Chapter 5-Same difference

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Josh was sweet as he drove me home. We held hands and listened to music. When we got to my apartment, he helped me down from the car and brought me in to a tight hug.

"I'm so sorry about everything with Jake," he said in a comforting tone as he squeezed. "I'll talk to him...but on a happier note, I had a lot of fun earlier." His naughty grin was back, and I blushed before I had to kiss him.

"Yeah it was alright.." I said before bursting with laughter at his pretend-offended face. "No, I had a lot of fun, too! I can't wait to see you again.."

He held my cheek and kissed me softly before groaning, "I don't want to, but I've gotta go to the studio....I guess it's my job or something?" He said with a silly crooked grin. He leaned in to kiss me then said, "I will see you after we're done, okay?" with a serious face.

I kissed him again and agreed. I watched him get into the Jeep and drive away. I felt empty without him near me. It's entirely too soon, but I am definitely falling for him..hard.

Jake's POV
I didn't mean to yell at her or sound that mean, but hearing her say she was going to focus on Josh broke me a little. I just can't believe she's choosing Josh without even giving me a chance... I stormed down the trail wanting to scream, but I knew they would come check on me. So I held it in biting back tears.

I finally made it to the Jeep, and noticed Danny and Sam wondering into the woods to smoke. I climbed in and slammed the door. I punched the steering wheel and screamed as a few tears slid down my cheeks. My hand hurt from the force, but I felt a little better. I wiped away the tears and sat in the silence for a while trying not to think about what they may be doing up there alone. Grabbing my guitar and the notepad I keep in my guitar case, I decided I would write a song. If anything good comes from pain, it's music.

Danny and Sam returned laughing with their eyes barely open. I didn't want to kill their buzz, so I put everything safely away and tried to cheer up. I hopped out of the Jeep to help them load up everything else, doing my best to at least pretend to laugh with them.

"They should be back soon...I think I want to drive home, but I don't want to sit by either of them right now," I said while looking down at my feet. Danny and Sam both wrapped their lanky arms around me in a hug.

"Fiiiine, I'll ride up front, if you realllllly need me to.." Danny said in a sarcastic tone.

"Want me to sit in the middle so they can't sit beside each other?" Sam offered with a laugh.

"No, that's okay," I smiled. "You guys are the best little brothers," I said as I messed up their hair and escaped from the hug. They both let out rambunctious laughter and we climbed in the Jeep to wait.

Josh and Ophelia finally came walking down the trail holding hands. My heart sank. As they climbed in the Jeep, I turned the radio up. I couldn't bare to hear them gushing over each other right now.

I drove to Sammy and Daniel's house first. It was a decent size 2 bedroom brick house with a fenced in yard. Sammy had this thing for fostering puppies anytime we were stationary. They hopped out and ran inside yelling, "Goodnight, guys! See you tomorrow!"

I waited to see if Josh or Opie were coming up to ride shotgun, but neither did. I glanced back in the rear view mirror to see she was asleep on his shoulder, and he was playing with her hair as she slept. Perfect. I sighed, because regardless of my feelings... they looked happy. Josh may not fully know it yet, but I can tell that he loves her. My heart felt like it was breaking in half.

I drove home and practically ran inside, refusing to cry where he could see me. I grabbed a bottle of Jack on my way to my room then drank myself to sleep.

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