His Light - Sasuke - purpleninjanerd123

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Name: Emiko

Age : same as Sasuke

Looks: bob cut ginger hair with middle part bangs framing face, rosy cheeks, jade green eyes, porcelain skin, black tube top, white vest, black nin sandals, black medic skirt with white shorts underneath

Personality: obedient to anyone she is loyal to, respects and treats everyone the same even if they are rude or mean, doesn't talk unless spoken to, smiles but that is the only emotion she shows -> Believes that as long as she smiles things will get better even at the worst

History: When she was younger she lost both her parents in a raid by rogue Iwagakure shinobi. Even while they were breathing their last breath they told her to smile and never cry because it never solved anything and only made people look down on you. Ever since then she hasn't cried and has smiled everyday. There was only one person that has ever seen her frown and that is Orochimaru himself. He came across her while moving through the village and saw her on the streets. She was thin, frail, and sad at the young age of only 8. Orochimaru took her with him and she has been with him and followed him since then.

I own Emiko. Enjoy everyone.

"Emiko," a slick voice said softly.

The ginger haired girl picked her head up to look at her mentor with a smile.

"Yes Orochimaru-sama?" She asked in a voice as soft as his.

"I need you to go with Sssasssuke-kun on a little misssssion," he said. "You will leave with him tomorrow to get a ssscroll."

She nodded and left to her room. Emiko looked around her small room. She didn't need much space since she only had clothes and weapons in it. The only thing that looked out of place was a picture of her and her dead parents. Emiko sighed and smiled even brighter at the picture.

"Emiko," a muffled voice was heard beyond her door.

Sasuke huffed as he stood outside the kunoichi's door. He needed to see the girl since they were going on a mission. When she opened the door he was surprised to find her smiling, but then again she always smiled.

Sasuke had worked with her only a few times and there was never a time when she wasn't smiling.

"You know the mission right?" He asked in a harsh tone of voice.

She simply nodded.

"We are to get a scroll," she said to him in her usually soft voice.

"We leave at dawn so be prepared," he said with an approving nod.

She nodded back and closed her door after a brief goodbye. Sasuke stood outside her door for a moment then left to his room.

The mission would be interesting all right. He had never liked a girl and this was a dangerous mission. He knew she didn't need protection but he couldn't help but have a bad feeling, like something bad was going to happen on the mission.

"I am just paranoid..." he muttered to himself then left to get some late night practice in before the mission.


"Sasuke!" A voice yelled.

It seemed far away to Sasuke. He groaned and opened his eyes. He saw red at first then realized it was the blood of the dead rogue in front of him. He looked at his body noting that the only thing he could move was his head and he had multiple, heavily bleeding wounds all along his body.

He looked up and around. He tried to move something then he heard his name be said again. He looked across the field to see a girl. It was Emiko and she looked as bad as him. He looked at her face and his eyes widened as she ran to him. She knelt beside him.

"Emiko...y-you're crying!" He said in astonishment in a voice no higher than a whisper.

Emiko looked at his battered and bruised body, at all the cuts and stabs, the blood that seeped heavily from most of the wounds.

"Sasuke..." she whispered.

She sobbed as his eyes closed and she healed all she could. She was only taught basic medical jutsu for small cuts, not anything of this magnitude. She stopped as much bleeding she could then put him on her back.

She carried him to a cave then took out a scroll. She hurriedly scrawled a message and did a series of hand signs that made the scroll disappear. She took out another scroll and unsealed it. In front of her appeared a large assortment of medical things. She cleaned the wounds and wrapped the worst of them. The smaller ones were already healing.

Emiko cried seeing the blood was already seeping through the bandages. She made a fire and just waited until he woke up wondering what went so wrong.


Sasuke woke with a groan. He heard shuffling and saw Emiko over him checking his wounds. A deep frown was on her face and you could still see where tears had run down her face.

"E-mi-ko?" He asked.

"Sasuke," she said softly but with no happiness. How could she be happy when the one she loved was bandaged so much he almost looked like a mummy. "I am so sorry. I don't know what happened. I don't know what went wrong."

She kept going on and on and on. Sasuke looked into her eyes then grabbed her neck. He forced her down and kissed her deeply, cutting her off in mid-sentence. Emiko immediately kissed back as she hovered over him.

Sasuke kept her there for a few more moments then let her go. Emiko pulled back with a dreamy look on her face as if she couldn't believe what happened. She looked down into his eyes.

"Don't ever cry again," he whispered to her. "Smile Emiko because you saved me. Don't ever frown. Don't take away my light in this dark world."

With that he passed out again. Emiko took a few moments to process his words then she smile.

"His light..." She whispered. "I'm his light in this world."

Emiko smiled and never again did she cry or frown, not when she was by his side.

This is for purpleninjanerd123. They asked for this a while back so I made it. I hope you all like it.




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