Chapter 4-Breakfast Tea

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My heart sank, and I frowned while waiting for him to finish his thought desperately hoping he didn't mean it like it sounded.

"You're different, Ophelia. You're beautiful, funny, care about everyone and everything. You listen to me when I talk about film, music, or anything that most people tire of." He said wistfully. "I want to do this right." He kissed me gently on the lips and added, "I want to do everything right by you. I don't want to rush; I want to take the time to get to know you and woo you.." he said as he smiled sweetly at me.

My heart fluttered and a smile erupted. I kissed him on the cheek then smacked his arm. "What the hell? You scared me!" We both laughed and he wrapped his arm around me. "I like you a lot, Josh. I'm down to take it as slow as we need to..I just want to be with you."

He flashed me his toothy grin, and we held hands as we watched the sun set and settle behind the trees. In the new darkness, we got up and headed back down the trail hand in hand.

Once we made it back to the Jeep, I noticed the new seating arrangement. Jake was driving, Danny was riding in the passenger seat, and Sammy was in the back behind Danny. Josh and I climbed in. Being the gentleman he is, Josh sat in the middle so I wouldn't have to. Josh reached over and held my hand. Jake turned the radio on loudly, and we listened to whatever played the whole ride home.

I felt myself getting tired, so I laid my head on Josh's shoulder. He leaned down and kissed the top of my head. The next thing I know, he's gently nudging me awake. I opened my eyes and looked up to see we were alone. He kissed my forehead and explained, "We dropped Sammy and Danny off at their house, and Jake and I share this one. He already went inside, but I didn't want to wake you.."

I smiled sleepily. "You're so sweet," I stated as I kissed the tip of his nose. He blushed and let his goofy grin grow.

"It's very late, you can stay here if you'd like. I'll sleep on the couch, and you can have my room," he offered gingerly.

"That would be really nice," I said fighting off a yawn. "I'm real tired," I giggled.

"Let's get you all tucked in, then," he said as he got out and walked over to my door. "Hop on, mama," he said as he faced away from me.
I climbed on his back wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms loosely around his shoulders. My face was snuggled up to his neck near his ear.

I yawned again as I whispered, "Thank you for today."

He carried me inside through the garage. I watched as we walked through the kitchen and down a hallway. He sat me gently onto the bed in his room.

It wasn't a large room, but it was full. The farthest wall from the door had a large bay window, with plants dangling from the ceiling, that was clearly used as a book nook with the cozy blankets and smattering of books laid across it. The wall space on either side was taken up by large, fully stocked bookshelves that were home to different statues of Buddha, women, and other interesting forms. The back wall was the home of a full size bed that was covered by a colorful quilt adorned with many different patterns. The wall behind it held movie posters from all of his favorites. There was a night stand on the left side of the bed, that held a phone charger, a chapstick tube, loose change, and 3 half empty water bottles. The half wall by the door was home to his dresser and record player, and the remaining wall housed thousands of records along with a closet. It was very homey and Josh.

"Here you go,"  Josh said as he tossed me a pair of shorts and an old T-shirt. He stepped out of the room to allow me to change, and didn't return until I was finished. The T-shirt was for a play he did in high school, and was clearly a favorite based off the wear and tear. It was comfy, worn thin, covered in small holes and rips, and it smelled like him. Perfect.

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