Chapter 60-Secret

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Ophelia's POV
"Good morning, Opie girl," Jake said sleepily from the chair beside my bed.

"You didn't sleep, did you?" I asked as I side-eyed him. He shook his head no and stretched his arms up above his head yawning. I rolled my eyes playfully and said, "How is Dylan? And Josh? I'm sure he's freaking out.."

"He actually was pretty calm. It was weird. Dylan got discharged last night, and they went back to the house," he explained. I was glad they were both fine, but felt a sudden wave of nausea hit me. I started to stand up, but Jake stopped me and handed me one of the little blue bags. I threw up a few times before the nausea let up.

"I'll call the nurse," Jake said nervously as he hit  the call button.

"Jake, I'm fine. That's just part of pregnancy.." I tried explaining, but the nurse already walked in and he met her in the hall to tell her I had thrown up.

"Oh no, are we feeling sick this morning?" She asked sweetly as she walked in smiling.

I smiled back and said, "A little, but it's passed now. Just a little morning sickness I think."

"She threw up like 3 times, are you sure she's okay?" Jake asked in an almost panic.

The nurse looked over my chart and smiled. "Mom and baby are both healthy. You'll need to follow up with your OB at home, but everything looks fine," she said with a smile. "Don't worry so much, Dad," she added causing Jake to blush. My heart fluttered at her words as I thought about what our life will look like very soon. We'll have our house, our baby, maybe a dog, and I'll be married to the love of my life. All because I ran didn't run away screaming when a group of 4 long haired men approached me on an empty street in Nashville.

"Yeah, Dad, don't worry," I teased when he looked back at me. He raised an eyebrow and laughed before coming back and kissing me gently. "When can I get out of here?" I asked eagerly. I was feeling much better this morning, surprisingly, and I wanted to talk to Josh and Dylan about keeping our secret a little longer.

The doctor walked in smiling. "I can let you know in just a few minutes, hopefully," she said as she took my chart from the nurse. She introduced herself, asked a few questions, checked my vitals, and sat down on the stool beside the bed. "It looks like your injuries are pretty minimal. You have a few dissolvable stitches in this cut on your head," she said as she brushed my hair back to get a better look at the cut near my temple. "All the other bruises and cuts should heal on their own as long as you keep them clean," she added with a smile. "How are you feeling?" She asked as she looked from me to Jake and back.

"Sore, but pretty okay other than that. I'm just glad that my friend and my baby were okay.." I replied calmly.

"I'm feeling drained," Jake said in an exhausted tone. I laughed and pulled him in to kiss his cheek. "I'm really relieved that they were all okay..and I'm really happy about the baby," he added bashfully. I blushed with him when the doctor laughed a little.

"First time parents?" She asked with a knowing look. We both nodded and looked back at each other, still not used to the label of parent. "All of your blood work and scans look great. I would say you appear to be around 8 weeks along. Your little bean looks great, so I'm okay with sending you home today as long as you promise to take it easy," she explained. "You make sure she rests," she nearly scolded Jake. He nodded again with wide eyes. "If you want to find out the gender, we can run a blood marker test..but they're not usually recommended until 11-12 weeks along," she added quietly to Jake, but I heard her.

"We can wait," I replied with a sly smile glancing over at Jake who frowned. I thought it was cute how badly he wanted to know, but he was being silly.

She nodded and said, "Ill work on these discharge orders, so you can go ahead and call a ride." I was immediately relieved and ready to go. Jake picked up his phone and called Josh as he walked out of the room. The nurse returned and unhooked me from my IV and all the monitors as Jake came back in.

"Josh and Dylan are on their way." He sat down on the edge of the bed next to me just smiling at me. I furrowed my brow in confusion. "You're so beautiful...I love you," he said softly before leaning in to kiss me. I held his face in my hands and kissed him back.

"I love you," I replied with a smile. We filled out all of the paperwork to leave, and I was thrilled to see Dylan and Josh walk in. Josh threw his arms around me and hugged me tight.

"Ophelia, I'm so glad you're okay! And my little niece or nephew.." he added as he glanced down putting his hand on my tummy. "Whoa! Have your boobs gotten bigger?" Jake punched his shoulder causing him to yelp. "Sorry...that's not appropriate," he shrugged as he giggled. Dylan laughed and rolled her eyes as he stood up and hooked his arm around her shoulders.

I laughed and grabbed Jake's hand for moral support. "Actually, that's kinda what we wanted to talk to you both about..we haven't told anyone about the baby we'd appreciate it if you kept that secret until we make our announcement," I explained as Jake nodded along.

"Of course!" Dylan beamed as she nudged Josh who enthusiastically nodded.

"We especially don't want you to mention anything to Ronnie or Sammy. They're terrible at secrets, and we want to be the ones to announce it..okay?" Jake clarified sternly. I giggled quietly.

"Yes sir," Josh teased as he saluted his twin. Dylan burst with laughter and josh pulled her in to a hug resting his forehead against hers.

"Y'all are cuteeee!" I squealed hoping to embarrass Josh, but he just grinned and kissed Dylan, who flushed a bright shade of pink.

She pushed Josh away as she handed me the clothes they had brought. Next, she pulled the curtain around me so I could get dressed privately. I smiled when I recognized the clothes, but they weren't mine. They had brought me a pair of Jake's gray sweats and one of his old shirts. I pulled them both on after tossing the gown on the bed. I put on the flip flops they brought and opened the curtains beaming at the 3 of them.

"I'm sorry if you wanted your clothes, but I thought these would be more comfortable..and I didn't want to tell them to go through your stuff," Jake said sheepishly. I pulled him in for a kiss and thanked him. He pulled me to my feet and we all walked out to Josh's Jeep. Jake lifted me up into the back seat before climbing in behind me.

Once we got back to the house, Jake offered to make me a grilled cheese, and I eagerly accepted since I was starving. I made my way upstairs and started running a warm bath. After stripping down and stepping in, I settled into the comfiest position I could find and closed my eyes.

Jake walked in quietly and said, "Here's your grilled cheese, love." He sat it on the edge of the tub as he wandered around lighting candles before turning off the lights.

"Thanks, babe," I replied sleepily between bites. The darkness was oddly soothing, and I felt very relaxed in the warm water. He sprinkled some epsom salt and lavender in the water before leaning in to kiss me gently.

He walked back into the bedroom, and I heard him pick up his guitar and begin to play a song I didn't recognize. He sang softly, and my heart fluttered hearing his singing voice.

I carefully climbed out of the tub and wrapped myself in a towel before draining the tub. I walked into the bedroom to see Jake lying comfortably on the bed in just his boxers. I grinned and giggled when he stood up and wrapped his arms around me.

"I was thinking...I hope the baby is a little boy. Then he could be a little momma's boy, and we could name him Jude.." he whispered as he held me close.

"I hope he or she gets your beautiful brown eyes..and your cute nose," I replied before kissing him gently.

"We can head back to Nashville in a day or two, and set up our first baby appointment...then maybe we can tell our families soon?" He grinned wide as he rested his forehead against mine.

"That sounds perfect, Jakey," I replied before kissing him and pulling him closer. I always felt like I could never be close enough..

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