Chapter 26-Definitely

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Ophelia's POV
Jake drove me to my apartment in relative silence, just the low hum of the cars engine. I felt very overwhelmed emotionally. I was sad to have left the party where all of our friends and people I love were, I was mad that Josh cheated on me and had the nerve to pretend it didn't happen, I was disappointed that he believed Lauren instead of talking to me, and overall
I was just hurt that things were turning out so differently than what I had expected.

The car pulled in to my apartment parking lot and parked in the spot by my door. I turned to look at Jake, and he looked so sad. The whole time at the party, he had just been mad at Josh and sticking up for me. He let out a long sigh. "I honestly should have known better...I broke my own rule dating a fan of the band. I should have known she was just trying to get with Josh," he said glumly.

"Jake, don't be stupid. You have no reason to assume she would be interested in Josh and not you," I began wincing at Josh's name. "You have beautiful brown eyes, a cute smile, long pretty hair, a great laugh—"

"Don't forget about my guitar fingers," he said with a wink as he interrupted me. I was suddenly glad that both of us would be making jokes about our pain.

"Can't forget the guitar fingers," I said with a smile as he reached over and interlaced our fingers. I wanted to cry, but I was trying not to make Jake too uncomfortable with all my drama. "Thank you for being here with me...and for sticking up for me," I said as one tear escaped.

"Opie, you're my best friend. I wasn't going to let someone treat you like that, especially not my twin brother. I'll always be here for matter what," he said sincerely. I took a deep breath fighting back the tears threatening to roll down my cheeks. I smiled at him but couldn't make any words come out. He pulled me in to an awkward car hug and held me while I soaked his suit jacket with tears, rubbing small circles on my back and whispering, "It's gonna be okay...I've got you," over and over.

After a while, I was able to stop sobbing long enough to say, "Will you stay with me?" He nodded wordlessly, and we both climbed out of his car. We walked inside, and sat down on the couch. Jake sat on one end, and I laid down with my head in his lap. "Thank you, Jakey...I am not ready to be alone.." I said as he flipped on the tv while unpinning my hair.

"Please stop thanking me," he said with a sigh. "I want to be here...with you," he continued with a gentle smile. I closed my eyes and fell asleep quickly as Jake comforted me.

After an while, I woke up. Jake was still playing with my hair, but the movie on the tv was different. "How long was I asleep?" I asked.

"About 2 hours," he replied, "I figured you needed the rest, though."

I sat up and smiled at him. The sun was setting now, and the golden light was shining through the windows bouncing off his rosy cheeks and dark brown eyes. He still looked so broken and sad, but he hadn't cried or talked about it, yet.

I stood up and stretched, thankful I had ditched the shoes in his car. I walked in to my bedroom and put on a T-shirt and shorts. I tossed Jake a pair of shorts and a shirt as well, then went to wash my face. I pulled my hair up into a messy bun, and sat back down beside Jake on the couch. He smiled at me, and I giggled loudly at the tiny shorts he had on.

"Sorry, I need to do my laundry," I said with a laugh causing Jake to blush. "There's an extra toothbrush in the bathroom," I added. He nodded and leaned his head on my shoulder. I put my arm around him and held him there. We didn't talk, but it was nice being so close and safe. I leaned over and kissed the top of his head before ruffling his hair.

"Heyyyyyy," he said with a laugh before trying to fix it. He gave up and pulled his hair up into a bun. I used this time to get up and find us some food. Nothing sounded particularly appetizing, but I settled on ordering in the burger from the diner we had gone to.

It showed up while we were picking a movie. Jake chose Pirates Of the Caribbean and grabbed the Rum from the kitchen. I brought the food to the coffee table and giggled at his movie choice. "Does this mean you're going to be doing your Jack Sparrow voice all night?" I teased.

"Captain, Captain Jack Sparrow," Jake said already deep in his impression. I laughed out loud so aggressively that I snorted and put my hand on his knee before realizing what I had done. I quickly pulled away and tried to ignore it, but I felt Jake's eyes on my face causing me to blush.

Once the movie ended, we still had a little rum left, so we started the next movie. I snuggled close to Jake, resting my head on his shoulder. "I'm really glad you're here with me, Jakey," I whispered almost too quietly for him to hear.

He squeezed me tighter and kissed my forehead. "Me too, Opie...sometimes I feel like we're perfect for each other," he whispered back. I was floored. I knew he had feelings for me, and that I had feelings for him, but I thought those were gone. I turned to look at Jake's face as he spoke. "Take all the time you need to heal and recover, but I'd love it if you gave me a real chance once you're ready.." he said wistfully.

I leaned in and kissed his lips gently. He froze unsure of what to do because I had caught him so off guard. I pulled away and watched a goofy smile spread across his face. "What was that for?" He asked still smiling.

"I needed to know something," I replied returning his smile. I wanted to see if I'd feel the spark with him like I thought I would, and honestly it was better. That innocent kiss flushed my cheeks, stole my breath, and sent electricity through my body. I couldn't stop smiling, and really wanted to push for more...but I wanted to wait until we were both ready.

"Well...did you find out what you needed to know?" He asked sheepishly.

"Definitely," I replied as I looked away unable to hold his eye contact anymore without kissing him again.. I still love Josh, but I felt safe and with Jake. Throughout the next movie, I kept stealing glances at him catching him doing the same thing. I put my hand in his and interlocked our fingers. I felt my cheeks blush at the warmth of his hand in mine, but recovered as we watched the rest of the movie.

I stood up and pulled him to the bathroom with me so we could brush our teeth before bed. I handed him the extra toothbrush that I always kept just in case. He washed his face in the sink, and I climbed in bed.

"Goodnight, Opie, I'll see you in the morning?" He began.

"Come get in bed, you goof! There's plenty of room," I replied as I patted the spot next to me. He hesitated, but eventually joined me. We laid together for a while in the dark and silence.

"Hey Jake?" I asked to check and see if he was awake.

"Yeah, Opie.." he replied sleepily.

"Are you okay? I just realized that we've been focused on me, but you got cheated on, too..." I said softly as I reached for his hand under the covers. I felt awful for just now checking in with him, but he didn't seem to mind.

"It sucks, but I'll be okay...we weren't as romantically developed as you and Josh, but I did really like her and enjoyed spending time with her," he said in a dejected tone as he looked my direction. "Thanks for letting me stay here, by the way. I don't think I could've handled being around Josh right now," he added with a slight smirk.

"After the punch you landed, I'm not sure Josh could've handled being around you right now," I teased.

"Shit, I kind of forgot about that part," he said with a laugh. "Think he's okay?" He asked still giggling.

"No, but not because of your punch," I said laughing uncomfortably.

He squeezed my hand and said, "seriously, though...when you get tired of me, let me know and I'll go home."

I scooted closer and laid my head on his chest. "I'll always be happy to have you around," I whispered before drifting to sleep with his arm around me.

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