It Was Her - Deidara and Neji - KuriIro

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Name: Kuri

Clan: Iro - ancient branch of the Hyuuga clan

Skills: ninjutsu, taijutsu, shurikenjutsu, occasional fuuinjutsu

Gender: female

Eye/doujutsu: brown Nanairo

Appearance: long straight blue hair to waist, Konoha hai-ate on forehead, long bangs on either side of face

Background: Iro is a special branch of the Hyuuga that doesn't have the Byakugan. The Iro mansion is beside the Hyuuga mansion. Kuri is the youngest from three siblings of the Iro main family. She was hated when she was a child but that changed.

Personality: like Naruto but pretty smart, is never calm in any situation

The Nanairo: brown color when normal but when activates it changes colors according to the user's level

Kuri is owned by KuriIro. This one shot might be a bit different than my normal one shots but I hope you all like it. X3

Kuri yawned as she looked at the moon rising in the starry night sky. She had the week off so she was outside the village watching the stars. Suddenly she heard rustling in the bushes below. Kuri looked down from the tree she was in and saw a blonde person.

Their hair was long and their skin was tan. She saw a black cloak with red clouds outlined in white on them and gasped. It was then she heard the branch she was on crack. She saw it was about to break but she was too late to jump.

The branch broke and she started falling. Kuri screamed then found herself in someone's arms. Her eyes that were closed tight didn't see she was in the stranger's arms. He didn't even know why he saved her. His body moved on his own it seemed.

Kuri clutched onto the person's cloak for dear life fearing if she let go she'd die. When she realized they had stopped moving she opened her eyes to stare into the bright blue eyes of the stranger.

"Akatsuki!" She squealed out as she scrambled out of his arms.

He held her tight against his body knowing she would run away if he didn't. With him being lost he didn't feel like having a lot of shinobi attacking him. He put his sleeve over her mouth to keep her quiet.

"Be quiet, un!" He said in a shushed voice.

His voice made shivers go through her. He pressed her body to his tighter instinctively as he looked around to make sure no one heard Kuri's slight squeal from earlier. He finally looked back down at her. Their faces were so close and it made Kuri blush.

"Don't scream," he said with a somewhat dark glare.

Kuri nodded and he moved his sleeve from her mouth as he kept on the defensive. Kuri took a deep breath to keep from screaming at the top of her lungs knowing that he could kill her at any moment since she didn't have her weapons on her.

"Konoha?" The man said to himself with furrowed brows. "What is a Konoha kunoichi like you doing way out here in the forest, hmm?"

He let her go and Kuri stumbled back against a tree to create some distance between her and the rogue that she thought was surprisingly attractive. He walked up to her to where their bodies were almost touching to intimidate her and she blushed a darker red.

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