Chapter 40-Baby

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Jake's POV
I laid Opie down in the back bedroom of the bus after carrying her from the bar. I laid with her for a while making sure she didn't get sick or need anything, but she seemed to be resting comfortably. I gently got out of bed and wandered back to the kitchen suddenly starving. I made a ham sandwich, and sat at the table to eat it with some chips. I didn't turn on music or anything because I wanted to be sure I heard Opie if she woke up.

Danny opened the door and rushed inside with a very drunk Sammy in tow. "You guys okay?" I asked with wide eyes as I got up to help him get Sam to the bathroom.

Josh walked in after laughing hysterically. "He probably would have been fine, but I made up a drinking game..." I didn't like the grin he had after saying that so I groaned and put my hand over my face.

"Josh, what did you do to Baby Sam?" I asked with a hint of laughter.

"Well....I may have challenged him to take a shot every time a song said the word "baby"," he began. I groaned again fully knowing where this was headed. "Also, Opie and I may have already queued up Baby by Justin Bieber as a joke, but I didn't want it to go to waste after you stole her away.." he was smiling but rolled his eyes sarcastically at the last bit. He grabbed the other half of my sandwich and took a bite.

"You could have killed him!" I shouted but still teasing. Sammy was never one to back down from a challenge and probably needed to learn this lesson at some point. Josh was laughing so hard he choked on the last bite of sandwich, and I cackled with laughter.

Danny walked back out looking exhausted. "Sammy is gonna feel like shit tomorrow, but that was hilarious!" He said as he held out his hand to high five Josh. We all laughed before I shushed them to make sure we didn't wake Opie.

"Hey Jakey, I really need to shower, do you care if I use the back one since neither of you are?" Josh asked innocently enough. I leaned in and checked on Opie, who was now sleeping peacefully on her side in the fetal position looking very cute with her hair wild and splayed out across the pillows. I tried to wipe off my dumb grin as i leaned back out.

"Yeah, it's fine, just be quiet so she can sleep...that means absolutely no screaming in the shower!" I ordered.

Josh rolled his eyes and agreed. He walked in and I heard the second shower turn on. Danny got up to check on Sammy who we heard whining from the bathroom.

Suddenly I heard a loud racket coming from the back bathroom followed by Josh yelling. I ran in to see Opie passed out naked on the floor with Josh holding her.

"What the fuck happened?" I nearly yelled as I hurried over and moved him away from her. I held her in my arms and frantically tried to wake her without disturbing her too much.

Josh stepped away and stood by the sink with his hands resting behind him on the counter. He was clearly distraught but I was annoyed that he wasn't answering. "Josh! What happened?" I asked again.

He shook his head before looking back to me and responding, "She just got in the shower with me...she must have thought I was you because she backed away so fast that she fell...I tried to catch her, but I couldn't."

"Why didn't you lock the door?" I asked through gritted teeth with a furrowed brow while glaring at Josh.

"Something told me not to..." he whispered as he looked away somewhat embarrassed. Clearly regretting his decision now.

Danny suddenly walked in asking, "What's going on?" He barely got his question out before he glanced down to see Opie and Josh were both naked. "Sorry!" He yelled as he covered his eyes with his hands and turned abruptly to walk back out the door. "Ow! SHIT!" He cried as he smacked into the door frame. He moved his hands to his now bloody nose and hurried out the door. I heard him yell "Sorry!" from the living room.

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