Miracle Oasis - Gaara - Shadow-Hatake

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Name: Shadow

Clan: Hatake

Family: mother (dead), father (dead), brother - Kakashi

Rank: ANBU Captain/Jounin

Lives: Konohagakure

Likes: wolves/animals, friends/family, sweets, weapons, her sensei(s)

Dislikes: bullying, evil, pedos, pervs *cough cough* Kakashi *cough* Jiraiya *cough cough*

Hobbies: training, cooking, reading (not Icha Icha pervs!), sleeping, taming wild animals

Personality: She is very protective of her friends and family, a natural animal person, happy, funny, sarcastic person that is serious at the necessary times.

Looks: long silver hair, black/onyx eyes, slender with an hourglass figure, pale but a little tan, had a mask like Kakashi's, hides right eye with bangs,wears ANBU uniform (thinks it's comfy)

Weapons: scythe, katana, axe, kunai, shuriken, dagger

Chakra Nature(s): lightning, wind, fire

Pets: black wolf named Yin and a white wolf named Yang, black and white tiger named Ryuu (means Dragon)

"Hey Gaara-kun?" Shadow asked.

The young Kazekage hummed as he looked up at the young Hatake female from his paperwork.

"Why don't we ever hang out anymore?"

Gaara blinked and dropped his pen as she bent down and rested her elbows on his desk, her shirt falling a bit accidentally giving him a view inside it. He turned away and blushed a soft red unnoticeable to the beautiful girl he wanted to call something more than friend.

"Well...I...I am quite busy with being the Kazekage and all Shadow," Gaara stated with a sigh, "I just don't have as much time as I used to..."

Gaara couldn't see it as Shadow's normally happy face melted into one that would have broken the young redhead's heart.

"Oh..." she stated in a broken voice.

Gaara heard that unfamiliar tone and turned around immediately. She was smiling though and he thought it was his imagination. Gaara looked at her sympathetically.

"Maybe some time during the week Shadow?" Gaara asked.

Shadow just kept that smile on her face and nodded.

"Yeah. That sounds good."

Temari was listening with her ear on the outside of the door and sighed. She knew Shadow would be leaving back to Konoha in mere days, and it might be too late to fix them. They used to be so close, but Gaara's job was tearing them apart.

Temari sighed and knocked on the door. Once hearing her brother's voice she walked in with a smile and hooked her arm with Shadow's.

"I'm going to steal Shadow for a bit Gaara," Temari stated with a more real grin. "I want to have a girl's day out with her if you don't mind."

Gaara shook his head and chuckled. He waved his hand in a dismissive manner making Temari smile more. She hurried to get the sad girl out of his office and took her outside the village a ways, but stopped at a store and bought a few things they might need first of course.

"I found this really beautiful oasis a week ago," Temari explained when Shadow asked.

The glum girl just nodded but that changed when she saw it. Temari said she found an oasis, but to Shadow it looked like a paradise! A waterfall dropped into a beautiful lake and surrounding it was tall trees and exotic flowers and plants of all kinds. It was no wonder nobody found it before because the way the sand dune was on the windy side, the dune was taller than the trees!

"How did you?"

"I was scoping the area around here to see if there was any rogues around. Instead of rogues I found this place!" Temari was very happy with the look on her face. It no longer held that glum look or that fake smile and it made her smile.

"But I don't have a swim suit," Shadow said in a depressed sort of voice.

Temari snickered and held up the bag.

"Why did you think I went into that store?" Temari asked and handed Shadow the bag.

Shadow reached in and grabbed out a cute black bikini bathing suit that had a lotus design on the left breast.

"Cute!" She exclaimed with a smile.

"Good!" Temari smiled. It was then she looked at Shadow with a sheepish expression.

"You forgot yours didn't you?"

Temari scratched the back of her head then smiled.

"I will be back. You get that on and get in."

Shadow just sighed and before she knew it Temari was gone from sight. It didn't take long for Shadow to get her swim suit on and even less time for the girl to actually get in the crystal clear water.


The Hatake female stood and turned around quickly to find Gaara standing at the edge of the water. He blushed at her bikini and she turned around quickly as he stared.

"W-what are you doing here G-Gaara?" She asked as she blushed a bright red.

She heard nothing but the sound of water splashing as he got in and walked to her. He made her turn around and surprised her when he kissed her gently. She quickly kissed him back, putting all the love she had for him into it.

"I thought I'd make it right between us before you left," he whispered as he broke the kiss. He then looked around and smirked. "I see that Temari finally found the Miracle Oasis."

"Miracle Oasis?" Shadow whispered. "No wonder this happened then. Just getting you away from working is a miracle in itself."

He just chuckled. He chased her around the rest of the entire day in the oasis. Gaara had a lot of work he would have to make up, but he was pretty sure that he wouldn't trade the day for anything in the world, nor did he regret it.

I have a legitimate excuse for not updating. I have not had any internet for the past two months or so, so I have not been able to update. I will have one of the stories updated of my new one shot book everyday of this week if possible. As I said, I have not had internet and my phone is not one that I could download Wattpad onto. I need a new one. Forgive me please and enjoy reading.

Warning! The first few one shots are all Lemons! Kitten out! Peace!!




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