Chapter 11-Lovebirds

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—-Author's Note—-
Thank you for reading! I'm having a lot of fun with this, and I hope you enjoy it, too. This one took a little longer to write, so I appreciate the patience 🥰

I stretched and decided it was probably time to get up and get ready. Josh and I had made plans to spend the day together. I kissed Josh's temple as he leaned back against the headboard "resting his eyes," and then got up to take a quick shower and brush my teeth.

As I was rinsing the shampoo out of my hair, the shower door slid open, and a naked Josh stood right outside.

"Mind if I join?" He asked as he stepped in beside me grinning. I giggled and took him by the hips to pull him closer.

"Someone's already ready for round 2?" I said as I glanced down to see him semi-erect and couldn't contain my smile.

He bit his lip and put his hand on the back of my neck to pull me in for a kiss as his other hand settled on my hip. He pressed his lips firmly to mine, and I felt his tongue graze across my bottom lip asking permission to enter my mouth. I parted my lips, and pressed my tongue to his. We made out under the warm water and I felt his hardness pressure against me.


"Good morning, love birds! Press pause and come down for breakfast, please," we parted as we heard a voice say from outside the bathroom door. I blushed and bit my lip, and Josh laughed loudly.

"We'll be right down, Mama!" Josh said as he squeezed my hip he was still holding. I heard her laugh as she walked away, and I can only assume she was shaking her head.

We finished actually showering, and brushed our teeth together before getting dressed. I begged to pick out his outfit, because he always wore the same khakis and white shirt combo. He begrudgingly agreed as long as he could pick out my outfit, which was fine with me.

While wrapped in my towel, I went through his closet and decided on a red long sleeve shirt with a white abstract pattern covering it. I paired it with some medium wash, high-waisted, bell bottom jeans with a braided belt. He insisted on wearing his black Birkenstock sandals, despite my protesting. While he got dressed, I rushed to put on some blush, mascara and highlighter as I dried my hair. The outfit looked really good on him as the shirt hugged his toned chest and arms while the pants made his butt look extra cute. He smiled when he saw himself in the mirror and said, "My turn!"

I put on my bra and panties before sitting on the bed to wait as he rifled through the clothes I had brought. He ended up choosing a colorful, floral print crop top with long bell sleeves and a deep v-neck. He found a pair of high-waisted bell bottoms, but they were a deep green velvet instead of denim. I chose brown ankle boots with a small heel so I wouldn't trip over the bottom of the pants. We looked like we were straight out of the 70s and I was in love with it.

We hurried downstairs for breakfast before Mama K came looking for us again. She gasped and clapped when she saw our looks for the day, unable to wipe the smile off her face. "You two look AMAZING! Just like movie stars from the 70's," she beamed as she hugged us. "Good morning! I made pancakes if you're hungry...if you're not, eat some anyway," she teased.

The whole family ate breakfast together while laughing and chatting about their plans for the day. Josh wouldn't spill the plans he had made for us, but he seemed so excited, which was adorable. Jake seemed to be in better spirits, but he and Josh didn't say anything to each other. Ronnie was gone to a friend's house, Danny had gone to his parents', and Sammy surprisingly stayed home. Judging by the looks exchanged between him and Jake, I think Jake had asked him to stay.

After breakfast, Mama K asked the boys to sing her a song before leaving for the day. They gathered around the piano, and sang The Music Is You. It was beautiful, and I was fighting back tears as Mama K sang along with her boys. Once it was finished, Josh rushed us out the door barely saying bye. There was a new car sitting in the driveway that definitely was not there before. "It's a rental," he said. "I felt bad bumming my parents' car for the whole day.." he continued.

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