Chapter 66-What If?

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Dylan's POV
After putting on a white long sleeve shirt with bell sleeves, I pulled on a denim dress that hugged my curves. I let out a long sigh as I put on my round framed glasses and studied my reflection before putting a few blue clips in my hair to hold my bangs out of my face. When my cancer treatment started causing my hair to fall out in patches, Josh had encouraged me to go to the local salon for a pixie cut. I was nervous and nearly in tears the whole time the stylist worked, but it turned out pretty cute despite the fact that it wouldn't cover the small scar on my throat. Thankfully, I was able to keep some length on the top, so my hair was still a little wavy. Styling it was harder than I expected, but I had finally gotten the hang of it with my sweet husband's help.

" look absolutely incredible, babe," Josh said quietly as he came up behind me placing his hands on my hips as he placed a kiss on the nape of my neck. I blushed before turning to catch his lips with mine. He has been nothing short of amazing throughout this whole cancer journey. He held my hand through all of my treatments and doctor appointments, and he took care of me selflessly when I was too tired or sick to function. When I was finally "cancer free" he probably cried even more than I did.

"You look pretty incredible yourself," I replied with a smile. He spun around giving me the full view of his pink button up, khaki shorts, and white high top vans. The mala beads he had taken to wearing hung low on his neck. I reached out and rubbed my thumb across the stubble on his chin as I sucked my lower lip between my teeth and raised an eyebrow.

"You like the scruff, huh?" He asked as he scrunched up his nose and laughed, pulling me close again with his hands on my lower back drifting to my ass.

"Mhmm" I replied as I leaned in and kissed his soft lips. He smiled into our kiss and gently caressed my cheek before parting.

"As much as I would love to see where this goes, I really don't want to miss the baby shower..." he said almost shyly. He had been looking forward to this for weeks, and had basically taken my spot in helping Ronnie plan it since I had been so sick and sleepy.

"I know, babe," I replied before kissing him again. I sat down on the edge of the bed and pulled on a pair of brown suede knee high boots. They had only given us the baby's initials because they were planning to announce the name and gender after the baby is born. The suspense was killing Josh, but I was loving the mystery.

"I'm not sure that this is appropriate for a baby..." I said with a quiet laugh as I picked up The Giving Tree off the coffee table and tucked it into the gift bag with the olive green blanket and oil diffuser.

"It was one of mine and Jake's favorite books as kids," he replied with a dreamy smile as if he was lost in memories of his childhood. "It's still wild that he's going to be a dad.." He laughed as he picked up the giant wrapped box and carried it towards the car, hesitating by the front door to let me open it.

Once we arrived at Jake and Opie's house, Ronnie came running to meet us at the car. "Did you remember the tape for the balloons?" She asked Josh excitedly.

"Got it right here," he said with a wink as he tossed it to her and went to work carrying in the gifts.

"Dylan! You look amazing! My brothers have such good taste.." she beamed as she wrapped her arms around me.

"I'm so glad you were able to make it to Nashville! I've missed you," I replied as we walked inside Jake and Ophelia's house. The living room was covered in greenery with lots of plants everywhere. Some were real, but most were fake for decoration. There were also orange balloons and decor strewn about the room and a large table with a plethora of food. A tower of vanilla cupcakes stood in the center under a large gold sign that said "A little cutie is on the way."

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