Chapter 20-Bajabule!

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Over the next couple of months, I spent most of my free time with Josh and Jake. We would go hiking together, go out drinking together, and have lazy nights at home watching tv together. It started off kind of awkward with all of the history, but by now it had all passed.

"Hey, Jake, would you make me a drink while you're in there?" I asked when I noticed Jake heading for the kitchen. I scooted closer to josh and pulled his arm around me.

"Sure thing, Opie girl! Do you have a preference?" He asked as he opened the fridge.

"Dealers choice, as long as it's not a salty dog!" I looked towards Josh and gently elbowed his ribs. He giggled and kissed my temple.

Josh whispered softly, "you wound me, but I love you."

"I love you, too, Joshy," I said with a smile as I laid my head on his chest.

"A round of tequila shots, and a margarita for the lady," Jake said as he brought the drinks to the living room.

"Thank you, kind sir!" I said as I picked up my margarita. Jake knew this was my favorite drink, and we drank them together pretty often when Josh would get sidetracked writing lyrics or when he would have to go record in the studio.

"Ahh ahh ahhhh! Tequila first, mama!" Josh said as he handed me a shot and a lime slice.

"BAJABULE!" We all shouted our cheers in unison as we clinked our glasses together, licked the salt on the rim, threw the tequila back and finished with the lime.

I made a face that made the boys burst out laughing. I choked bag a gag, then laughed with them. I hated shots, but I couldn't say no to either of the Kiszka twins. You'd think I'd be a pro after months of this, but I haven't been that lucky.

"Wanna play flip cup?" I asked with a mischievous grin knowing they can't say no to a drinking game.

"Yessss!" They replied excitedly. Josh even clapped enthusiastically.

I jumped up and got some plastic cups from the kitchen and the bottle of tequila. I sat the cups up and Jake went behind me filling each cup with a double shot.

"3, 2, 1, go!" Josh exclaimed and we each grabbed our first cups turning them up to drink.

Jake finished his first and sat the cup on the edge of the table before flipping it up to try to have it land upside down. It bounced on its side instead so he kept trying.

Josh finished his next and did the same, but his cup immediately landed correctly. He moved on to his next cup.

I finished my first cup and stifled another gag. I giggled as I tried to flip my cup and already struggled. I suddenly remembered how terrible I am at this game and internally kicked myself for suggesting it. The buzz was good, though.

We kept playing until Jake finally won. I kept distracting Josh by trying to trade cups with him to avoid having to kill my last one.

"Jakey, I love you, man," Josh said as he drunkenly wrapped his arms around his brother.

"Love you, too, Joshy,"  Jake replied with a struggle as Josh squeezed.

"Opie, you're so great and beautiful..we love you most!"  I mocked waiting on them to include me. "Awh thanks guys! I'm just glad to be included," I said as I joined in their hug.

Jake looped his arm out and around me pulling me to the middle of their hug. Josh planted a sloppy tequila kiss on my cheek, and Jake did too on the opposite side. "We love you most, Opie girl," Jake said with slightly slurred words.

I blushed and tightened my hug around them. These two goofballs are my best friends, and I'm not sure how I managed to get so lucky. I yawned after a few minutes and snuck out of their grip finally breaking up the hug. The alcohol was making me sleepy, and it was already nearly 4am.

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