I'm Sorry - Niname - Itachi

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Name: Urufu Kami

Looks: Black hair to her mid-back with right part bangs, steely blue eyes, medium chest, athletic build, wears a black one piece suit that shows her belly button and her back and ties behind neck and shorts end just after mid-thigh, has blue boots the same color as her eyes that go up ending mid-calf, wears blue half jacket (sleeves end mid-bicep and bottom ends above belly button) and is always zipped up, clan symbol (wolf design) in silver like brother’s eyes on back of jacket

Personality: calm, sadistic when it comes to fighting, is usually frowning no matter what it is unless she is happy, looks up to Hidan for taking care of her, holds grudges for a long time

Age: 19

History: Kami was beaten when she was little and called a monster. She was hated by others and was called a freak by everyone because of her 12 small wolf tails she had and her wolf ears. She can turn at any time into the 12 tails (the demon-like creature inside her), a trick she had learned when she was younger. Itachi destroy her clan along with the Uchiha’s. The Urufu clan was close to them so they lived in the Uchiha compound as well and would do anything for the Uchiha’s. She met Hidan when she was younger. She ran from the Leaf after learning of her clan’s murder and he took care of her so she followed him around helping him and Kakuzu and the others on their missions. She met Haku and Zabuza after found by Hidan when she went on a mission with Kisame and Hidan. She and Haku hit it off and were inseparable best friends. She beat her brother (Shiro) and Itachi first thing once she got to the base. Her brother had survived and came with Itachi and she hadn’t known so she said he had deserved it. She met Gaara and Naruto when sent on a solo mission to the Leaf. They became friends once they found out they had the same kind of background and loneliness in them. She was also friends with Kankurou. She became bulimic when she was younger so Kankurou would always force her to eat as would Naruto and Shikamaru and Haku before he died.

Specials: silver impenetrable wings, silver whip tail, shift to wolves mostly but also dragons and other animals

Pairing/Crush: Itachi

Urufu Shiro: elder brother of Kami by one year, wears silver nin pants and regular jacket same silver as his eyes, black ninja sandals and shirt, clan symbol on back of jacket in blue like his sister’s eyes, black hair slightly spiky in front

“Move it Kami!!” Shiro yelled at me.

He pushed me out of the way of the shuriken that were coming towards me.

“Gah!!” I yelled as I hit the ground. “Practice somewhere else you two! I was here first and need to practice my aim!”

“You go!” Shiro yelled at me.

“F*ck off!” I yelled back then stormed off back into the base.

I looked around until I found Hidan’s room and I knocked. He answered the door with an annoyed expression.

“What the hell is it this time?” He asked sighing as he saw it was me.

“Shiro and Itachi saw I was training and they took over the field. I’m still ‘grounded’ as Leader says and can’t go anywhere else.” I complained to him.

He sighed again.

“I’ll be there.” He mumbled.

I smiled and hugged him around his neck. He closed the door and I fist pumped. I went back outside to find them still training and glared at Itachi and my brother. I was still mad that Itachi killed my can and my brother left me alone.

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