Chapter 21-Recording

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This one is kind of short! Sorry! :)

Josh's POV
I woke up at 9:45am to my alarm blaring from my phone. The sun was shining brightly through the windows, so I'm surprised I snoozed the alarm so many times. I was running late and needed to get ready to be at the studio by 10:30am. I showered, brushed my teeth, fixed my hair, and got dressed quickly. I looked over to see Ophelia still sleeping peacefully. I leaned down and kissed her cheek and whispered, "I love you, mama. Text me when you get up," and hurried out the door.

The studio is always weird when I'm alone, but manageable. I am so picky that I end up spending a few hours recording and reworking, but it was actually going really well. I was hoping to get out early, at this rate. I checked my phone and saw a text from Ophelia.

My Woman 💍- Good morning, babe! Sorry I was still sleeping when you left...I'm going out to lunch with Jake, but I should be home when you are later! :)

-Hey mama! Im actually getting out earlier than I thought. Where are you guys going? I'll just meet you there.

My Woman 💍- No, that's okay, I'll just meet you at home. I love you babe!

It's weird that she didn't want me to join her at all, but it's even weirder she's out with Jake alone. I know they're friends now, but I didn't think they were that good of friends. I called Danny really quick for a second opinion.

"What's up, man?" Danny answered on the second ring.

"Have you heard from Jake today?" I asked casually.

", but don't you live with him?" Danny asked before bubbling with laughter.

"Yeah, but Ophelia said she is out to lunch with him...I thought it was weird, is it weird?" I asked somewhat desperately.

"They're friends, Josh. It shouldn't be weird unless you think it is...don't they hang out all the time?" Danny replied.

"Do you think Jake is trying to steal your girl?" Sammy teased from the background. I rolled my eyes.

"I should've known you'd have me on speakerphone.." I said before laughing. "I guess you're right, but it's weird that I can't join them..right?"

"Chill, Joshyyy!" Sammy said before coughing indicating he was smoking. I laughed out loud.

"Want to come over?" Danny asked.

"No, that's okay. I'm just going to hang out at home, you know," I replied. "Thanks guys, I'll talk to you later," I finished before hanging up.

I grabbed a bottle of tequila from the studio and took a big gulp before heading out. I pulled up at home, walked straight to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of liquor. I grabbed a glass too before heading for the living room, but decided it was easier to drink straight from the bottle. I began drinking while I played around with the keyboard Sammy had left here the other night. I was singing so loudly that I almost didn't hear the knock on the door. I was confused on who it could be because no one I know knocks.

I opened the front door to see a beautiful brunette woman standing there with a smile. Her eyes are bright green, and her nose has a small hoop on the left nostril. This must be Jake's new girl that he's been seeing.

"Hi, you must be Josh!" She said as she stuck out her hand for a shake. I took it and obliged. "My name is Lauren. Can I come in?" She asked with a smile.

"Jake isn't in right now," I explained.

"Oh! Trust me, i know...I came to talk to you," she said with a frown.

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