Jake's POV
When Mom and I got inside, I could smell the pizza Dad was making, and could see Danny and Sam had already devoured one. Mom walked up behind Sammy and Danny and threw an arm around each before kissing their cheeks and squeezing despite Sam's groans and protesting."Hey, Dad," I said as I wrapped my arms around him after he put the last 2 pizzas in.
"Jake! I'm glad you're home! You hungry?" He smiled at me as he gestured towards the pizza he had saved for me.
"Starving, actually," I chuckled as I grabbed a piece.
"Where's your brother?" he asked with a knowing look, and I knew he meant Josh.
"Outside with Opie...probably giving her the ring he had made for her.." I said with a frown.
"A RING?!?" Mom nearly shouted with excitement.
"I dunno..he said it's not that kind of ring, but it matches that necklace he always wears..and he's been waiting for the perfect time to give it to her," I scoffed. They seem happy, but it doesn't make it hurt less. I'm not mad or even really upset anymore. It's been weeks since I told her I loved her, and I have only seen her with Josh ever since. "Dad, can we talk?" I asked quietly so Mom and the boys wouldn't hear.
"Of course, son," he replied as he threw an arm around me and we walked towards the garage. Dad and I would come out here all the time to play music together ever since I was a kid. It felt odd being back after everything, but it was nice. "What's going on, Jake?" He asked with a concerned look.
"Before Opie and Josh got together...I kissed her," I blurted.
"Shit...does Josh know?" He asked as he lifted his hat and ran his hand over his head.
"I doubt she told him, and I definitely have not," I said with a forced smile. "I told her I love her, too..." I added.
"That's not past tense...you still love her, son?" his concern was growing.
"..yes, but I wouldn't do anything. She and Josh are happy...it's just hard.." I trailed off feeling tears pooling and trying to fight them back.
Dad pulled me in for a hug, and squeezed tight as he said, "It's okay, J.."
The hug helped, but grabbing my guitar and cranking it up loud as Dad played the harmonica helped more. We jammed for hours until Mom brought us in for dinner.
She had made patty melts and fries. It smelled delicious. She even made a black bean one with vegan cheese for Sammy. I walked in to see the big dining room table all set up.
"You must be Ophelia," Dad said as he got up to give her a hug. She looked cute when she blushed.
"Yes, you must be Kelly, or Papa is what I've been told," she said with a big smile. Dad patted her shoulder and thanked her for coming to visit as he smiled back at her. Great, he loved her, too.
Ronnie walked out of her room and screamed. She made her rounds of hugging Danny, Sammy, and me, commenting on how grown we look and how long our hair has gotten. "I missed you all so much," she said as she pulled us together for a group hug.
She pulled away when she noticed Opie and Dad talking. She hurried over and hugged her. "Opie! I'm Ronnie, the boys' sister. You're BEAUTIFUL!" she beamed. "Where has Joshy been hiding you?"
"Nashville, I guess," she giggled. I couldn't help but smile.
Everyone started picking their seats. Danny, Sammy and Ronnie sat on one side of the big table. Mom and Dad were at the ends, and Opie was sitting next to Mom across from Ronnie. That left 2 seats for Josh and I. I glanced around looking for my twin, and found him in the kitchen fixing two plates and two drinks. I followed behind him to fix my own plate, and joked about how slow he was being, but he didn't acknowledge me. I still laughed out loud as I watched him struggle to balance everything walking back to the table. He sat in the middle by Opie, of course, so I sat by Dad.

Get You Down
FanfictionOphelia, or Opie as her friends call her, meets the band after a show in Nashville. The twins are smitten immediately, and drama ensues. After a decision is made, the other twin meets his match with Dylan Taylor. (Potential smut 18+) *Inspired by t...