shikamaru and Temari one shot. I wanted to try something modern day so I hope you don't mind.

~Shikamaru's POV~

I sighed. There was a stupid party that Naruto wanted me to go to. I really didn't care for it at all so I just lied down on my couch as he and the others just talked sitting around the room in the many chairs and stuff we had.

"All the girls are coming! Believe it!" Naruto said.

He eyed me.

"Temari, Gaara and Kankurou are coming too..." Naruto said with a grin.

My ears perked up at that and I raised my head from my rest to find everyone staring at me. I sighed.

"It's so troublesome but that troublesome girl is going to make me come anyway..." I said lazily.

Naruto cheered as Chouji shook his head. I smiled just slighlty, not enough for them to notice but just enough to be called a smile.

~Temari's POV~

"Let's go boys!" I yelled from the living room. "Naruto's party is going to start at any moment!"

Why did they always take so long?

"We're coming Temari!" Kankurou yelled.

I huffed as I crossed my arms and plopped down on the couch. The next thing I knew the boys came down the steps and I jumped up.

"The only reason you want us to hurry is because that boy Shikamaru is going to be there..." Kankurou stated with a huff glaring at nothing.

I blushed and stuttered over things to say back but in the end I just huffed and ushered them out the door the boys smirking slightly. We drove to Naruto's which luckily wasn't too far from our hotel. We immediately got out of the car and knocked on the door to have NAruto greet us.

"Glad you made it guys! You are late but we are playing a game now!" Naruto said with his usual foxy grin but behind it held mischief directed at Temari.

Naruto grabbed the boys and Kankurou grabbed my arm tugging me along with him as Naruto tugged him and Gaara into the living room. Naruto made the boys sit then me and I held a blush to see that I was sitting beside Shika.

~Third Person~

Naruto grinned at Temari and Shikamaru with a dangerously mischievous look in his blue eyes.

"We are playing truth or dare!" Naruto anounced.

A few groans were heard from many places.

"He has a plan..." Shikamaru whispered to Temari. "Just wait."

Temari nodded knowing Shikamaru was always right.

"I pick..." Naruto paused. "...Neji! Truth or dare?"

Neji sighed and seemed to think it over then smirked.

"Dare," he stated with a determined look.

Naruto smirked.

"I dare you to kiss your crush! Believe it!" Naruto yelled.

Neji face flushed blood red and he started stuttering.

"I-I will not-"

"If you refuse you have to do a group dare..." Naruto said cutting him off and trailing off mysteriously.

Neji sighed and quickly kissed the cheek of the girl on his left who happened to be TenTen. Let's just say she couldn't take the information and she had to go to a room to lie down, well...carried to a room.

"I pick Shikamaru," Neji said as he came back from where TenTen was sleeping.

"Dare..." Shikamaru said yawning.

"I dare you to seduce..." he then pretended to look around came back to Temari.

She looked at him and glared to which he just smirked.


Shikamaru blushed 20 sahdes of red while Temari blushed 50 shades of red.

"You can go to one of the bedrooms but in order to this you need to only use your eyes and fingers, only those..." Neji said with a smirk at Shikamaru who blushed even worse.

Naruto and Neji looked between each other and Temari knew everyone had it planned. Naruto and Kiba threw Shikamaru into a room then Ino and Sakura threw a struggling Temari in making her land on his lap. Temari hurried to get up and go to the door. Shikamaru was still trying to figure out what he was supposed to or going to do.

Temari was still knocking at the door when she was suddenly turned around. Her hands were pinned over her head and Shikamaru was right there, his face barely a centimeter away as she was pinned to the wall by the door.

Temari's eyes widened then closed as the fingers of his free hand gently ran over her arms and down to her shoulder. Shikamaru smirked as her eyes closed and he ran his fingers down her side teasingly slow and she let out a strangled gasp as his fingers brushed the skin her shirt showed from her position.

She bit her lip in an effort to stifle anything else. She gently opened her eyes to stare at Shikamaru. He looked into her eyes. His were narrowed slightly and gave him a mysterious and seductive look. Her eyes widened and she couldn't look away. Shikamaru smirked then he let her go, his one hand still slightly brushing her hip.

The door then opened and he looked to her, winked, then walked out leaving her flustered and standing there.

"Parties are a drag...but then again..." Shikamaru whispered to himself as he glanced back to Temari. "I can live with it..."

I hope you liked it. I think it turned out...weird but cute in a way. Of course my opinion doesn't matter, only all of yours do. X3

Comment on waht you think.




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