Chapter 50-Electric

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Dylan's POV
Back stage, I tried to breathe deeply and purposefully like Josh had shown me. In through my nose, out through my mouth. I glanced up at my reflection and smiled. I was going to do this, and I was determined to do my best. I looked myself up and down and groaned internally at the wardrobe. The costume just looked like mom clothes, and my hair had been pulled into a bun with minimal makeup. It wasn't a glamorous role, but it was a lead, and it was mine today.

I walked over to the curtain and peeked out to see Josh sitting in the front chatting with people nearby. I smiled as I watched him making everyone laugh and giggled to myself as he did an old man laugh. He laughed loudly and recklessly throwing his head back and slapping his knee.

He glanced up and caught me peeking, which made me blush uncontrollably before darting behind the curtain. I peeked again just to see him smiling and waving at me. I shook my head and waved back before taking my spot and waiting for the show to start.

The entire show was a blur, and I don't remember much. I know that everytime I felt uneasy, I looked down at Josh. He'd smile, wink or give me a thumbs up encouraging me to keep going. By the end, the crowd erupted with clapping and cheers. I looked out as the lights illuminated the audience, and I gasped when I saw them all standing some with tears streaming down their faces. Josh was whistling and yelling in the front making a scene. He mouthed "I'm proud of you!" and made a heart shape with his hands as I took a bow.

The curtain closed, and I hurried to change back into my regular clothes. Josh met me back stage and pulled me into a bear hug squeezing me tight. "I told you that you'd be amazing, Dyl! You blew them away!" He exclaimed, and I blushed hard. "You have such a gift, and it was inspiring to watch you perform...makes me want to get back into filmmaking.." he whispered as he pulled me into another hug. I snuggled into his embrace just enjoying the heat and positivity radiating off his body.

"Shit! We gotta go!" He said after noticing the time. He took my hand and lead me out the door as I frantically waved by to my cast mates. Josh and I sprinted down the road towards the venue, and I was out of breath by the time we got there. We walked to the stage, where he quickly ran through soundcheck, then hurried to his dressing room. I waited in the lounge area as he got dressed, and smiled wide when he came out in a pair of yellow and black patterned, high waisted pants with no shoes. He was struggling to put his arms and head through a tight, cropped tank top that was black with gold embellished stars all over it. I reached out and held it for him while he wiggled in. His curls popped out first, followed by his big toothy grin.

"Thanks," he said blushing as he straightened out his clothes and headed for the door.

"You forgot your shoes..." I pointed out with a giggle. He shook his head and smiled back at me before grabbing my hand and pulling me along with him.

"I never wear shoes on stage anymore," he giggled. "I like to feel the music and ground myself, you know?" He said in an effort to explain when he saw my confused face. I smiled as I followed him down this dimly lit hallway and up to the backstage area.

"Dylan! After you say bye to Josh, come over here with me," Opie shouted when she saw us approach.

I turned and looked at Josh with with a smile. "Are you nervous?" I asked as we gazed out at the crowd of fans pouring in and taking their seats.

He laughed loudly, throwing his head back before looking back down at me with a big smile. "I'm probably most at home on stage, there's just something about the energy of the crowd and the music surrounding me..." he trailed off with a dazed look in his eyes. I nodded in agreement, but felt myself looking down to his lips and back up, immediately embarrassed and hoping he hadn't noticed. Judging by his smirk, he had, but he mercifully let it slide.

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