Chapter 25-Josh Girl

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Jake's POV
After texting Opie as we left the house, Josh and I went straight to the address she gave me. He was clearly confused when we pulled up to the movie theater. We parked and I pushed open the doors, excited to see him be surprised for once. I had successfully kept the secret all day, despite the nonstop urge to blurt it out. I really enjoyed our time together thrifting and looking at records. It had been too long since the last time we actually had twin time.

"Happy birthday, Joshy!" Opie yelled, signaling everyone else to jump out and surprise him. Josh blushed and scanned the room full of our friends and family. I was so proud of Opie for pulling this off, and thrilled that I was able to help her.

Lauren walked over to me, looking as beautiful as always. She wore a short sparkly, white party dress, and her hair was down and straight. Her lips were bright red, and I was happy to see her there.

"Jake, I need to talk to you," she said dramatically as she pulled me towards the wall away from everyone. "I really like you, but I've always been a Josh girl.." she began. This was already not sounding great for me. I held my tongue and let her finish. "When you and Ophelia went out to lunch, I saw you..and I saw you go back to her apartment. I know you're in love with her, so I assumed you two were going there to have sex," she said.

"Why would you assume that? What do you mean Josh girl? And how would you know how I feel about her??" I nearly yelled despite trying to whisper.

"I just know, Jake...I went to your house and told Josh. We were both hurting and ended up having sex in your kitchen," she said so calmly it made me nauseous. I looked over to see Josh talking to Mom and Dad as Opie watched from a distance. As beautiful as I thought Lauren looked, Opie was absolutely breathtaking in her dark blue dress. Josh was the luckiest and stupidest man alive for having her and then fucking up so badly.

Josh started walking towards Opie with his arms outstretched. Theres no way he's told her, yet. I felt my feet moving and words erupting from my mouth before I even fully registered what was happening.

"Don't you dare touch her! Don't fucking touch her!" I yelled as I ran towards them fully ready to tackle him if needed. Josh froze, and Ophelia tried to step between us. It was useless though, because I was already nose to nose with my twin.

"What is your fucking problem, Josh?" I yelled causing everyone to look our way.

"What's going on?" Ophelia asked looking between us. kept my eyes on Josh's and watched as he avoided Opie's eyes entirely. "Jake, what's going on?" Ophelia pleaded. As bad as I wanted to tell her because she deserves to know, I was not going to be the one to give her this bad news.

"Tell her, Josh..." I said in a flat threatening tone as I glared at him. He and Opie finally locked eyes, but her face dropped right after. She recovered as best she could before addressing the crowd.

"Everyone, feel free to pick a theater for a movie. 2001: Space Odyssey in number 1, The Good The Bad and The Ugly in number 2, and Step Brothers in number 3. Pick any one you want, and waiters will be by with food and drinks," She said to disperse the crowd and avoid making a bigger scene. I looked around and noticed all the small details like the tiny sun shapes all over the curtains adorning the faux walls and the Fleet Foxes playing in the background. I felt the anger bubbling inside me as I noted all the effort she had gone to for this party.

"If you don't tell her, I will.." I hissed.

"Ophelia, you know I love you..." Josh said, desperately trying to keep her on his side.

"I love you, too, Joshua," She replied softly.

"Josh, now." I said struggling to bite back more harsh words.

"Last week, when you and Jake were out alone together...Lauren came by the house to tell me that you two were out on a date that ended at your apartment," He said slowly. Spit it out, prick.

"Josh, we—" she started to explain, but I interrupted, unable to let her feel like it was her fault for even a moment.

"No, Opie...let him finish." I said and she nodded in silence.

"I know now that you were planning this party, which only makes what I did that much worse..." Josh said looking down at his feet before looking up to at Opie and I. Tears slowly running down his face as he said, "I cheated on you with Jake's was a mistake fueled by hurt, but it will never happen again."

I immediately wanted to punch him. Not for sleeping with my girlfriend, but to defend Opie. I felt so helpless feeling the hurt and pain radiating from her. I glared at Josh as he stood there sniffling. Opie turned to me, and I held out my arms for her. She crashed into my chest and I held her tightly.

After a few minutes of holding her while staring daggers at Josh, Opie lifted her face and looked at him to say, "Tell everyone to enjoy the party...i can't be here anymore.."

My heart shattered for her because I could hear the heartbreak in her voice. "Ophelia, please...can we talk about this?" Josh begged. I squeezed her a little tighter to me before letting go as we started walking towards the door.

I turned back to see Josh trying to catch up to her. I placed myself between them and said, "Leave her alone," in my most calm and stern tone. Josh's face transformed suddenly into an angry one. He shifted his eyes from me to Opie.

"I should have known you'd just run to's always nice to have a back up plan, huh?" He spat.

My fist connected with his nose in a split second. Blood started pouring from both nostrils. I braced for a returned punch that never came. His face dropped and he looked sad and dejected. I wanted to hit him again, but instead I walked towards Opie shaking my hand.

I put my arm around Opie and began to leave. Lauren was standing by the door, but I ignored her entirely. "I'm sorry for ruining the party, Opie," I said once we got to my car and climbed inside.

"You didn't cheat on me," she said with a laugh. "Thank you for everything, though... I love you, Jakey." I felt my heart flutter, but I didn't want to ruin the moment by making it weird.

I drove towards her apartment in mostly silence until we pulled in. I let out a long sigh. "I honestly should have known better...I broke my own rule dating a fan of the band. I should have known she was just trying to get with Josh," I said knowing exactly where I fucked up and.

"Jake, don't be stupid. You have no reason to assume she would be interested in Josh and not you. You have beautiful brown eyes, a cute smile, long pretty hair, a great laugh—"

"Don't forget about my guitar fingers," I said with a wink as I interrupted her with a weak attempt at a joke. She smiled, and any anger or pain I had felt melted away. I was just glad to be near her and making her smile.

"Can't forget the guitar fingers," She said as I reached over and interlaced our fingers. "Thank you for being here with me...and for sticking up for me," she said softly trying not to cry.

"Opie, you're my best friend. I wasn't going to let someone treat you like that, especially not my twin brother. I'll always be here for matter what," I said sincerely. She smiled at me and tried to speak, but nothing came out. Her words being choked out with the threat of tears.  I pulled her in to an awkward car hug and held her while she cried, rubbing small circles on her back and whispering, "It's gonna be okay...I've got you," until she calmed down again.

I noticed a text from Lauren had come through.

Lauren-Jake, I don't think this is working out. I'm going to pursue a relationship with Josh. Thanks for all the fun times.

She cheated on me then decided to break up with me? The audacity of this woman..

-tell Josh I said "fuck you"...also lose my fucking number.

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